Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 528 Brand New Yamozhuo

Chapter 528 Brand New Yamozhuo

Eric followed Batman to find Dr. Anthony Ivo and confirmed the death of Dr. Ivo with his own eyes. Eric should have breathed a sigh of relief, but instead he felt more ominous.Batman checked Dr. Ivo's body, and then opened the doctor's personal computer.Of course, the computer is locked, but that's useless to Batman.

Batman unlocked the computer's encryption in just a few seconds, and accessed Dr. Ivo's information.In just a few minutes he was looking very serious - very serious even by Batman standards.

Eric asked, "What's wrong?"

"You're right." Batman said, "Anthony Ivo has completed his research. He has successfully created his own Amajo robot and has completed the final test."

Eric glanced at Ivo lying on the experimental table, and asked suspiciously: "Then his super robot killed him?"

"No, he did it a little differently," Batman said. "He gave up his physical body for eternal life and an ultimate body. According to the records here, this brand new amajo machine has no self-awareness, no installation Intelligent AI is not so much a robot as a remote-controlled puppet. And Dr. Ivo has downloaded his own consciousness into this new body, and now in a way, this new Amojo machine is Ivo .”

Eric frowned, and said, "Great, now we are not only facing a brand new Almajo, but also a version with a high IQ. So where is it now?"

Batman gave him a sideways look, and said calmly, "You don't think he'll just install a GPS in his new body, do you?"

Eric thought about it, and it seemed to be the same.Batman continued: "But it's not difficult to speculate. According to preliminary monitoring, Ivo's body lying here died only a few hours ago. Spreading the virus in Arkham must be his last step in experimenting with the Amojo virus. However, his computer does not store any power user's ability data, so we can assume that his current new body is still a blank slate, and he does not have any special abilities other than having a nanomachine body."

After a pause, he asked back as if talking to himself: "If you were Ivo and got such a new body, where would you go?"

Eric had a thought, and blurted out: "Go to the most powerful superpower, and copy his superpower quietly from the dark."

Speaking of this, Eric suddenly woke up.There was an earthquake on the West Coast earlier today, and Justice League members Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and The Flash were all there to help with the disaster.If he were Ivo, he would naturally lurk on the west coast, looking for opportunities to replicate the abilities of the most powerful superheroes on the planet.

Thinking of this, Batman has connected to the Justice League emergency line, and Superman's voice quickly rang out on the other end: "What's the matter, Batman?"

When he spoke, there was a loud background sound, mixed with people's yelling.Batman hurriedly said: "Superman, be careful, we suspect that there is a brand new Amojo robot near you, and it may be waiting for an opportunity to copy your abilities. If the situation permits, please take the alliance members and get out of there as soon as possible."

"Wait, what is there?"

Hearing Batman's words, Superman was naturally very surprised. Subconsciously, he turned his head and used his super vision to look around the crowd for any suspicious traces. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.Superman was taken aback, and conditioned reflex raised his arms to block his chest, but even though he was moving so fast, the opponent was faster, only to see that the opponent changed his momentum, one hand went around his arm and grabbed his throat, and at the same time Knee bumped into his lower abdomen, grabbing his throat with one hand and throwing him out violently.Superman's figure flew horizontally, like a red and blue bullet flying past the heads of the crowd, and shot into the mountainside, causing a burst of dust to fly.The crowd who had just calmed down a little panicked again, and they didn't know why.

The Ivo version of the Yamojo robot with a gray-black body and dark purple stripes entwined around it flashed in place as if teleporting, and said with a smile: "As expected of Batman, I noticed it much earlier than I thought. , Unfortunately, he is still a step behind me."

Obviously, when Batman warned, Ivo had already secretly copied the abilities of several members of the Justice League, and heard Batman's warning through Superman's headset through the superman's headset, so he decided to preemptively strike.Hearing the violent movement on the other side of the communication, Eric didn't delay any longer, and rushed straight into the sky with a "bang" without saying a word, like a black arrow piercing the sky and heading towards the west coast.

Superman was knocked into the air, and several other people present also reacted quickly.The Flash moved the fastest, sprinting forward with the violent electric current first, and rushed straight to Ivo like a stream of golden light.He alternated his fists, like bullets, he had already punched hundreds of thousands of punches in a second, and the red shadow of his fists immediately covered Ivo.Facing the terrifying speed of the fist, Ivo didn't dodge at all. He just sneered and let him punch him on the spot, but saw that Flash's attacks all passed through his translucent body. Hunter's Aether ability.Ivo stretched out his palm in turn and pushed, and suddenly pushed Flash to the ground and rolled down a slope.

Wonder Woman gave a crisp drink, and flew towards her while dancing the mantra noose.The golden rope rushed towards Ivo like a flexible snake. Ivo launched the super speed dodge left and right just copied, and the afterimage shuttled around between the golden ropes, coming and going freely.His figure flashed repeatedly, and the golden light that broke through the rope danced straight towards the heroine.The female hero made a fist with her free hand, and Ivo also punched to meet her. When the two forces collided, the ground that had just calmed down was shaken violently again, and sand and gravel were everywhere.The heroine's arm went numb, and she was blown far away by an irresistible wave of air, but Ivo only took two steps back to stabilize herself.

Repelling the three members of the Justice League in an instant, Ivo was excited about this new and incomparable power, when he suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder from someone behind him.When he turned his head, he saw that the Martian Manhunter was close at hand, and the eyes of the two met. The Martian Manhunter's red eyes were shining with a strange light, as if they could penetrate into the soul.

Ivo was taken aback, knowing that the other party was using telepathy to attack his spirit, and hastily responded with the same ability.But even though he copied the Martian Manhunter's telepathic ability, he only used it for the first time and had no experience at all. How could he win over the Martian Manhunter who was already familiar with this aspect?
The Martian Manhunter said coldly in his mind: "Although you use a machine body, you still retain a human mind. It's a bug, huh?"

Ivo saw that his thinking was about to be broken, but he was quick thinking, and in a hurry, he applied the super speed force of replication to his brain, and began to think wildly.Although the Martian Manhunter is powerful in telepathy, how can he keep up with the speed of the brain under the blessing of the speed force?In an instant, he became dizzy and had to withdraw from Ivo's thinking.Ivo let out a low laugh, and hit his chest with a punch, causing the Martian Manhunter to fly upside down and land heavily.

All four members of the Justice League were suppressed, and Ivo suddenly felt that his dream for many years had come true, as if he had reached the pinnacle of the world at this moment, and he couldn't help laughing arrogantly.At this moment, a long stream of purple light descended from the sky, falling heavily behind him.When Ivo turned around, he saw Eric flying out of the deep pit, and said coldly: "Don't be complacent, old man, I'm still here."

(End of this chapter)

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