Chapter 49
The submerged battle armor super mode, with sky blue as the main body, a yellow background and a bright "S" mark printed on the chest, seems to have an invisible aura spreading out the moment the switch is completed.

Facing his provocation, "Bruce" let out a cold snort of disdain, temporarily shifted his attention away from Dick, and moved towards Eric.

He walks calmly, unhurriedly, with an inexplicable confidence as if defeating the opponent is nothing more than an easy thing to do.And Eric, also calm and unhurried, chose to stand still and greet the move.

"Bruce" roared resonantly, not like a human's roar, but more like the roar of a wild animal such as a lion and a tiger.His fist was carrying a fierce wind, and the air flow was like countless sharp knives stabbing out, and the fist and the air violently rubbed against the air, making a piercing sound.

I couldn't see Eric's expression through the visor, but he seemed to be in a daze at the moment, without any movement at all, just watching the huge fist rapidly zoomed in on the monitor until it hit firmly Part of the helmet visor.

The crisp and loud sound from the collision of the fist and the metal reverberates continuously, like some kind of crisp percussion music.But Eric's head was only symbolically turned sideways under the action of inertia, as if the loud noise didn't come from his forehead.

Under the stunned gaze of "Bruce", he moved his neck slightly, and there was a slight sound of parts at the joints.

"What's wrong? Is that all 'Best Formula' is?" he sneered. "I haven't warmed up yet."

"Bruce" didn't believe in evil, he shouted and punched again, this time he hit the capital "S" on his chest straight.The Almadra armored boots slid a few centimeters back on the ground, sparks sparked from the heels, and then the force was completely consumed.

"No, no, impossible"

"Bruce" didn't give up, and punched again.But this time, Eric caught the opponent's fist with one hand. Only the metal palm half the size of the opponent held the stone-like fist firmly. The opponent pushed back.No matter how much power the big man poured into his arm, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and he couldn't shake the arm of the Almazo armor at all.


Eric's punch was like a bullet, hitting the door as fast as an afterimage. "Bruce" threw blood from his nasal cavity, his body leaned back, he stepped back a few steps and almost stepped through the floor hard before stopping.

This is the super mode that simulates superhuman abilities. Its absolute defense and arm strength are so strong that the upper limit is unknown. It is not a level that can be matched by strengthening with any medicine.

But the "Bruce" in this cottage still didn't believe in evil, and once again roared and rushed forward, like a desperate lion.Eric snorted coldly, and kicked the big man head-on in the chest, kicking him like a sandbag whose suspension chain was broken and flew upside down.Rows of seats in the carriage were crushed one after another behind him, and the huge body traversed the carriage in one breath, smashing the door frame leading to the compartment to pieces, and the two automatic door panels were forcibly torn off.

After enduring this severe blow, the counterfeit finally showed its original shape.The three-meter-high body seemed to have fallen into a puddle of mud under the impact of the landing, and the suit that had been torn into rags was also rubbed into the dirty mud ball.A large lump of mud rolled and stood up, as if its limbs were stretched out, and what looked like a head might have eyes shining fiercely.

Mudface, whose whole body is made of special clay, can shape his body into any shape and imitate anyone. He is one of Batman's old enemies.

"Hey, mud face." Eric looked at the behemoth and didn't take it seriously, "I should have thought of it earlier."

"The output power is 40%, and the charging is complete."

The cold electronic sound in the helmet sounded, and the energy traveled rapidly along the transmission pipeline of the armor, gathering up and preparing for the final blow.

However, the mutation suddenly occurred at this time.

Somewhere in sync with this side, in that small dark room, the man monitoring Eric's every move showed a smile of unknown meaning.With the dim fluorescent light on the screen, he crackled and operated on a console, like a mischievous hacker.

An order was sent, and the signal was transmitted across space, directly to the Armor of Almajo.

As soon as the energy was condensed, a bright red and dazzling warning signal suddenly flashed on the monitor in front of Eric.The electronic voice repeated the simple prompt coldly and mercilessly - "Program error, the system is forced to lock".

For a moment, Eric felt that the armor seemed to be repelling him, and his nerves felt a strong sense of stimulation.The light on the armor dimmed, all the indicator lights went out, and the monitor suddenly went black.The armor folded and faded from the limbs, and shrank back to his back little by little, turning back into the backpack again, no matter how much he called it, it remained silent.

The man in the dark smiled.

Let me see what you can do, Eric, and see if you have what it takes to break free from the cage of fate.

Depend on!
At this moment, Eric's heart was filled with tens of thousands of guns galloping by. Under such a critical situation, the armor dropped without warning and without reason. .

"I'm going to crush you! Boy!"

The mud-faced man roared loudly, his fat fists raised high, the muddy mud seemed to be mixed with countless pieces of broken stone and glass, and it would definitely be hard to hit it now.

Fortunately, it didn't fall down.

The mud-faced man howled loudly, his body twitched uncontrollably, and the color of the mud seemed to be getting lighter little by little.He weakened powerlessly as if his bones had been taken away, and collapsed on the ground.

Dick stood up leaning on the armrest of the chair, panting and explained: "I hope you haven't forgotten your special thinner, Mudface, it's the best solution for you."

Mudface turned his head with difficulty: "Batman. It's always you."

"Now, question time." Dick stepped on him and asked, "Tell me, who instructed you to pretend to be Bruce Wayne!? Where is Wayne now!?"

"I don't know." Mudface's voice became smaller and smaller, like the kind of dying person giving his last advice, "They promise... as long as I do what they say, they will give me the best formula "

"Your body is on drugs, and it doesn't look like they're telling the truth," Dick said. "Now, tell me quickly! Where's Wayne?"

"Wayne. Dead"

Blood flowed from the eye sockets and nasal cavity made of mud, and seeped into the mud on his face.

These were the last words he uttered before he fell unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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