Chapter 486 Queen
A few minutes after the Jackal and the mysterious woman had left, the Aegis team arrived late.When they arrived, Eric had captured more than [-] members working under the Jackal at this base, and by the way found the imprisoned Black Widow in a culture tank in the Jackal Laboratory.

Back on the mothership, Eric immediately asked Fury about the woman.Fortunately, Yamazhuo Armor had automatically recorded everything he saw just now, saving a lot of trouble.Fury frowned for a moment as he projected the image of the woman.Although he hasn't spoken yet, Eric has already seen from his expression that he recognized the woman.

"Who is she?" Eric asked.

Fury pondered for a while, and said, "Come with me."

Eric didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but he followed him first.The two entered Fury's private office. After Fury locked the door, he took out a square electronic gadget and threw it on the desk.I saw a light blue light path passing through the cube, and it was connected with the monitor on the desk after a while, projecting a three-dimensional virtual screen.

Fury entered the password, and after correcting the password, a bunch of files were unlocked.Eric saw it in his eyes, and he already guessed in his heart that this woman might be related to some top secret of the government.

After a while, Fury finally called up the file about the woman.

"Adriana Soria?" Eric read the name with a frown and asked, "Should I have an impression of this name?"

"If you have the impression, there is a problem. Her existence is top secret, and she is a super soldier, the best super soldier."

Eric raised his eyebrows: "I always thought this description referred to Captain America."

"The captain thought so too, because he didn't know about Soria's existence." Fury said, "But Soria, she showed much stronger and more diverse abilities, and many people thought she was talented. .”

"That's really strange. Since she is so powerful, why has no one heard of her?"

"Because she has some problems." Fury was vague, as if he didn't want to say more on this issue, and said, "In short, she has been detained by the military before. The last time she appeared was more than half a year ago, almost During your disappearance. She tried to use her psychic powers to confuse Spider-Man, but the kid later resisted her in his own power. That incident ended with her disappearing in an explosion. We blocked the news and will It's classified as highly classified and known only to S.H.I.E.L.D., apart from Spider-Man himself. We all thought she was dead."

"She's alive, obviously," Eric said. "I've seen her voice and her mental attacks. Is there anything else I should know?"

"As far as we know from current sources, telekinesis, psychic attack, superpowers, insect manipulation, ultrasound"

"Okay, don't let me know." Eric said, "What the Jackal is doing seems to be ordered by her, is there any attention to what she might want to do?"

"Who knows." Fury shrugged, "But in any case, it will definitely not be like charity. But we are already thinking about countermeasures, just in the time of talking"

Before he finished speaking, the communication prompt sounded.Fury pressed the connect button, and a middle-aged man in a white coat appeared on the virtual screen.Although he hadn't met directly, Eric recognized that it was Reed Richards, the leader of the Fantastic Four.

"Good news, Director." Reed said, "You have given me a clue about what I'm researching."

Fury said, "Tell me."

"I successfully analyzed the composition of the medicine sample, and first discovered a bad news - that is, people who have used these medicines, although they will only be endowed with extraordinary power for a short period of time, have seeds planted in their bodies .” Reid said.

"Is there any influences?"

"I don't know yet." Reid said, "A certain core component of the drug cannot be broken down or eliminated in the human body, and it seems to be in a latent state. But I can't guess what effect it will have once it occurs."

"Any good news?"

"The good news is that I'm about to successfully develop a drug that can decompose this component." Reid said, "But I have to make sure that it won't bring other side effects to the human body, so it will take a while."

"Then you'd better hurry up." Fury said, "God knows when it will come in handy."

Reed said: "I'm already working overtime, Director. I will try to do it as soon as possible, and I will let you know if there is any progress."

At this time, New York Midtown Hospital.

Both Peter and Ben Riley spent the night in the hospital, and Aunt May still showed no sign of waking up.The two were equally anxious, but the one-night co-existence and joking brought their relationship closer.

In the early morning, Peter suddenly heard a request for assistance in a bank robbery on the police band through his mobile phone.The two discussed it, and felt that staying here would be useless, and this should not be used as an excuse to drop Spider-Man's work.

Peter gave Ben Riley one of his spare uniforms, and the two Spider-Mans swung to the scene together.When the two arrived, the bank where the incident happened was already in a mess.I saw that the outer wall was completely devastated, glass shards were shattered all over the ground, and there was almost no place to stay. A private car at the door was torn into four pieces, not counting the tires embedded in the wall.Several police cars overturned in a haphazard manner, and their bodies were dented to varying degrees by the bombardment.

The two noticed a policeman who was crushed under a smoking police car, Ben Riley stepped forward to lift the police car up, Peter dragged the policeman out from under the car, patted him and asked, "Hey, Officer, are you okay?"

The police officer was already a little delirious just now, and he just woke up a little bit at this time, and said in a daze, "Spiderman?"

Peter said: "It's me. Before you ask a question, let me explain that if you see two spider web heads, it's not because of your concussion, but um... a bit complicated"

"I suggest you get straight to the point," Ben interrupted.

"Ah, that's right. So, officer, can I ask who's in there? I guess it's my regular visitor?" Peter asked, "Can you describe to me what he looks like, is he armed? "

The police officer said: "Cute, very funny, with a spider web head, unfortunately I'm not in the mood to laugh now."

"What? I'm not joking. I mean I usually joke a lot, but."

When Peter said this, he caught a glimpse of the figure emerging from behind the thick smoke from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but shut up.

"Oh, well, I think I see what you mean."

The guy walking out of the bank is indeed Spider-Man's old nemesis, code-named "Shocker" (Shocker), wearing a yellow mesh uniform, the main ability is the pair of concussion impact gloves on his hands.Apparently, though, their database of thrillers needs to be updated, because this guy has a total of six hands at the moment.

Ben stared at him blankly for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Is it just my memory that has a problem, or... Could it be that this guy has always had six hands?"

Peter also stayed where he was, spread his hands and said, "What do you think, good brother, I think our memories should be the same."

(End of this chapter)

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