Chapter 478
On the day Fury led Eric and Peter to meet Otto, a few hours after the three left, the prison where he was held had an unexpected change.

The siren sounded suddenly, reminding everyone in the prison that the highest level of security breach had occurred.The prison guards suddenly panicked, and the prisoners who were being held also booed, and the whole prison was suddenly bustling.

And no one expected that the center of this riot was actually Dr. Otto who had been in a daze for a long time.

Several guards were assigned to confirm the safety of Doctor Octopus. They ran all the way, and just after unlocking a lock, the lights above their heads suddenly went out.Several people panicked and hurriedly stood back to back to prevent possible attacks from any direction.

The power supply of the entire prison was cut off, but only the detention areas of the most dangerous demon bosses had independent backup power supplies, and they were still able to operate under such circumstances.The dim blue light suddenly turned on, and the moment the entire metal corridor was illuminated by the blue light, a strange metal claw appeared in the eyes of a guard, which looked extremely abrupt.The guard was stunned for half a second before he could react, but the claws didn't hesitate at all, and sprang out like a python, grabbed the guard's face, lifted him high, and flung him fiercely to the floor behind him. .

The moment the other people heard the thrilling screams of their companions, they were also frightened and their hearts went cold. They turned their heads hurriedly, only to see that standing in front of them were four long metal arms like tentacles. The three sharp claws that the guard saw.They have no body, and the four arms are only attached to a hollow ring, which seems to be used to buckle around the waist.Two arms are supported on the ground to help it walk, and the other two arms are waved high to attack the enemy. A huge shadow is projected on the wall, like a monster with teeth and claws.

Several people immediately recognized that it was the mechanical arm of Dr. Octopus, and they didn't have time to think about how it could act independently without its owner, so they hurriedly drew their guns and shot at it.But how could the guns of ordinary police officers hurt Dr. Octopus' mechanical tentacles?I saw countless bullets splashing, and the shrunken shell casings bounced off the mechanical arm one after another, but failed to cause even the slightest damage to it.

On the contrary, a mechanical arm protruded like electricity, and a claw hit a man's face. The huge force made him fly along the corridor for more than ten meters like a kite with a broken string.The other arm swept across at the same time, with an extremely domineering wind, it swept the two people away, and slapped them firmly on the wall on one side, causing the alloy wall to sag slightly.Another person took the opportunity to reach behind it, and tried to aim at the ring linking its arms to shoot, but was stabbed back by another arm, grabbed the collar and suddenly lifted it, threw it hard to the ceiling, and then fell heavily. Even if he didn't die, most of his life was lost.

The last person left had already fled outside, and at the same time frantically connected to the radio, shouting: "It's Dr. Octopus! Repeat, it's Dr. Octopus! Otto's mechanical arm. Ahhhh!!!"

Before he finished speaking, the arm flew towards him at an astonishing speed, and its claws grabbed his ankle fiercely. The poor guard fell down and was dragged back quickly against the ground. There was a burst of tragedy on the radio channel yelled, and then fell silent.

But the news here finally got out, and the whole prison was in chaos.When the warden got the news, he immediately asked for help from the New York Police Department. At the same time, he got through to his superiors and reported the information.

Only a few minutes later, Nick Fury also received the news and was taken aback.He had only confirmed with his own eyes this morning that Otto was already looking like an idiot. How could he have planned an escape plan in that state?Could it be that it was faked?But in that case, Otto would need to fool a group of psychiatrists from S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as super spy Nick Fury himself. Is this really something he can do?
But the situation is urgent now, and Fury has no time to pursue this issue for the time being, so he hastily arranged a team of agents to rush there, and at the same time notified the Avengers Building, hoping that someone would be free at this moment.

More than 20 minutes later, Nick Fury arrived at the prison scene in person.SHIELD's movements were already quite swift and neat. When Fury arrived, the situation in the prison had been basically suppressed, and some criminals who managed to get out of the cage while taking advantage of the chaos were also sent back to their own cells.But when Fury came to Dr. Octopus's special cell with a livid face, there was no one in the room.The four-inch bulletproof glass was shattered from the outside with tremendous force, and the shards scattered all over the floor.A large scorched hole was left on the thickened alloy wall on the inside of the room, which seemed to be a trace of laser cutting.

Fury's face was very ugly, not only because Otto escaped from prison, but also because if he really planned the escape, then even he was fooled by this little trick of Doctor Octopus.

"What's going on?" Fury asked the warden who had just arrived and was also sweating profusely.

"We are still investigating the specific situation, but the defense measures should be foolproof." The warden wiped his sweat and said, "But according to the preliminary investigation by our relevant technicians, those electronic security measures seem to have failed at the moment of the attack. Mostly."

Fury raised his eyebrows: "Why is this happening? Someone conquered your firewall in an instant?"

The warden shook his head: "That's impossible, and we haven't detected any external attacks."

Having said that, he paused, showing a hint of hesitation.Fury frowned, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's a virus, sir." The warden said, "Our security system has been implanted with a virus, which has been lurking in it for a long time. But we haven't been able to find it until it broke out today."

Fury was taken aback.

In other words, this jailbreak was no accident.It may have been planned by Otto himself, or it may have been arranged by someone else, but in any case it was a very patient plan.

Here, Dr. Otto finally left the prison. The moment his mechanical arms were clasped around his waist, Otto's eyes suddenly recovered from the electric shock.He cut through the wall with a laser and left quickly, avoiding guards and eyes and ears all the way, and sneaked out of an abandoned factory in the port.Four robotic arms helped him climb up to the roof, and before jumping down from the skylight, he looked around thugly to make sure no one was following him, and then he fell deeply.

But even if he was so careful, he still missed something.

Just a moment after Otto went down, a figure silently fell from the sky onto the same roof.Eric watched Otto's every move below through the roof, and couldn't help but sneer: "I knew you had a problem with you old monster, it really wasn't that simple. Now let me see what tricks you're hiding."

(Thanks for the 1 starting point coins rewarded by Shu You Sheng Zhi Void 1500!)

(End of this chapter)

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