Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 47 The Secret Train

Chapter 47 The Secret Train
The rumbling sound was continuous, as if a gust of wind was passing through the night, it was the sound of a Gotham overnight train speeding past.

Gotham's railways extend in all directions, like a spider web that entangles the whole city, with silk threads extending to every smallest corner of the city.It was built by Thomas Wayne, the former president of the Wayne Group, as if connecting all the corners of the city with a thread.

Thomas has often said that the people of this city are always suffering, that countless poor people need far more help than they are now, and that it is the bounden duty of all their rich people to lend a helping hand.His spirit influenced many people during that time until he died unexpectedly.

But the railroad somehow survived, just as Thomas had envisioned it.It is centered on the Wayne Building, connecting every area in the huge Night City.The train departs around the clock, and there are departures to almost every place 24 hours a day. It is the best public transportation system in the country. The departure time of each train is displayed on the large LED notice board at the station.

But this train is not on the schedule.

Eric followed Batman on top of the speeding midnight train, the dark knight's cloak flapping violently in the violent wind.

"In fact, I have also investigated Wayne Enterprises recently." Batman said while advancing, "The internal records I found through certain channels show that Bruce Wayne used this train in his own name. He arranged it privately, without even making a public record, it seems to be a cover-up."

Eric asked subconsciously, "Why?"

"That's why we're here."

Eric secretly wondered, isn't Bruce in front of him?Then who else besides him would dress like a mammal and fly over the wall in the middle of the night?

Then if he arranged the train privately, what are they here to investigate?Could it be that this guy has really lived a life of double identities for too long, and finally splits up?

He shook off this thought that he thought was nonsense, but finally he didn't ask.After all, it stands to reason that he should not know the identity of Batman now.

"By the way, I've always wanted to ask," Eric said, "What happened to the big guy who attacked me earlier? Did he take drugs?"

"Almost." Batman explained, "Last night, I encountered an old friend of mine in Arkham Asylum, who also used the same potion, but it was in a larger dose and more powerful than the one you encountered today. I took a serum sample for analysis, and found that this medicine can be used to eliminate the fear in the human heart, and can greatly activate the physical ability, so that the human body's muscles can be strengthened inconceivably."

"But that has side effects," Eric said.

"Yes, there is a price." Batman said, "The human body itself will reject this medicine. The end result is that blood will flow out of the eye sockets and spray out the nasal membranes. If it is not stopped in time, it may cause permanent damage."

"Sounds scary."

"It's unimaginable." Batman said, "You don't understand the situation in Gotham. The circulation of this kind of thing will cause huge chaos in the market. I must find out the source of the potion and destroy it completely."

When he said this, he had already stopped and squatted down.

"It broke in from this carriage." He said, "There are four people inside, all with guns in their hands."

Eric smiled: "It's a piece of cake."

inside the carriage.

The incandescent tube flickered twice without warning, and then went out with a bang.Darkness broke in silently, occupying this carriage.

The four guards armed with guns were taken aback and immediately went on alert.There's one thing you have to learn to know when you're a gangster in Gotham - if all the lights that reach you go out at the same time, it could mean you're about to face the worst nightmare of a career in crime.


The left and right windows split open at the same time, and two figures shot in.

Gunshots rang out and flames flickered, intermittently illuminating the dark space like a camera snapping continuously.When Batman fell to the ground and rolled, he had already buckled the bat dart, and the two darts flew out, accurately hitting the guns of the two guards.The black shadow opened its cloak, like a six-foot bat spreading its wings, flapping and flying towards it quickly.

A guard on the left punched subconsciously, but his arm was caught by the grasping technique almost at the moment of punching, and a force along the direction of his punching was pulled, and his whole body was carried by his arm over his shoulder and fell down. Before he had time to recollect the shocking pain of intimate contact with the floor, a black fist fell on the bridge of his nose and knocked him unconscious.

Of course, all of this happened in an instant, and the other person didn't react until his companion fell down, and flashed a cool dagger, showing a resolute ruthlessness.He tried his best to pretend to be fearless, and the blade waved like a curtain.

The guard seemed to know some skills, and he was able to dance a dagger in a decent way.Batman calmly avoided the sharp edge, took two steps back, and the sharp cold light in his eyes wandered between the blades, looking for openings.

The black cloak shook violently, and Batman's right foot flew up, breaking through the seemingly impenetrable knife light with just one move, and kicked the opponent's chest fiercely, causing him to fall on his back immediately, and the dagger was thrown out. far away.

Compared with Batman's side, Eric's way of solving the battle here is much more brutal and simple.After he broke in through the window, he flashed in front of a guard almost instantly by relying on the increase in physical fitness of the armor power system. With a push on the opponent's chest, the guard flew upside down as if being pulled by a huge force He got out, slammed into the door panel at the end of the carriage, and passed out.

The other person hastily turned his gun and spit out a long tongue of flame towards Eric.Bullets ricocheted off the silver armor plate of the Almajo armored chest, sparks like miniature summer fireworks.

But that didn't stop him from moving forward, the amazing explosive power of the armor made him dodge in front of this guy in the blink of an eye.Eric raised his knee and knocked down the gun, pinched his collar with one hand, and lifted it up violently. The arm armor made a low sound like an engine running, and the guard was thrown onto the roof of the car, with his back on his back. After the ceiling was dented upwards, it fell limply back to the ground, and there was no more movement.

After resolving the battle in an instant, Eric and Batman looked at each other and continued to walk towards the last carriage.

At this moment, the carriage door burst open with a "boom", and the metal door panel collapsed as if it had been impacted by an astonishing external force.Thick smoke and dust spread out from behind the door, and a tall silhouette appeared behind the door.

Obviously, another guy enhanced with the same drug.

Both are ready to fight.

With that big guy's size, it seemed impossible to get in through such a small door. He stretched out his hands and pinched the two sides of the door frame respectively, and tore it apart with brute force, so as to help himself get into this carriage.

After seeing the identity of the visitor, both of them couldn't help shrinking their pupils, and forgot to fight back in surprise.

"Bruce!?" Batman murmured.

The gigantic figure that appeared behind the door turned out to be Bruce Wayne.

(End of this chapter)

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