Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 464 Brain Examination

Chapter 464 Brain Examination

Fort Leavenworth Prison - Block S.

After receiving the report, Nick Fury dropped everything he was doing and rushed to the prison as quickly as possible.The warden opened the gate early and waited for him to arrive. After getting off the plane, Fury went straight to Stark's cell without saying a word.The cell door had already been opened, and the inside was a mess, with a big hole left on the wall, other than that, there was no one in the room.

Fury's face was livid, and it took him a while to say to the people beside him: "I want to arrest Stark and use all resources to find out where he is. In addition, let the Avengers know that we may need assistance."

A biological enterprise under Stark, in the biological engineering building.

Tony didn't go home after leaving Afghanistan, nor did he go back to the company, and he didn't need to go to see him to know that it was already surrounded by SHIELD agents.Instead, he came here.Fortunately for him, it was almost a ghost building on Sunday, and there were no ghosts in the whole building, and there was no eyeliner monitoring.

Tony put on sunglasses and a peaked cap, and changed into casual sportswear that was as low-key as possible.He turned his head countless times along the way to confirm that no one was following him, lowered the brim of his hat and entered the building.It should have been empty here, but when he unlocked the door of the experimental area and entered it, he was surprised to find that Eric was already waiting for him behind the door.

Tony frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Because you are here." Eric said, "Or I should ask this question, why are you here?"

Tony didn't answer directly, but asked a little nervously, "Are you alone?"

"Yes, I haven't informed others of your location yet. Temporarily." Eric said, "Don't worry, no one else should know your location for the time being."

"how did you find me?"

"Use your eyes." Eric pointed to his own eyes and shrugged, "Don't put on that face, I'm telling the truth. The other person on this planet who can find you this way is Superman, but you have to Thank goodness he's out of the way for now."

Tony said: "Hurry up, everyone will be involved soon. Before that, I have to figure out what's going on with me?"

"So it's really you in the armor?" Eric asked.

The two began to walk in, and Tony said at the same time: "It seems to be the case. Don't try to ask me, I promise I don't know more than you. I didn't feel it a few times before, but killing Zakim and Ah After Futab, I came back to my sanity, and my sanity remembered what I had just done. I just couldn't take it."

"You fucked up." Eric said, "That's not your fault."

"That was my fault." Tony shook his head. "I should have seen it, I should have seen it all. Now I'm starting to think they were right."

"About which part?"

"About Iron Man." Tony sighed, "I made up my mind not to make weapons anymore. I created Iron Man hoping it would change the world. But I was wrong. Iron Man is still a weapon. I made the best one. But still a weapon. The only difference is who pulls the trigger."

Eric didn't say a word, just followed him through the long corridor and came to an automatic door.Tony took out an access card and swiped it, the indicator light turned green immediately, and the automatic door opened to let them through.Eric didn't even bother to wonder how Tony got the clearance here, and that's no surprise.

Tony took off his shirt, lay down on the bed after connecting all kinds of lines on his body, and said: "It would be a little troublesome for me to operate alone, since you are here, please do me a favor. Help me start the over there machine, I need a thorough medical examination."

After a thorough scan, Eric sat in front of the monitor, observed for a while, and frowned slightly.Tony lay on the bed and waited for a while, and couldn't help feeling a little impatient, and asked, "Stop being mysterious, tell me straight up, what's wrong with my body?"

"No, I just find it a bit unbelievable." Eric said, "Although I'm not a medical expert, I only know a little bit, but I can tell that your lung capacity is 93% higher than that of a normal adult. Your blood vessel efficiency breakthrough World record, aorta. You should really look at your aorta, it looks like a fire hose."

Tony rolled his eyes angrily: "Do you think I haven't seen these myself? That's the effect of desperation, not our focus today. Tell me, how is my brain?"

"The data is a bit weird, I think I'd better see it with my own eyes." Erik said, sitting on the chair and spinning around, the helmet part of the Almadra Alpha armor has been put on.He activated his perspective ability to check, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be a group of foreign substances embedded in the limbic system through fibers, and the root completely penetrates the brain."

Tony unplugged the wires on his body, put on his coat and leaned over to the screen, asking, "Is it a tumor?"

"You're alive and alive, so it's not," Eric said. "Seeing it with your own eyes feels more like some kind of technology, nanotechnology."


"No, I can find the shadow of the Extremis virus in many parts of your body, but it is definitely different from this." Eric withdrew his X-sight, and said, "Any change brought about by Extremis is much more barbaric than this. After armor vision enhancement, my eyes can even see electromagnetic signals, and from my point of view, the thing in your head is like some kind of magnetic receiving unit, which can receive signals. But for such an advanced thing , and its material is really poor. I can see its whole structure, how can I say it is so simple? It feels like a space shuttle made out of cement."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Tony frowned, "You make me wish I could quickly develop something similar to your magical vision and see for myself."

Eric said: "It has interacted with your brain. The mechanical part and the physical part have become a whole, forming a delicate balance. I would say it has been there for many years. Its delicate position It shuts down your cortex completely, and it disrupts your neural control and physical function.”

"I didn't know you were an expert in biology," Tony said.

"After combining with the armor, the capacity of my brain has increased by countless times. As much data as the armor can store, my brain can store as much." Eric shrugged, "In addition, if you still have the ability to read at a high speed, you will I can't help but want to stuff more things in it."

"I'm a little envious." Tony said, "Well, since you are so powerful and can see the structure of my brain so clearly, then I want to help me get rid of this thing. It's not difficult, is it?"

Eric shook his head: "It's not that simple. Indeed, if I combine X-sight and thermal vision, I can locate that thing through your head and bake it directly. But this thing and your brain have long been combined Having been together for countless years, it's like putting your brains in an oven to heat up."

"I have the Extremis virus." Tony did not give up, and said, "The Extremis can reduce my damage and speed up my recovery."

Eric shook his head and vetoed: "The operation mechanism of the desperate situation requires a healthy brain, and its self-healing ability is not absolute. I thought you knew it better than others."

Tony cursed in a low voice, and said, "Damn! So you want me to sit and wait?"

"That's not the case." Eric said, "I have an idea."

(End of this chapter)

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