Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 460 War Zone

Chapter 460 War Zone
Afghanistan, a small town in a war-torn area.

Tony and Eric landed in this area silently in stealth mode, and walked up the street after disarming their armor.The original target of the unexecuted command in Iron Man's log was the Town Hall of this town.

This town happened to be located in a war-prone area, with constant conflicts all year round, and its economic situation was lagging behind even in the whole country.The two walked on the street, and the residents along the way were all yellow and thin, and most of the children were skinny and their skin was dry and cracked.

Tony felt touched when he looked at it, and couldn't help saying: "Look at these people. Whenever I see such a scene, I always think of the reason why I did this. The reason why Iron Man exists."

"Doctor Hou Yinsen?" Eric asked, seeing Tony's slightly surprised look, he explained, "Please, you are a frequent visitor under the spotlight, and many people want to know what turned the Stark playboy into a Became Iron Man, it was even written about in magazines."

Tony smiled wryly: "That's right. It's ironic to say that I was captured by terrorists in Afghanistan, and the shrapnel from the Stark missile was embedded in my chest, which was only a hair's breadth away from my heart. Even if I was Then death is deserved. But I didn’t, Dr. Hou Yinsen helped me survive, and made me think for the first time whether my life was different.”

"Your life is already different." Eric said, "If Dr. Hou Yinsen knows about it, he will definitely thank you for your dedication over the years."

"Is this really the case?" Tony looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, and said, "Nothing has changed here, and the people are still in dire straits at any time. I can put on armor and charge into battle, repelling an army or two , but in the end innocent people are still dying, and their status quo has not changed in any way."

"If you want to think that way, you're going to be on the edge of a dead end." Eric said, "You are not a god, and no one can do what you want, even if you are ten times or a hundred times stronger than you. But at least you tried your best, maybe More people who might have died in the gunfire have the opportunity to live to the age of family, recall their lives, and remember that it was Iron Man who gave him a second life. I think Dr. Hou Yinsen will be gratified enough if he knows this gone."

Tony smiled, gave him a meaningful look, and said, "I said that it seems that you have matured a lot since you went to the other side of the wormhole in the decisive battle of Almajo. I am starting to be a little curious about what you have experienced there. .”

Eric shrugged and said, "It's nothing, I just got some advice from some seniors."

The two stopped discussing this topic and moved on.About 10 minutes later, Tony went to the bathroom to relieve himself, and Eric leaned on the side of the street and waited. When he looked around, he was surprised to see a few teenagers in the opposite deep alley besieging the immature boy. child.At first, they only yelled and cursed with words, but when they became emotional, they directly pushed the boy to the ground, as if to beat him.

Anyway, there was nothing left and right while waiting, and it wasn't a very troublesome thing, so Eric stepped forward and clasped the raised fist of the leading child. All the children turned their heads and yelled at him, Shouting words he didn't understand.The child whose wrist was held by him was even more unceremonious, and kicked directly with his leg raised.

At this time, Eric's dynamic vision and reaction ability have already far surpassed that of human beings. The child's right foot has just been raised half a point, and he has already stepped back on it with one foot ahead of time. Circle, fell heavily to the ground.In fact, he deliberately used cleverness this time, which is considered to be merciful, because he didn't want to be as familiar with these kids, otherwise he could have broken the kid's hand bones with his grip and made him unable to hold a cup for the rest of his life.

The leading brat was also tough, he was thrown to pieces by Eric, he lay on the ground and cursed loudly, gesticulating and besieging his accomplices.Several dark little devils surrounded Eric desperately, and they all showed bright knives from their hands, cursing each other.

But after all, it's just helping the little devil.Eric turned sideways to avoid a stabbing knife from a person on his left, grabbed his wrist, turned his palm over and twisted his palm back, and the knife was already in his hand.But he didn't want to injure someone with a sharp weapon, so he elbowed the boy backwards and knocked him down, unable to get up for a long time.He turned the blade upside down and threw it to the right, and the handle of the blade hit the forehead of the little man on the right hand with a "snap", only to make his eyes black and dizzy.

The other two took advantage of his back to face themselves, yelling and slashing down with their knives at the same time.But even if Eric doesn't need to activate the armor now, his senses are already extremely sharp. Without turning his head, he seems to have sensed the situation behind him. He dodged a knife on one side, grabbed another child's arm, and even took the knife over his shoulder. Throw it to the ground.The remaining boy wanted to return the knife and slash again, but was bounced by Eric's left leg, hit the dagger on the wrist with one foot and dropped the dagger, and hit the chest with the other foot and fell to the ground, groaning like his companions.

Eric knocked down a few people in an instant, and suddenly heard a "click" sound behind him, and subconsciously mistook his head, only to see that the kid who fell first had stood up now, still cursing, and there was an extra stick in his hand. The black pistol was pulled the trigger the moment Eric turned around.

Erikwan didn't expect such a child to have a gun in his hand, and it was too late to avoid it at this time, so he subconsciously raised his arm, and without thinking, the armor had already covered his arm as if it had spirituality.There was a crisp sound of metal impact, sparks splashed, and the deformed bullet casing jingled to the ground. The boy just stared at the armor on the foreigner's hand in astonishment, and his mouth was petrified in place for a moment.

If it wasn't for the timely response of the armor, the ship would almost capsize in the gutter.Erik was so annoyed that he stepped forward without thinking, and kicked the kid out with a flying kick. He hit a wall with a bang, and fell to the ground after spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

In just over two minutes, several older children had been knocked to the ground, and the boy had long been frightened.Eric turned around and saw that he was still huddled in the corner, so he stepped forward and extended his hand in a friendly manner.The child stared at him uncertainly for a long time, then seemed to muster up a lot of courage, kicked his calf lightly, and then ran out and disappeared into the street outside.

Tony saw this scene when he came back, and immediately guessed what happened, he just smiled wryly: "This place is really not very friendly to white people, and you blame them for something."

Eric shrugged indifferently: "I know."

It was Tony who heaved a long sigh. Although he didn't say anything more, Eric knew that he must have thought of Hou Yinsen again, the friend who was born in this land and directly promoted the birth of Iron Man, but unfortunately he didn't live to see him.

The two did not talk again, and walked side by side outside the town hall building.The town hall here is also very dilapidated, and it is only a little stronger than the other buildings, but it is still quite shabby.They just need to find out what is the reason for someone to hack the Iron Man armor to attack, and the level of security here is very average, it seems that it is not difficult to sneak in and get information.

And just as they approached to a distance of less than ten meters, suddenly, the building exploded without warning.The strong impact flew head-on with flames and gravel, and the two of them were sucked into the thick dust and overturned on their backs.

(End of this chapter)

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