45 Batman

After coming out of the amusement park, Raven was in a listless state all day long, his face pale as paper.She returned to the hotel as if she had lost her soul, and fell asleep without saying a word after she returned. Although it looked distressing, Eric was still happy that she probably would not bring up such heroics as "riding a roller coaster" in the future. decided.

But her situation was even more exaggerated than Eric had imagined. She vomited again in the middle of the night, and Eric had to run out to buy some medicine for her from a pharmacy that was not closed.Unfortunately, in a city like Gotham, it is not easy to find a store that is not closed in the middle of the night. He almost ran all over the district before finally finding a pharmacy with the words "All Night" on it.

Although the general city is completely silent at this point, it always makes people feel a little different here.Eric walked on the empty sidewalk, shadows followed.The sky was a strange dark red, and the light provided by the street lamps along the way didn't seem to dispel the darkness, but instead brought out the horror of the shadows, like countless coveted demons staring at every pedestrian in the light and shadow.

Gotham has the highest crime rate in the United States. It is said that walking in such a deserted place in the middle of the night has at least [-]% chance of encountering gangsters.Sin is in every shadow of Gotham, and Gotham is full of shadows.

It seems that statisticians are not completely free. After a while after coming out of the pharmacy, Eric actually encountered some trouble.

The black shadows cast by the pale street lamps enveloped the sky like dark clouds.Eric stopped in his tracks and turned his head calmly, only to see a big man three meters tall wheezing. The distorted muscles on his face squeezed his facial features out of shape. His muscular body was like a building. Like a hill in front of him.

Even though it was his first time in Gotham, he also knew that not every robber a pedestrian encountered at night happened to be a three-meter-tall hunk with bulging, padded muscles.It was very obvious that this guy was here for himself.He cast the bait at Wayne Group this morning, and now someone is taking the bait.

Eric just saw in the latest Gotham Gazette this morning that a large-scale riot broke out in the Arkham Asylum last night, involving more than 300 mentally ill patients.After Batman rushed into the interior and resolved the riot, he discovered that the source of the riot was the double-faced man who strengthened his body with the help of unknown drugs.So far, the source of the drug and the detailed ingredients are still under analysis.

Now it seems that the drug strengthening of the double-faced man in Arkham last night may also be related to the group that Eric wants to investigate.He went to the Wayne Group and asked the wrong questions, and someone sent this guy who seemed to be enhanced with the same drug to trouble him.

"Hey, I really found a guy who can fight." Eric looked at the big guy for a moment, not like a caught prey, but more like a hunter sizing up a little white rabbit that fell into his own trap.

The big man let out a loud roar, and his falling fist was like a boulder.Eric rolled sideways in a hurry, and the strong wind wiped his body and fell, smashing a huge crater on the ground.

"What a grumpy guy, it seems that he has no intention of chatting at all."

While speaking, he had activated the armor on his back, and he had finished dressing the moment he stood up again.

The big man was stunned, his distorted facial features seemed to show an expression close to surprise, and he subconsciously asked, "What are you?"

So that's the case, so the person who organized the Gotham side doesn't know it's me?Eric thought to himself.

"Then why not make a deal." Eric smiled, "Tell me who sent you here, and I'll tell you who I am."

The big man seemed to snort from his nasal cavity, expressing his disdain, but also his absolute confidence in his strength - no matter what you are, you just need to smash it with brute force!
"Wearing a layer of iron will not save you!"

He shouted, and the huge fist hit again.

Why do people nowadays always like to use violence to speak?

Eric turned sideways to avoid the punch, bent his knees and squatted halfway, and punched out like a thunderbolt.The black fist with dark red stripes sank hard into the opponent's abdomen, and the latter backed away in embarrassment, as if he was inconceivable that this guy who was no taller than his waist could burst out with such punching power.

He stepped forward again unbelievingly, but the result didn't change at all.He has brute strength and enhanced speed, but his own IQ is very limited, and he fights indiscriminately, almost like a random punch.If one had to say which boxing method he used, it would probably be the one used in street fights.

The Armazar armor also has speed and strength enhancements, and even dynamic vision to aid the operator.In addition, although Eric is not a professional, he has also learned martial arts in his spare time, and has won awards in competitions, so he can easily deal with street gangsters.

He was punched again by Eric until his nose bleeds, and this time the bridge of the big man's nose seemed to collapse completely.

"We can go on like this forever, or you can choose to speak now." Eric rubbed his fists and stepped forward, "I just want to know one thing - who do you work for? Wayne Enterprises?"

The guy bent over halfway, wiped off the bloodstains on his face, spit out a mouthful of bloodstains like a hidden weapon, and hit the face of the helmet, which is in front of the monitor, with a "slap".

Eric blinked subconsciously, and the tall body like a hill flashed in front of him at that moment, his fists were like a gust of wind, and his roar shook the sky.

The brute force traversed the breastplate, and Eric's body ruthlessly smashed over a car parked on the side of the road behind. The door of the car was completely shrunk in, and glass shards splashed all over the ground.

However, this seemed fierce, but in fact it didn't penetrate the defense of the armor at all. Eric himself was not injured at all after being buffered by the shock-absorbing system.

It wasn't over yet, the guy chased after Eric's flying body, his running steps were as heavy as a rhinoceros, and the whole thing was like a chariot in motion.

He thought he still had a chance to turn around, but that was just his illusion.Not only did he have a disadvantage compared to Yamozhuo's armor in terms of hardware conditions, but his own combat ability was also completely suppressed, so he had no chance of winning at all.

Eric has at least five ways to settle the fight in one blow.

However, he didn't have time to make a move.

The pitch-black shadow was like a part of the night, suddenly falling from the sky, and landed on the shoulders of the sprinting hunk.He squeezed something with both hands, and pressed it towards the temples on both sides of the big man, and the electric current ran around like countless snakes, causing the big man to howl in pain, and the sound resounded through the sky.

He fell to the ground with a "plop", motionless, like a beast in the mountains that had lost too much blood, and black smoke was still rising from the swollen muscles of his naked upper body.

The black figure made a light somersault, holding the pure black cloak with both hands, and landed lightly. When he got up, he was as graceful as an artist taking a curtain call on the stage.

That's Batman.

(End of this chapter)

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