Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 43 The Trip to Gotham

Chapter 43 The Trip to Gotham
Gotham, morning.

Wayne Tower, the tallest building in Gotham City.Ask any Gotham native, and they'll say it's the city's benchmark.

As famous as Stark Industries, Wayne Corporation is also the leading industry in the country, and it was here when the city was first built 200 years ago.Alan Wayne, the owner of the company 200 years ago, is said to have designed half of Gotham City, where the Wayne Building has been located ever since.Alan Wayne built thirteen guards around it—a group of winged demons, who tirelessly look down on the city around the clock, taking in all the evil and darkness.During the day, they are responsible for welcoming visitors from afar, and the trains running through the city can just meet their eyes when they pass by the Wayne Building; at night, they shoulder the duty of guarding Gotham, specially monitoring uninvited guests in the night sky.

Of course, these are grandparents' ideas.Times have changed, and now it is not what it used to be. Thirty years ago, after Thomas Wayne and his wife were shot dead in the famous Crime Alley, their only son, Bruce Wayne, became the sole heir.Thomas Wayne and his wife devoted themselves to transforming the city during their lifetime, trying to use their wealth and power to fight against the darkness of the city.But evil is like a curse inherent in Gotham, and in the end it devours the kind people who try to rise up and resist.After they were shot, Gotham Daily headlined "Gotham's Last Hope Fallen?"


The elevator on the top floor opened with a "ding" sound, and a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes came out surrounded by a large group of people.This is Bruce Wayne, the owner of this huge enterprise today.

"When can we talk about Mr. Carlin's account, Mr. Wayne? You've been pushing that question for a week."

"Soon, put it on my schedule," Bruce said deadpan, continuing down the corridor.

His secretary reminded: "The schedule may be free in the afternoon."

"Not that fast," Bruce interrupted.

"I heard that the Lex Group and you have a private cooperation intention?"

"That's not the case, we haven't communicated yet."

"We've got a drop in overseas rates this month, Mr Wayne. We need it."

"Write it down in my memo, I'll look at it later."

Bruce dismissed the group of chattering directors, opened the door, walked quickly into his office, and paused for a while.

The young man, who looked no more than 20 years old, was sitting on a chair in front of the table and waved friendly when he came in.

"Yo, Mr. Wayne, I guess."

Taller than it looks in the comics.Eric thought to himself.

"Who are you?" Bruce snapped. "What are you doing in my office?"

"Eric Charlotte, just a high school student." He smiled slightly. "I'm here to ask some questions."

He put on a mysterious look, crossed his hands on the table, leaned forward, and asked, "Have you heard of Obadie Stan, Mr. Wayne?"

He observed Bruce's facial expression, but unfortunately he couldn't see any changes. The blue pupils were like a bottomless bend of water, and any psychological activities were buried in the deepest part, making them untouchable.

"never heard of that."

"This guy has caused some trouble recently, and there are intelligence reports that he has something to do with Wayne Enterprises." Eric asked, "Do you know anything, Mr. Wayne?"

"I don't know." Bruce said coldly, "I only know that this is my office, and you haven't got permission. If you don't leave within three seconds, I have to 'please' you out."

"Okay, I know." Eric shrugged, "I'm leaving now. But...don't forget my words, Mr. Wayne, just pay attention to yourself."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party's response, he left the office.

A few hours ago, he had just got off the direct plane to Gotham, found a hotel for a short rest, and came straight here.Of course, in fact, he didn't want to ask Bruce Wayne for an answer at all.

In fact, although S.H.I.E.L.D. was skeptical about whether Bruce Wayne himself was involved in the awakening of Obadai Stan, Eric basically did not doubt that Bruce Wayne would be a member of any evil force.There is no proof, but the reason is simple - because he is Batman.

So why did he mention such inexplicable attitudes to his face?
Assuming that the fact is that without Bruce's knowledge, someone in Wayne Enterprises secretly used company resources to collude with certain forces, then his sudden visit and these inexplicable questions are likely to be monitored by the other party, Then the guy hiding under the water will definitely take action against him.In other words, Eric is equivalent to throwing a challenge to the opponent.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that Bruce Wayne himself is Batman. He is the best detective in the world, and his insight is unmatched.Eric believes that if there is a ghost in Wayne Enterprises, he will be able to find the problem if he warns Bruce.

All that needs to be done is done, so next.
Coming out of the gate of Wayne Enterprises, Eric stood on the side of the street and looked around.

"Looking for me?"

Appearing behind him like a ghost, Raven held an ice cream cone with strawberry jam in one hand, and handed the other to Eric with the other hand.

"Thank you." Eric was a little surprised, took the cone, took a sip, "Strawberry jam."


"It's nothing, I thought you weren't the type who was interested in ice cream, and you still have such a trendy taste"

"Why can't I like it? I still have a band I like."

"What? Which one?"

"Well, let's forget it, pretend I didn't mention it." After Raven finished speaking, he began to concentrate on dealing with her strawberry cone, as if he had made up his mind not to answer this question.

Instead, she asked, "So... you went to see Wayne?"


"Did you get what you wanted?"


"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Next step? Let's play." Eric said naturally, "What are you doing looking at me with such strange eyes, didn't I mean to come to Gotham to play together?"

Raven was stunned: "I wanted my help."

"No, no, I'll take care of those annoying things myself." Eric smiled, "You know, another famous place in Gotham—I heard that its playground is very good."

"Playground?" Raven almost narrowed his eyes, "Tell me you're joking."

(End of this chapter)

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