Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 41 Riot Arkham

Chapter 41 Riot Arkham
somewhere unknown.

The dark shadows sat around a round table. The blue fluorescent light under the table was the only light source in the room. Instead of illuminating anything, it created an inexplicable and mysterious atmosphere.

"From the internal intelligence of SHIELD, they have already suspected Wayne Enterprises." A black shadow said, "They will send people to investigate, the rumors on Gotham may be a little tight, and our plans here may be affected .”

"They have no evidence, they will only send people to test it." Another person said, "It should not be exposed. Taking a step back, even if it is exposed, we will have someone to clean it up."

"What about the Dark Knight in Gotham?" Someone asked again, "Our people have already fought against him before he may be aware of it. This guy is very sensitive, and it is impossible to hide it from any small move he."

"Don't worry, this part has also found an expert."

Having said that, a burly man stepped out of the shadows.He was as big as two people, with a mask on his face, and he exuded a majestic and inviolable aura of king standing there.

"Bane, our new ally." The previous person introduced, "The person who once defeated the Dark Knight, he has the most experience in Gotham."

"Bane? I've read his files. According to the records, he was defeated more times, right?"

Bain took a big step forward, a hostile aura was released, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

"Calm down." Another person came out of the darkness. This person was wearing a black suit, sunglasses, and a goatee. "Don't worry, I will assist him this time."

"Oh? Who are you?"

The man in sunglasses showed a weird but confident smile.

"Me? A native of Gotham." He laughed. "You can call me—Marlon."


This is a virtual city in the DC universe, and it may also be the darkest city in the world.It gives people the illusion of eternal night, even in the daytime, it seems that the lingering haze is always lingering. There are many ancient legends that mention that this is a cursed city. Destined to be companions of the night, the Gothic-style buildings are like beasts with claws and claws under the night, showing their pale fangs to every resident living here.

Some people say that people who can endure living in this city for decades are simply lunatics, and you need a lot of courage to live here.This dark city is like a huge prison, and the hard life seems to drive everyone crazy.

In fact, I don't know if it has something to do with the weird and terrifying environment here, but this place is indeed a place full of lunatics.

Arkham Asylum is the deepest concentration of crimes in this dark city, like a breeding ground for germs.Most of the city's deadliest lunatics and even super criminals are locked up here. Although it bears the name "Madhouse", both jailers and prisoners regard this place as an out-and-out super prison.If you ask the citizens of Gotham which place in the world they don't want to go to, then the answer can only exist between Arkham and Hell.

Today, the place seems to be uncharacteristically noisy again.

The riot police were fully armed and guarded the gate of the safe area of ​​the Arkham Asylum. Billowing black smoke rushed into the night sky from the huge madhouse, and there were faintly dazzling fires inside the building.The composite gold iron gate was deformed little by little under heavy impacts again and again, as if someone was knocking on the other side with a battering ram in turn.

"What I just said was 'We've pulled back from the West Wing!'" the head of the front police team yelled into the radio at the top of his voice. Hear from anyone in the prison! I repeat - our lockdown of the maximum security area has failed!"

Someone on the other side tried their best to cover the continuous blasting sound behind the iron gate and the howling of the prisoners shouting: "Command, 65 people on our side are in danger! I need support, and I need it now! Believe me, this is not What a drill, and it's not a 'situation'. Here it is."

The deafening blast drowned out his cries, and the metal door panel was finally thrown out, and the fire rushed out like a beast that had finally broken free.Extremely dangerous mental patients, serial killers, and a bunch of mutated monsters swarmed out, pushing towards the police like a pack of hungry wolves.

All of a sudden, screams and cheers from madmen filled the radio channel, punctuated with a nursery rhyme hummed by some madman.

Outside the locked gate of the lunatic asylum, police cars surrounded the place tightly, and the red and blue lights illuminated half of the sky together.The police officer in charge of the scene yelled almost hysterically while pinching the microphone.

"Who will tell me why three hundred patients who were well locked up suddenly broke free like this, and also broke free from those unbreakable restraints? What the hell happened in this damn place!?" He roared, " Look, Command, I don't give a shit about regulations! I have 65 men in there, and we're not going to wait for permission to go in before they-"

His voice suddenly stopped abruptly like a tape recorder whose stop button was pressed, because he noticed the stalwart figure who did not know when to appear on the roof of the car with flashing police lights.

The dark knight almost blended into the pitch-black night, making it difficult to see clearly.He has a burly figure, with a black bat logo printed on his chest, his sharp but extremely cold eyes seem to shoot out from behind the white eyepiece, and his pitch-black cloak flutters in the wind, which looks like the strange goth behind him. The style of the building is inexplicable.

Batman, the dark knight of Gotham City, is one of the symbols of this dark city.

How long Batman has existed, even in this city, few people know, and even most citizens still think that he is just a legend.But his legend should have been circulating for a long time, and only recently began to be known to the outside world in the form of urban legend.

"Sixty-five people, sixty-five families, Mr. Sheriff," Batman began. "We can talk about what happened in there later, but everyone trapped inside deserves at least a fighting chance."

After saying that, he jumped and flew past the big iron gate of Arkham, the cloak unfolded like a pair of bat wings.

In the dark night, he sprang out like a sharp afterimage, flashed like a ghost in front of the door of the highest security area, and instantly knocked down the few prisoners who took the lead to rush out with lightning-like skill.The psychopaths didn't even have time to realize what happened, and the battle was reversed in an instant.

"Double-faced man, he should be locked up here." Batman asked the policeman behind him when he flew and kicked a strong man down with a roundabout kick, "I don't see him now, where is he?"

"Still inside," a police officer replied, "He didn't come out with the others."

"Then let's go in and find him, follow me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a response, he flashed into the torn door like a ghost.

The captain of the police squad sat against the wall, clutching his broken ribs, and reluctantly ordered: "Everyone who can still fight. Listen to his command!"

(End of this chapter)

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