Chapter 398 Island
Hardly thinking about it, after Natasha's gunshot sounded, Hawkeye immediately ran wildly.

Just one Black Widow is hard enough to deal with, let alone a large number of Hydra soldiers behind.Hawkeye knew that if he was surrounded, he would never be able to escape. The only chance now was to rush to the place where he parked the fighter plane and evacuate from the island, and report back what he saw.

"Follow him, don't let him go!"

With Viper's order, the Hydra warriors lined up in front of the door rushed out immediately, chasing after Hawkeye's direction.But Viper himself had no intention of leaving, but turned to Natasha and said, "Now, the time has come to further prove your determination to us. Go and catch that mouse back for me, whether it be dead or alive!"

Natasha turned around blankly and left without saying a word.

After Hawkeye escaped, he ran all the way, and the soldiers chasing after him also fired a certain amount of firepower at his back, but fortunately, their marksmanship was not very accurate.Hawkeye used the terrain to jump up and down among the rocks to avoid attacks, and at the same time turned around from time to time and shot high-tech arrows with various functions to hinder the pursuers.

The high-energy blasting arrows shattered the mountain rocks, and the gravel fell like rain. There are also some ice arrows with quick-freezing function, and solidified arrows that quickly plasticize into gel, which are quite suitable for chasing soldiers. hinder.

In addition, the experience of the group of soldiers is really mediocre. After a lot of effort, Hawkeye finally managed to get rid of the pursuers with the help of the terrain.He quickly approached the position where he parked along the direction of the island near the sea.

Seeing that he was about to reach the target, he had already seen the high-tech stealth fighter plane in the distance. Hawkeye just took two steps toward the plane, and the fighter plane he hoped to escape instantly fell apart in front of him. !
There was an explosion without warning, and the flames tore the exquisitely shaped plane from the inside out, and the scorching strong wind suddenly knocked Hawkeye to the ground.Shards of burning steel scattered scattered around, and sparks ignited the surrounding weeds and bushes.

Hawkeye got up, and saw the familiar figure standing in front of him, the figure in the black tights was set off by the swaying flames, and the red hair was blowing with the wind like a burning flame. swing.

"Natasha." Hawkeye frowned and gritted his teeth.

Natasha was expressionless, as if she didn't know him, and put on a fighting posture.

The pursuers who were thrown off by him must have noticed the movement here, and they should catch up soon, and he has no time to delay.He picked up the bow and arrow, and "swish" an arrow pierced through the air towards Natasha, but she dodged it sideways. The composite gold arrow pierced through the wreckage of the fighter plane in the flames, and the penetrating power was quite formidable. fierce.

Natasha approached without fear, and Hawkeye swung his compound bow to meet him.His compound bow seems to have both the functions of a knife and a short stick when he swings it. He sometimes slashes and sometimes erects it.

But Natasha and him have partnered for many years, and naturally they have practiced each other countless times, and they are already very familiar with each other.The two of them can predict each other's next moves almost as soon as they raise their hands, and they have an extremely thorough insight into each other's unique movement habits.In the blink of an eye, the two had exchanged for twenty or thirty rounds, but they couldn't get any advantage from each other.

Hawkeye became a little anxious, and asked loudly while making moves: "Natasha? What happened? You must have a reason for doing this, right?"

"Is the reason important?" She said flatly, "I just want to do this, that's all."


Hawkeye was anxious, and after a little distraction, Natasha caught the gap, and her well-proportioned long black legs swept towards her face with a strong wind.Hawkeye hastily raised his bow to block it, but was still shaken by this leg and backed up again and again in a hurry, his arm hurt and his breathing was stagnant.

The two of them fought like this, and they didn't know when they would be able to decide the outcome, but the pursuers were already close at hand.Hawkeye will never be able to escape if this goes on, but he has been thinking about it for a long time, but he can't think of any countermeasures, and he only becomes more and more anxious.

It's all because she knows herself too well, he can be sure that any method he can think of, she can also think of it.Even if Captain America is here to stop him at this moment, he thinks it is possible to escape, but it is Natasha, his partner who knows him well, who is stopping here.

And even the fighter plane he interrupted to escape was blown up by Natasha, which undoubtedly made his escape even worse.Unless there are any special changes in the future, it will be absolutely difficult for him to escape.
It was at this moment that the accident really happened.

A strong light suddenly fell from the sky, and the hurricane rolled up with the humming of the engine, dispersing all the flames on the ground.The pitch-black battleship descended from the night sky, like a steel bird, bringing an astonishing coercion.

The voice of shouting came from the loudspeaker of the battleship, and the echo echoed endlessly on the island.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.!" the voice yelled. "Everyone, lay down your weapons and surrender!"

Elsewhere, on the streets of the city.

Sharon Carter drives through the deserted streets with the current Director, Lex Luthor, sitting in the back seat.The headlights pierced the night like a blade, and the vehicle moved forward at a uniform speed.

Lex Luthor sat in the back seat and browsed the pale blue virtual screen, without speaking for a long time.Then suddenly, he asked, "Did you hear that? That little devil from Amojo seems to be back."

Sharon was taken aback: "Eric?"

"That kid." Luther said, "I asked the Avengers to destroy Hydra's stronghold, but I didn't expect him to show up. Speaking of which, you seem to have a good relationship before, right?"

"It's okay." Sharon replied, but she was also secretly surprised.

She also thought that Eric had already died in the battle with Almajo, and she was a little surprised to hear Luthor's words.

Luther's two sentences seemed to be talking to himself, and he didn't continue after speaking, frowning and thinking.

Suddenly, the whole car stopped suddenly, and the front of the car was suddenly pressed to the ground by a huge force, sparking a long series of sparks. Like overturning.But it still didn't turn over after all, and finally fell back to the ground steadily.

Both of them were shocked by this blow, and when they took a closer look, they saw that the armor of Yamozhuo Alpha had rushed to the front of the car like a weasel at some point, stepped on the hood of the car and stomped it hard. It was recessed, and the purple eyepiece revealed a murderous gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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