Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 395 Joining the Justice League

Chapter 395 Joining the Justice League
"What are you doing lately, Luther?" Someone asked in the dark, "We have heard about each other, and you have rejected all cooperation requests recently, and you have also stopped some long-term equipment supplies. You know that's a breach of contract, right?"

Luther snorted, seemingly admitting it.

"What on earth are you thinking?" someone else asked, "You are very smart, a person with a high IQ—we all know that. But to be honest, your recent actions don't look like a smart person."

Luther laughed out loud.

"Really? I'm really sorry." He said indifferently and insincerely.

"We also think it's best for you to explain." This time it was a short man sitting in the middle who spoke, and it sounded like an elderly man from his old voice.

Although the old man was short in stature, he seemed to be the most bully in the whole room, but in fact no one dared to underestimate him.Because this little old man is the representative sent by Hydra, one of the largest secret organizations in the world, and every word he says here represents their organization, and no one wants to provoke them for no reason.

"Coincidentally, I also have a question and I hope you can explain it," Luther asked lightly, "You have placed eyeliner in the Aegis, is that so?"

The old man of Hydra laughed twice dryly: "Who knows? Even if there is, why do you think I told you about this Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

This scene was immediately very interesting - the Hydra cadre and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sat face to face at a table, and asked the other party directly whether they had planted spies under their own hands. It was the first time.

"Speaking of which, what are you thinking, Luther?" Someone asked again, "You don't really think of yourself as a shield person, do you? Do you really plan to change careers and work for the government from now on? ?”

"I think that's the case." The old man of Hydra said coldly, "Yesterday the Avengers attacked one of our highest-security strongholds without warning, and Nick Fury rarely found us for so many years stronghold, and we lost such a stronghold not long after you took office. If I say from your position that I have no knowledge of this, will you believe it?"

"[-]% don't believe it." Luther said calmly.

The old man was so angry that he was almost speechless, he stood up abruptly, and shouted: "Lex Luthor, do you really think that Hydra is afraid of you?"

"Calm down." Someone reminded, "Have you forgotten the rules? Personal grievances are resolved outside by yourself, and the 'Central' is watching at all times. Any armed conflict during the meeting is not allowed."

The old man of Hydra stood there for a while, and finally sat back without saying a word.It seems that even for Hydra, the existence called "central" is equally awesome.

But Luther chuckled again, and said again: "Look at you, each of you has such great power in your hands, but you still pursue it endlessly. What a sad life, doomed to be meaningless The end is simply the most typical manifestation of a sad human being."

The faces of all the people present changed suddenly, and one of them asked directly in a deep voice: "Do you know what you are talking about, Luther?"


Replying indifferently, Lex Luthor stood up directly, walked towards the door swaggeringly, and left the dim room.

Justice League, Watchtower.

It seems that although everyone thought Eric was dead, his access rights were still left on the watchtower.When Eric returned to the watchtower again, it was the Flash who was on duty.You can imagine his surprise when he saw Eric appear.

"Eric?" The Flash swayed in front of Eric like a ghostly shadow, and asked in surprise, "It's really you?"

Eric smiled: "It's true."

"But... how? Where have you been since that day?"

"That's a long story. I went to another world for a while." Eric said, "But that's not important anymore. The important thing is——I'm back."

"Okay, that's great. I gotta call everyone"

The Flash said that he had quickly flashed back to the console and started operations, ready to notify other members of the Justice League.

"Ah, remember to ask me by the way," Eric stepped forward, and added, "Is there any more space for the Justice League?"

The teleportation equipment of the watchtower is indeed quite convenient. The verified members of the Justice League can be locked by this teleportation system in most locations on the earth, and can be sent back to the watchtower at any time.In just over twenty minutes, all members of the Justice League were teleported back to the watchtower from their respective cities.

Everyone, of course, expressed surprise that Eric was alive and welcomed him back, except Batman.I don't know if it's because he was like this. Although he looked surprised, he was very indifferent to Eric's return.

When Eric offered to formally join the Justice League, everyone else welcomed it.This sounds really reasonable, after all, Eric is not what he used to be. Since the final battle with Almajo, his identity has been exposed, and he has been published in newspaper headlines and magazines. He is also a celebrity. .Under such circumstances, it is no longer possible for him to continue to live like an ordinary person, and his decision to join the Justice League seems to be a logical decision.

Most people welcomed it, except for Batman.

"I object." He said coldly.

Superman frowned and asked, "Why?"

"I don't trust him," Batman said succinctly.

"What's wrong with you?" Green Lantern asked, "We reserved a place for him when we were first formed, and you didn't object at that time."

"Because I still trusted him at that time." Batman said, met Eric's eyes for a moment, and asked, "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing." Eric met his gaze without fear, and said lightly, "I am me."

The two kept looking at each other for a few seconds, and the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward, until Superman stopped between them.

"The minority obeys the majority. We have five votes in favor here. You can reserve your opinion, Batman." Superhuman said, "After all, even you can't always be right."

Batman frowned, turned his back and walked away, leaving the last sentence.

"But most of the time I am."

(End of this chapter)

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