Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 390 The Return

Chapter 390 The Return
Aegis, Sanfei decoration headquarters.

When the number on the elevator reached the top floor, the elevator door opened with a "ding" and a graceful woman in a black windbreaker stepped out in black high-heeled shoes. Her light red hair hung behind her, and the soles of the high-heeled shoes were on the mirror-like smooth ground. There was a crisp sound of kicking.

After the retina was scanned in front of the director's office, a crisp electronic female voice came from inside the door: "Scan verification, Agent Sandra Butler, please wait for the entry to be approved."

There is a "click" unlocking sound from inside the door, and the electronic door slides open automatically.Agent Sandra stepped inside quickly, and saluted respectfully to the director behind the desk.

"You're late." Lex Luthor said flatly.

"I'm very sorry, but something unexpected happened when reporting the statistics," Sandra said.

"what's the situation?"

Sandra said: "Last night, the Hydra team we were tracking was intercepted by the Teen Titans team led by Night Wing in New York Harbor. After receiving the news of their engagement, we rushed to the scene as quickly as possible and cleaned up We counted the things that the Hydra unit stole from us, and found that most of them were conventional weapons and unfinished scientific research products, but after comparing the number of stolen items, we found that what was seized at the scene did not seem to be All. Hydra stole something else from us."


"That's the problem, sir, we don't know." Sandra said, "We tried to compare the list in the database, but that part of the data was locked and we didn't have permission to access it. But I have all the contents of that part Copy it into a USB flash drive and bring it."

As she spoke, she placed a black USB flash drive with the Aegis logo on Luthor's desk.

"Understood." Luthor picked up the USB flash drive, held it in his hand and looked at it for a moment, then said, "Go down."

Sandra made a final salute and left the room.

After staring at the small USB flash drive for a while, Luther inserted it into the port under the desk.His desk itself is a computer, and the moment the USB flash drive is connected, the entire desktop suddenly lights up with light blue fluorescence, like a calm lake.

Sure enough, after the computer scanned the contents of the USB flash drive, a bright red prompt popped up on the screen, along with the warning words "Authorization Required".

Luther took out a small electronic sphere and threw it on the table.After rolling a few times, the ball was firmly attached to the fluorescent desktop, and ripples appeared on the screen under the base.The computer responded quickly, and after a while, the "authorization required" window disappeared, replaced by a "reading" prompt.

This is a matter of course. The small ball thrown by Luthor is equivalent to the universal pass in the Aegis system, representing the highest authority that only the director of Aegis has, and it is equivalent to the universal key. All systems that Aegis belongs to There's no lock in it that it can't break—

— In theory.

A piercing sound of "Didi" means that the access is once again prohibited.The "reading" prompt on the screen changed back to the red "authorization required" again, reminding Luthor that his authority was insufficient.

But that shouldn't be possible, he has the highest level of authority, there shouldn't be anything he can't access.

"Voice command override, executing Alexander Luthor, password, peanut oil."

Luther showed his last card.The position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not only the supreme authority to view any secret, but also the last resort to overwrite any lock.This is the real master key that can help him pry open any door.

Unfortunately, even this last resort was useless.

"The command was rejected." The electronic female voice without a trace of emotion responded coldly, "There are other commands that have denied access."

"Whose order?"

"Alexander Luthor." The electronic voice answered calmly, and the calm voice made the hair stand on end.

Luther froze.At this moment, even if he didn't have the super high IQ he was proud of, it was obvious that something was wrong.He vaguely felt that a certain force was approaching in the darkness, but he just couldn't see where the enemy was.

At this moment, a red icon representing a communication call lit up in the lower right corner of the desktop screen. Luther put aside other things for the time being and pressed the connect button.

"This is Lex Luthor."

An agent's voice sounded from the other end: "Director Luthor, the information sent back by the front-line agents - traces of a suspected Hydra base have been found in the Appalachian Mountains."

"Hydra." Luther muttered, "Is it those guys again?"

"Do you need to arrange a team to organize a raid?"

"No, there's no need." Luther said lightly, "Just connect me to the Avengers Building and let them go. After all... that's the meaning of their existence."

New York, Raven's home.

Raven shut himself in the room, turned off all the lights, drew the curtains, and placed an exquisite birthday cake on the table.She inserted the candle carefully, and with a magic flash of her fingertips, the candlelight instantly illuminated the whole room, and also reflected her pale and beautiful face.

Four months have passed since Eric disappeared at the other end of the wormhole. Raven finally entered the university and became a female college student, not only because this part of life as an ordinary person is precious to her, but Also because she felt that if Eric was there, he would definitely persuade her to continue her studies.

Of course, her identity had also been exposed in the final battle with Yamozhuo, but this was not a problem for Ye Yi, who helped her find a brand new identity.Although Aunt Alice's family also learned that she was a raven, they were shocked and said that it didn't matter, and they would still accept her as a member of the family.

Sometimes she feels so blessed to have such close people in her life.

Eric was still alive, and although there was no proof, no idea of ​​where he was, and no one but her seemed to think so, she believed it.

Because Eric told her to wait obediently, and said that he would definitely come back, then he would definitely keep his promise.

She sat by the candlelight with her knees hugged, and gently closed her eyes.

"Happy birthday, Eric."

At the same time, between the barren hills outside the city.

A flame lit up the sky in an instant, and a long string of thick smoke pierced the dark clouds and fell down.It shattered a mountain peak on its trajectory and fell into the valley like a ton of dynamite exploding in the valley.The flames shot up into the sky, the earth shook violently, and the rocks rolled down one after another, as if they were about to collapse.

In an instant, all over the mountains and plains were ignited with star-point flames, and the evening wind swayed in the wind.In the middle of the huge pit in the middle of the valley, there seemed to be a person standing up slowly.The flames elongated and projected his shadow on the mountain wall, like a demon.

Eric squeezed his fists, turned his head, and looked firmly in the direction of the city, as if silently announcing——

--I am back!
(End of this chapter)

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