Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 39 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 39 Behind the Scenes

The Gatling machine gun screamed high-pitched, expensive armor-piercing bullets poured down like a rain curtain, and a rocket flew out under the cover of the hail of bullets.Eric and Tony evaded again, the explosion of the rocket released scorching flames, and the heat wave swept across and spread.

"See, Tony? This is me now, better than you in every aspect!" Obadi's arrogant voice sounded again, "I have completed the ultimate upgrade!"

"It doesn't matter whether you are ultimate or not, you are just another lunatic." Eric half-kneeled on one side, snorting disdainfully, "I only care about one question, Obadi—who upgraded your technology? level? Who are in that organization?"

"You're so self-righteous, kid. Didn't your lord teach you the respect you must show your elders?"

"It's not for a lunatic like you." Eric stood up, "Stark, since this guy's memory has been completely digitized, so as long as his server is cracked, the memory can be restored. data?"

Tony thought for a moment, and said, "It is theoretically possible, but I have never tried such a technology, and I have never heard of anyone succeeding."

"There has to be a first time for everything, right?" Eric said, "Then use some force to make this old man behave."

".Complete, the truth mode is online."

Yamazo's armor quickly switched to the mode of Wonder Woman's ability. Eric shook his arm, and the silver-white mechanical sword came out of its sheath sharply, pointing at the head of the Iron King.

Obaday laughed disdainfully: "Sword? Do you want to use such a primitive weapon to defeat me?"

After all, the muzzle of the gun fell again, and the rain of bullets fell again.

Eric moved like a rabbit, as if a black shadow shot through the barrage, and sparks of bullets and metal collided in the air one after another.After the mode was switched, the armor's defense power and explosive speed soared a bit, and it flashed to the side of Iron Overlord in an instant against the armor-piercing bullet.The silver sword light flashed in an arc, Gatling's elongated half of the gun barrel was thrown into the air in a parabola, and the splashing sparks were like spilled blood.

The dull Iron Overlord seemed to have just reacted, and punched Eric's waist and abdomen with a huge iron fist.He dodged the powerful punch sideways, and slid behind him. The moment the long sword passed by, he cut through the thick shell at the same time, revealing the dark green energy flowing inside.

Iron Man wasn't idle either, and the analysis of the energy shield just now came to the result quickly.Jarvis Hui reported: "Sir, the energy shield seems to be activated automatically when it senses the impact of light beams, and it cannot resist physical attacks."

"Then we'll greet you in the original way."

As Tony said, he also flew forward, and multiple engines jetted backwards at the same time. At the moment when Obadai was slashed twice by Eric with no time to take care of it, he rushed to him with an iron fist wrapped in high-speed inertia. on the ugly iron head of the Iron Overlord.The black helmet was immediately smashed by the ton of force, and it flew in the air and landed on the ground, as if it had been beheaded, exposing the empty neck of the Iron Overlord's armor.

The Iron Overlord took two steps back. He barely let go of his strength, but saw Iron Man pointing to another miniature missile on his right arm.With a sharp explosion, the missile whizzed out and landed in Iron Tyrant's chest.Half a second of delay followed by flames and detonations. It was an explosion that was enough to tear apart the iron skin of an armored vehicle, and the momentum was quite astonishing.

Billowing black smoke engulfed the black body, and the huge silhouette seemed to be squatting on the ground, like a strong man panting.

But even such a blow didn't substantially hurt Obadai, it just left a little damage on the thick armored chest, which didn't affect its continued fighting.The Iron Overlord without a suit is just a dead thing to kill. He has no concept of pain or injury at all, and just obeys Obadai's orders to fight.

The black iron arms were raised again, energy beams filled along the transmission tubes of both arms.It was the same move again, and the green light beam came rushing like a torrential river.

Eric stepped forward without fear this time, holding the long sword upside down and crossing his arms in front of him.

Wonder Woman's own pair of bracelets has held back countless, far more dramatic attacks, some of which you wouldn't even imagine.Although the effect of this counterfeit pair may not be as strong as the original artifact
But enough.

It was as if the air had condensed a semi-curved shield in front of the wrist guard, perfectly absorbing the impact of the dark green light beam.Just like the reflection of light on a mirror, the impact blocked by the bracelet came back to the Iron Overlord along another light path.

In the same way, the induction-type automatic energy shield on the new layer of Iron Overlord appeared out of nowhere again, blocking the blow for it, and the energy flow spread along the shield like a layer of flowing water.

"Maximum power output, Jarvis!"

With a yell, Iron Man also raised his palms, and the milky white energy impact from his palms slammed against the shield violently.The device produced by the shield made a fierce protest, and it broke down immediately after holding on for a few seconds.The shield shattered like a layer of glass, and Eric's rebounded rays and Tony's full-power repulsive beams all smashed into Iron Tyrant's chest.The big guy who had suffered the heavy blow was pushed out ten meters away, slammed into a wall behind him before stopping, and collapsed limply.

This time, it stopped struggling, like a man who had exhausted his last ounce of strength, and there were still sparks dancing under the broken armor plate on his chest.

"Wow." Tony was a little surprised, "I need a pair of these too."

Obaday roared: "Impossible! I got the most advanced technology, it should not be possible"

"The most advanced technology? That's it? Are you kidding?" Eric sneered, "My grandfather's era had toys that were more advanced than yours."

"Sir, the positioning you asked me to do is complete. It seems that the data of Mr. Stan's consciousness is now in this suit of armor." Jarvis said, "Its system is seriously damaged, I can shut it down, it will take about half a minute .”

"Then do it quickly."

Obaday's voice was much lower: "You always surprise me, Tony. And this time, kid, I remember you too. But you have to know, Tony, a genius always has a backup plan, and I have already prepared it." through the back door, if I miss, I can"

Having said that, his voice stopped abruptly.

After a few seconds, he roared: "No! Impossible! Who? Who locked my program!?"

"Although I don't understand it very well, it seems that your situation is not good, Obaday." Tony sneered.

"No!" Obaday yelled in despair, "Tony, don't wait!"

This was the last sentence he uttered. Jarvis successfully shut down his program, and the flickering light of the energy core on Iron Tyrant's chest dimmed a little bit.

"It's a very novel energy drive, but it can't be compared with my reactor." Tony snorted, "I'll see you later, Obaday, I still have a lot of questions for you."

At the same time, far away in the metropolis, Lex Group.

"Stan got caught, just as you'd expect."


Lex Luthor hung up the phone, lay back in the armchair in his private laboratory, and looked at a series of his masterpieces in front of him.

In the warehouse in front of him, dozens of Iron Man-like machines surrounded the walls, like a team ready to go.If Tony or Eric were here at this time, they would be able to recognize these guys at a glance as the same kind of six machines that raided them in the factory.

Luther said to himself: "Now, there is only one last technology left."

(End of this chapter)

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