Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 382 New Mode

Chapter 382 New Mode
"Are you sure that's Dr. Anthony Ivo?" Roy asked while pressing the headset.

"It's absolutely true." Little Roy replied through the communication, "I have done a DNA test, and I am sure that the corpse in front of me is Dr. Ivo himself. And according to the preliminary test, it is estimated that he has been dead for at least three years above."

"Understood, you did a very good job. Leave it to me next."

After the communication was over, Roy had already arrived in the innermost room of the death knell, the safe house.His black gloves fumbled along the whitewashed walls for a moment, then stopped somewhere in the middle.A palm-sized square brick on the wall was suddenly pushed in, and cracks quickly climbed up on the white wall, which began to deform and pull apart, revealing a composite gold door panel.

The combination lock has only six digits, which is not complicated.Roy used the terminal on his wrist to link the lock plate with the oracle's computer, and Barbara, who has the world's top hacking skills, successfully cracked the password in just one or two minutes and opened the door for him.

Roy walked down the long stairs behind the secret door and entered a place similar to a research institute.A long row of incandescent lamps lit the metal ceiling, illuminating nearly every crack in the room.At the end of the room, there is a round heavy door that looks thicker, which seems to hide the ultimate secret.

And the moment Roy took two steps forward, a black figure flashed out from behind him, it was the stooped old man.Contrary to his short stature, the old man's pounce movements were so agile and fast, like a ferocious jackal.

But the surprise attack he thought was concealed was actually noticed by Roy long ago.The moment he jumped forward, Roy raised his right foot without looking back, and kicked backwards with his back, kicking the short man's heart in mid-air.The old man let out a miserable howl, vomited a mouthful of blood, and slammed his body heavily against the alloy door Roy came in, and slid down limply.

"You are not Anthony Ivo, Ivo is dead." Roy said coldly, and approached the dwarf, "Let's see who you really are."

As he said that, he had grabbed the dwarf's black coat and pushed it aside with all his might.Immediately, an ugly dwarf emerged from under the huge coat, with a bloody mouth and glaring at him with annoyed eyes.

The facial recognition software in the Wing Knight's uniform helmet started to work, and it only took a while to lock the identity of the dwarf.

"Justin Bentham, former researcher of the Lexky Group." Roy asked, "Are you Ivo's old subordinate?"

"Dr. Ivo is a rare genius of the century." The dwarf named Justin gritted his teeth, "Armajo's project is one of the greatest inventions of this century. I found his research log. His great creation should not be due to And that ends the day with the passing of this genius."

"Or you're just coveting Almajo's power. I've seen people like you a lot." Roy said, "And what they have in common is that they didn't end well."

The dwarf grinned, and the husky voice couldn't be more unpleasant.

"You must think you won, right, Wing Knight?" He said in a strange voice, "No, you are wrong. I won a minute ago."

As if in response to him, as soon as the words fell, the round heavy door at the end was smashed open with a "bang", and tons of round alloys fell to the ground with a bang, making the whole room tremble.Wei An's figure appeared behind the door, and behind the flying dust, a pair of demonic mechanical eyes lit up with a scarlet light.

Roy stared at the guy cautiously, showing a troublesome expression.

This time it might not be easy.

At the same time, deep in the dense forest outside the building.

The awakening accessories on the back completely unsealed, and opened into purple armor mounted on the Alpha armor. The moment the Alpha armor changed into this new mode, terrifying power filled his whole body, but another voice also squeezed into his mind at the same moment, as if trying to squeeze out his own consciousness and occupy his The body is average.

Trying his best to suppress Almajo's consciousness, Eric squeezed out a few words through his clenched teeth: "Give me. Shut up"

Seeing Eric half-kneeling on the ground, with purple electric current beating constantly all over his body, and his condition seemed to be very bad, Deathstroke once again realized that this was his chance.With a kick of his footsteps, he flew up with a "bang", he roared to the sky, and his fist whizzed towards Eric with a swirling airflow, straight for Eric's face.

There was another crisp sound of metal collisions, Eric did not dodge or block at all, and the huge force poured on his cheeks without hindrance, and the golden sound of "buzz" echoed in the woods, hitting him violently. He turned his head sideways.

But it's just a sideways head.

Eric twisted his neck back inch by inch against the fist on his cheek, his eyes pierced the eyepiece as if he was about to kill, and stared desperately at Death Knell's face, making his hair stand on end.

At a speed too fast to see clearly, a golden electric current flashed on Eric's right leg, and one leg swept out as if it disappeared.With a muffled sound, the death knell's body soared into the air out of control, and crashed out of the fallen leaves all over the sky.The towering ancient trees fell heavily one after another like dominoes, and a giant tree with a radius of more than three meters pressed the death knell and his armor underneath.


With a bang, several fallen giant trees shattered into several pieces under the powerful external force, and a large amount of dust and leaves were lifted high.Deathstroke's body was ejected like a bullet, suspended back into the air, staring in Eric's direction with disbelief.

But for him, this is just the beginning.Eric raised his head and let out a wild roar. With a wrong step, his body suddenly disappeared on the spot, as if disappearing in a gust of wind and galloping forward.

"Copy, Green Lantern."

Without any hesitation, Deathstroke almost summoned the shield of the green light based on his fighting instinct to resist the offensive he couldn't see clearly.However, only a few tenths of a second later, a sound like glass being smashed by a hammer resounded throughout the dense forest.The shield of the green lamp shattered into pieces with a crisp sound, a purple light unstoppably pierced through the protection and knocked Deathknell flying out, fragments of the Armor of Amedro and the blood flew together.

Eric stood still with his punching posture, and the fist tip was surrounded by majestic purple waves, which was the power of chaos magic that had been lurking in his body.

He spread his arms and threw his head back, roaring.Purple rays of light poured out from the whole body of the armor, gathered on the back of the armor, and gradually formed the shape of wings.The light exploded, and a pair of silver wings had been inserted on the back of the Alpha armor of Yamazoo. With the spread of the wings, the purple magic power suddenly exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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