Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 37 Memory Fragments

Chapter 37 Memory Fragments
Metropolis, Lex Group.

The Lex Group is one of the most prosperous companies in the United States at the moment, and since Stark Industries announced its withdrawal from the military weapons industry last year, the Lex Group can now be regarded as covering the sky in this field.Group CEO Lex Luthor—according to the description in the newspaper—is a man of talent, heroic and upright, never indecisive in making big decisions, and is a typical person who will make big things happen. He is also an expert in the field, no wonder he has been nominated among the world's greats at a young age.

But the funny thing that was not written in the newspaper is that none of the above is people's first impression of Mr. Luthor, the president of the Lex Group. People's first impression is often his bald head that can reflect light.

In fact, what famous people see to the public is often just appearances.The disguised image is just a prop for more benefits and resources, and Lex Luthor is just such a person.

At this moment, in the reception room of the Lex Group.

"You can't do this, Mr. Luthor." An old man who was nearly sixty years old was sweating profusely, his pale face seemed to have stepped half of his foot into a grave, "This is our family's company, and I can't let it be in my family's business." It’s over. There are also employees in my company. I have to be responsible for them. Many people’s families are counting on me, and I can’t.”

"As a successful person, my advice to you, Thomas - think about it."

Lex Luthor was wearing an expensive handmade suit, staring at the screen of his mobile phone and talking casually, his lazy words revealed irresistible confidence.

"Just imagine, if you have an accident when you go out now. For example, a very common traffic accident, and then you fail to survive, what will happen to your family?" Luthor didn't even raise his head when he was talking, paying attention focus on something else entirely, "and then your son will drop out of school because of too much grief and become a drug addict on the streets. Finally I will arrange a good man to win the broken heart of your beautiful wife-and then in Abandoned her the day her son died of a drug overdose."

The old man gasped: "You can't."

"Things come and go, things like this happen all the time, Thomas. I've seen it before. So I guess we're on the same page now?"

When he said this, he finally raised his head. Thomas felt as if he saw a letter from a poisonous snake in those deep eyes, and the cold air climbed up the back of his head along his spine.

The phone rang at just the right moment.

Luther picked up the phone with some displeasure: "Not now, Moxie, I'm busy."

"I know, boss." His secretary's voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "But Stan, he's gone."

"Hmph, as expected. How is the situation now?"

"Stark and the kid with the Almajo system found Stan's factory."

"Did they find anything?"

"Probably not. The trial batch of mechs exploded and destroyed it."

Luther said: "But it shouldn't be a problem to restore part of the data with Stark's technology."

Having said that, he casually chuckled again.

"But it doesn't matter, let him continue to make trouble." Luther said, "Anyway, I have already obtained what I want from him, and he knows limitedly, so it is impossible for him to disclose my news. Continue to observe and contact me at any time. report."

"Yes, Mr. Luther."

Luther hung up the phone and turned to the poor president with a smile again.

"Where were we, Thomas?"

Eric felt very incredible at this time.

He didn't know what state he was in right now, he felt like an audience in a drama, but the seat was a peeping seat that escaped the ticket.Very limited angle of view, blurry picture, just like the picture taken when the photographer's hand shakes endlessly.

This place looks like some kind of research institute, and it's easy to tell from the researchers who are busy walking around in white coats.He heard someone shouting indistinctly, but it was difficult to hear because it was covered by louder voices.Just listening to the sound, this place is like a vegetable market.

He saw violent sparks flying from the broken circuit, and some kind of primitive and savage roar passed along a long corridor to the research room.He very dimly saw the shadow of a metal body, which was probably a little taller than ordinary people. The most distinctive thing was the scarlet eyes, and the waterfall-like red light burst out with the roar.

For another moment, he seemed to see his father, almost unchanged from the image he remembered 15 years ago, also wearing a white coat.

"I'll go down and see the situation." He heard his father's forceful words, "If I don't come back in 5 minutes, just leave me alone and block the area!"

At this moment, an inexplicable impulse came to his heart, as if he had seen the ending in advance.He desperately wants to stretch out his hand, desperately wants to tell his father not to go, but it seems that he has lost the ability to make a sound, no matter how much he shouts, he can't make a single sound
"Hey kid, it's time to get up."

Eric jumped up with a "bass", like a fully charged spring, startling Tony who was standing beside him.

After being dazed for a few seconds, he remembered.In the ruins of the factory, Tony found that there were several advanced computer equipment in the basement. Although they had been blown up, he might still be able to find a chip that was not completely destroyed to restore the data.So after returning to Stark Tower, Tony started a long data restoration attempt, and Eric simply took a nap on his luxurious sofa, and it seemed that before going to bed, he complained that the sofa was much more comfortable than his bed coming
So those just now were all dreams?

He frowned and thought for a moment, but felt that it was not like a dream at all.They feel so real, like fragments of lost memories.But he clearly has no such memories, since he was born in this world until now, his memory has never been broken
"What? Sleepy?" Tony asked.

"Ah, no, it's just that I have never slept on such a high-end sofa." Eric put aside the question for a while, glanced at the time and asked, "It's only three o'clock in the morning? Didn't you say that you might be busy until tomorrow morning at least?" Is it possible to get something?"

"First of all, three o'clock in the morning is considered 'tomorrow morning'. In addition, I can give you this sofa if you like it. It's not very expensive." Tony said half-jokingly before getting to the point, "When you fall asleep I changed to some new methods. After analyzing last night, I found that in fact, the data in these storage devices have been deleted remotely, and there is no need to blow them up in such a brutal way.”

"Oh?" Eric thought for a moment, "Does that mean that the people who sent those machines from the explosion to destroy this place didn't know that the database had been emptied?"

"Yeah, so while I found a few chips where the data could be restored, there was nothing in it."

"You don't sound very upset. I guess you're going to say 'but' next."

"I like clever little ghosts." Tony grinned, "However, Jarvis helped me reverse track and locate the server terminal that deleted the database remotely. So the question now is: still have the strength Go out for another turn?"

"Of course." Eric smiled, "I'm so bored and sleepy."

(PS will add an update today, please recommend it for collection)

(End of this chapter)

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