Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 367 Night Raider

Chapter 367 Night Raider

Four months later, Gotham City, somewhere.

Joseph Martin, codenamed Atomic Skull.He was originally a student of the Metropolis, but now he is a super criminal whose head is burning with purple flames all day long, and his skin has been burned by radiation, leaving only a hideous and terrifying skeleton.Just judging from the image of "burning skull", it is quite similar to the famous "Ghost Rider" of a certain M family.

This is the mission goal of "Night Raider" today.According to intelligence, the Atomic Skeleton has recently fled to Gotham after making a fuss in Metropolis a few days ago.It took Wing Knight two days to confirm his hiding place, and tonight brought Robin, Pulse and Supergirl, members of his superhero team "Night Raider" to arrest him.

Atomic Skull is a very dangerous opponent. He has powerful abilities such as energy projection, flight, and super power. He has fought against Superman many times and has played evenly. This alone is enough to see how dangerous he is.

Today is the first time Wing Knight has faced super criminals since he officially took over the command of "Night Raider" from someone. It was the first time he faced such a powerful opponent. As a commander, he was inevitably a little nervous.Before going to war, he studied the complete structural diagram of the factory in detail, and studied every entrance and exit and every ventilation duct extremely thoroughly.He deployed according to the different characteristics and strengths of the respective abilities of the members involved in the operation, and formed a trap with the best position, waiting for the atomic skeleton to step in.

Including the ability characteristics and strength of the atomic skull, he also took it into consideration. The Winged Knight finally checked it carefully, thinking that there should be nothing missing.The next thing is to wait for the Atomic Skull to return to this warehouse, and everyone will take action step by step according to the plan, at least [-]% sure that they can take him down instantly.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and plans always fail to keep up with changes.

When the people ambushing in the dark saw the atomic skeleton dragging the strange purple flames falling from the skylight on the roof and landing on the dark ground, everyone cheered up.The Winged Knight stared intently at the burning skull, and was ready to give the order when he moved to the best angle and position.

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, he immediately ordered: "Pulse!"

Impulse is Bart Allen, the youngest speeder of the Lightning family. Generally speaking, he would babble a lot of nonsense at such times, but at this moment the channel was completely silent.

The situation is not right.

According to the original plan, Impulse should be the first to attract the Atomic Skeleton's attention, but now there is obviously some accident, and there is no movement on the Impulse side.

The winged knight, who was already a little nervous, was a little at a loss now.

what to do?Is it temporarily giving up the task?But he had already made too many preparations for this raid, and it might be difficult to encounter such a good opportunity to attack the atomic skull again.

He couldn't help but think, if it was that person, what would he do now?

"I'll go to Pulse to check the situation."

As the super girl said, she flew silently towards the position where Pulse was ambush.

"Supergirl, wait"

Wing Knight's voice hadn't finished yet, she screamed "Ah" in the channel, and then there was no movement.

By now it was very obvious that they were ambushed by counter-attacks.The worst case may even be that the Atom Skeletons knew that they were here to ambush themselves, and they hired helpers to set up a trap for them in turn.

If it was that person, he would definitely not have made such a stupid mistake.Winged Knight couldn't help thinking again.

But it's useless to regret, the matter has reached this point, so I can only give up the mission and get out of it.But just as he made such a judgment, their last team member jumped out on his own initiative.

The black dart inlaid with red stripes cut through the air with the sound of howling wind, and hit the back of the atomic skull.After the red indicator light flashed twice, the dart exploded with a "boom", and the flame-filled smoke instantly engulfed the Atomic Skull's entire body.

Robin, who threw the dart, jumped off from the beam where he was hiding in a high place, and landed on the ground in a half-squat after rolling in a gorgeous hug.

His name is Damian Wayne, Batman's biological son, the youngest and current generation of Robin, and also the most troublesome generation of Robin.

Helpless, the Winged Knight had to jump down to Damian's side, and said: "There is obviously something wrong, someone is ambushing us, we should give up our original plan."

Damian glanced at him disdainfully, and snorted softly, "That's because you're too weak. I've long since disliked you—you retreated without a plan or when things deviated from the original plan, but the truth is—— Most of the threats we face tend not to go according to your script. So learn from it.”

After a pause, he said lightly, "If it was your father, he would know how to adapt to changing circumstances."

Winged Knight was startled and stopped talking.

What he said were all facts, the only point he could not refute was that he was not as good as his father, and compared to his father, he was actually far from being qualified.

At this time, the smoke had also dissipated, and the burly figure of the atomic skull emerged from behind the smoke screen, and the purple flame on the skull's head was burning fiercely.His empty eye sockets seemed to cast a disdainful glance at the two of them, and then he laughed.

"Why? The 'Night Raider' was finally short of manpower, and only sent two boys who know nothing to catch me?"

"You'd better save that for later when you get beaten to the bum!"

Damian rushed forward without fear, raised a flash bomb and threw it down.Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's vision was temporarily paralyzed, he jumped up, somersaulted over the opponent's head, and pressed his back with one hand, and two sticky bombs were attached to his back.

With two bangs, the high explosive exploded on the back of the atomic skull, causing him to stagger half a step forward.Seeing Damian's attack, the Winged Knight had no choice but to grit his teeth, took out something from his belt, and threw it at the burning skull.


Something like clay slapped on the skull's forehead and spread into a large piece. The atomic skull let out a miserable cry, and the purple flame burning on its head immediately dimmed a lot.The stuff stuck to his face absorbed part of the flames like a water-absorbing sponge, making the Atomic Skeleton scream in pain.

"A radiation-absorbing compound?" Damian grinned. "Not bad for a rookie, kid. Looks like you've done your homework."

"No." Winged Knight shook his head solemnly, "This is not enough."

He's right, while that might seem like a debuff to some extent, it's not enough to take down the Atom Skull.On the contrary, the deflated Atomic Skeleton became angry as if its reverse scales had been touched, and roared loudly at the two of them. The plasma whirlwind erupted from the body in an instant, so that both of them had to raise their hands to block in front of them.

"Two stupid bugs!" he yelled. "I'm going to crush you like an ant. How dare you?"

Before the words were finished, the wall on one side of the building was broken open with a "bang".Several people turned their heads, but saw a black motorcycle painted with red flame stripes breaking through the wall like a howling horse. The rider in the black armor frantically turned the handle and drove the beast into the battlefield.

The black mount rushed in front of the Atomic Skull in an instant, the black rider kicked up, and kicked the metal boots hard on his abdomen, causing the Atomic Skull to retreat violently in the air, smashing the pile of boxes piled up behind it and being thrown into embarrassment. overwhelmed below.

"Sorry for being late." The metal warrior stepped off his motorcycle and said to the two, "Newcomer Amozo-Alpha, come to report."

(End of this chapter)

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