Chapter 35 Ambush
Silver-white lightning flashed across the winding road, and the galloping beast let out a mechanical roar.That's the Audi R8e-tron, an expensive Mustang, now unleashed and racing down the road.

Tony Stark held the steering wheel with one hand, and the car stereo was playing a wild and unrestrained rock music.As the music reached its climax, Tony pumped up the gas again, and the speed on the dial had already exceeded 140, even if it was put on the highway, it would have been overspeeding, not to mention that our driver still had a hand in a plaster cast.

Eric flicked through the documents in the passenger seat, as if he was just a spectator and not the person sitting in the passenger seat of the 140-mph sports car.He pulled out a document left by Coulson and read aloud over the manic wind: "Ezekiel Stan, Obaday's son, is 19 years old, a rebellious but extremely talented child, but He's at odds with his father. He's been living with his mother until now. Kind of like you."

"You mean the genius or the part that doesn't fit with dad?" Tony said, "my dad had the happiest day in his life when he sent me to boarding school, and as a dad I guess he's got nothing to do with Opadry. Different."

"It's just that you think too pessimistically, maybe you just don't know, maybe you are very important in his heart."

Tony smiled disdainfully: "You don't know my dad, I do. He is that kind of man, I don't even see him a few times a year, nothing is more important than his scientific research."

"Then I guess I have the right to speak, I haven't seen my dad for 15 years." Eric leaned lazily on the back of the chair, "I heard that he is also busy with something 'related to the future of mankind' Great cause, so I guess he had to choose his son to sacrifice a little bit for a great cause."

"Ha, then we still have similarities after all."

After entering the streets of the city, Tony finally slowed down a little bit—of course only by his standards.

After the death of Obaday Stein, all the property in his name has been frozen, but according to the information given by Coulson, there is another factory registered in his son’s name that has not been confiscated, just in Brooklyn .This can also be regarded as the only remaining property of Obadai.If he still has any secrets, it can only be here.

This factory occupies a large area, and it is not difficult to find according to the address.Tony parked his Audi less than a hundred paces outside the factory gate, and opened the door to get out of the car, but Eric held his shoulder.

"Wait." Eric frowned, hesitated for a while and said, "You'd better put on your armor."

Tony was taken aback: "What?"

"Maybe I'm just overthinking, but I have a bad feeling." Eric said, "Anyway, trust me."

As he said that, he had taken the lead in disabling the standby state of the armor under the windbreaker, and put on the Amojo battle suit.

Tony looked at him suspiciously for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "Okay."

He has not yet developed a series of follow-up armors such as portable and remote control, but it is not complicated to carry the armor in the car.He tore off the bandages hanging from his hands, and the mechanical arms stretched out from the side of his driver's seat, and he started to assemble it with all his might, and he finished wearing Iron Man's armor in a short time.

The two walked towards the factory side by side, and stretched out their hands in front of the door to pinch the big seven or eight meter high iron gate with iron chains.The two of them exerted force to one side, and the iron chain was torn into several pieces with a "crash", and the door was forcibly torn open with a mournful cry.

Eric didn't say it all the time, but there was always a weird chill in his heart, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake lurking in the jungle.But in theory, if someone is watching nearby, they should not be able to hide from Iron Man's armor. Its excellent sensory system should be able to detect most lurkers.

Maybe it's just overthinking?
Iron Man walked into the factory first, followed by Eric.This place looks like an ordinary abandoned factory, it has not been used for many years, and the only inhabitants are rats and cockroaches.Dust particles are suspended in the air everywhere, and every equipment and every corner looks dirty and unsightly.The entire factory building looks empty, and you can count how many pieces of equipment are placed in this huge space with just a glance.

"It doesn't look like it's here anymore," Tony said. "Although I don't know what Obaday wants to do with this place, it's obviously not a good place to hide things. In other words, a dead end."

"Not necessarily." Eric said, "Can you hear it? The wind."

"Wind?" Tony was taken aback.

The Almazo armor not only endows Erik with extraordinary endurance and strength, but also enhances some senses, such as hearing.

"Jarvis, analyze the wind direction here."

"Okay, sir."

The direction of the wind flow is clearly marked on the electronic screen, and the source comes from below a heavy crane, like flowing water rushing out from under a crack in the rock.

Tony and Eric looked at each other, and they both grabbed the bottom of the crane from one side and exerted force at the same time.The two sets of mechas had dozens of tons of horsepower, and the nails of the crane bounced off like bullets, and they were lifted up by their joint efforts and thrown aside.

"Ha, I'm getting more and more optimistic about you, clever brat."

"Thank you, thank you, uncle with the goatee."

Lifting the crane, a not-so-long staircase appeared in front of their eyes. The light blue fluorescence from the basement lay on the staircase like a layer of carpet.Standing at the entrance, you can vaguely see that the floor and walls of the basement are made of pure metal, and all kinds of unnamed novel equipment reveal a strong Stark industrial modern flavor, and the dirty one above Abandoned factories are not a painting style at all.

However, at this moment, when the two were about to go down, an unexpected guest arrived.

Within a second, the ceiling covered with cobwebs suddenly shattered, and the whole thing collapsed.Several figures rushed in like rockets, descending from the sky on thick smoke and flames.

The newcomer has a humanoid torso and limbs, and the outer shell is painted with light blue paint. More importantly, the round energy source on the chest, the face that resembles Iron Man and the palm cannon in the palm of the hand are just like a counterfeit version of the genuine one. ridicule.

Tony said with a gloomy face: "Jarvis, scan these guys and analyze their skills."

"The design is highly similar to the technology of the Iron Overlord armor, but these are just robots without operators." Jarvis replied, "The source is unknown. But the energy efficiency and output power of the energy core are extremely low, and it is not the technology of the arc reactor."

"Of course, I said that no one can crack this technology for at least 50 years."

"But they have fooled your armor's sensing system and have the most advanced stealth technology." Eric reminded, "This is not a good sign."

(End of this chapter)

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