Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 344 Awakened Patient 0

Chapter 344 Awakened Patient Zero

When the alarm sounded throughout the entire Aegis mothership, almost no one on the entire mothership was able to react and make a correct response-because the disaster spread too fast.

The high-risk detention area was penetrated in an instant, and two figures fought and blasted through the decks, one after the other, pierced through the open-air apron, and then blasted through the barrier sealed with composite gold like two speeding shells. The windshield crashed into the mothership's headquarters.

Eric took the lead in breaking through the alloy layer and the solid bulletproof glass. The armor in green light mode fell into the hall and rolled into the debris all over the floor. The soreness in his body made him unable to get up for a long time.

The agents in the headquarters were taken aback, and subconsciously pulled out their guns to be on guard, but they couldn't decide what to do for a while without giving an order.

Forcing his sore body to get up, the pictures received on the monitor in front of Eric became a little messed up.As he climbed up, he said: "Everyone here, if I were you, I would choose to run as fast as possible while paying back."

Before he finished speaking, the gray figure slammed into the command room from behind the wall he had just entered, and rushed straight towards Eric at a speed invisible to the naked eye.Eric, who had just climbed up halfway, was slapped back hard by him again. The heavy impact of the armor caused the floor to sink deeply, and the green force field protecting the body seemed to dim a little.

Patient Zero opened his disgusting mouth and snarled loudly at him indistinctly. His yellowed teeth were stained with sticky liquid, and his pair of fiery red eyes were hollow and piercing.At this time, the white fleshy wings behind him have once again spread out, which is the result of organically modifying his own body to imitate the flying ability he saw, and it can be regarded as an incomplete manifestation of the replication ability of the Yamojo virus.

"You want to know what's going on?" Patient Zero yelled at Eric in a very muffled voice. "Here's what's going on—we're all answering the call, we're all going to return! We're... going to Be whole!"

Unknowingly, Eric didn't have time to think about what he meant, because he was working hard not to suffocate.The super power this guy reproduced was quite terrifying. He clasped his fingers tightly around the neck of Eric's armor, pinching it so that the armor was deeply dented. The powerful grip directly pressed Eric's throat, allowing him to breathe for a while. asphyxia.


It was the sound of a pistol, and one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents fired first at Patient Zero.The bullet crumpled into a ball on his pale skin, and landed on the floor with a "ding".

It was Sharon who fired the shot.Although she failed to do any harm, she managed to attract the attention of Patient Zero.He turned his head slowly, fixed his eyes on Sharon, unconsciously let go of the hand holding Eric's throat, and seemed to turn his fire on Sharon when he got up.

But how could Eric, who finally got a moment of respite, just let him go?With a green light all over his body, he burst into a sudden burst, and rushed out of the command room again with the huge body of patient zero on his waist.The two of them skimmed the outer deck at low altitude, smashed several Quinjet fighter jets parked on the apron into two pieces, and then finally rushed down the mothership.

"Why fight?" Patient Zero smashed the green light force field on Eric's cheek into pieces like glass, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood. "Why don't you accept it? You are also ours." One part, we will eventually be united."

The green light turned into a ring and was worn on the back of his fist. Eric dragged the green light with his fist and slammed Patient Zero back, biting his blood-stained teeth and saying, "I'm sorry I broke your jaw, It’s just that what you said sounds too much like the nonsense of a deep middle school patient.”

Patient zero fluttered the pair of huge wings to stabilize his figure, spat to the side, and whispered: "Ignorance."

"You know? I thought I could ask you something, but now I've changed my mind."

While Eric was speaking, the suitcase of the awakening device flew over from the distant night with a string of dazzling tail flames, and landed firmly in his hands.

".This time I'm going to beat you until you can't stand up again."

"Awakening, please wait"

The briefcase unfolded quickly following the beep, and began to cover the whole body of the armor in a very short moment.Almost at the same moment, Patient Zero flapped his wings and rushed up again without saying a word.When he raised his hand, a part of the center of his palm protruded quickly, shaping it into the shape of Thor's Hammer, and it was actually hammered down hard by the blue electric current.

".Complete super mode is online."

The reminder of awakening and the reminder of switching to super mode sounded at the same time, and the "S" mark with LED light appeared on the chest of the armor.Eric raised his right hand and smoothly caught the hammer from Patient Zero. The electric current jumped out of his palm violently, like the splash of water when a stone is thrown into the water.

Perhaps he imitated the appearance of Thor's Hammer, and even has a similar lightning ability, but after all, it is only a specious ability obtained through organic transformation, and it is still incomparable with the real artifact Thor's Hammer.Eric swung the hammer away, clenched a fist with the other hand, and turned into an afterimage and slammed into the face of patient zero. The heavy punch collapsed the ugly nose, and black blood spurted out. out.

This should be enough pain at once, but this guy doesn't seem to be in pain at all.He didn't care about his injury, and his strong arm swept like a windmill, and the forceful wind scraped the visor of Erik's helmet with a slight sound.

But with the promotion of the awakening mode, Eric's current power has completely suppressed patient zero.He lightly raised his arms to counter the opponent's swinging punch, then raised his knee and hit the opponent's strong abdomen with a heavy blow, and then hit his chest with two kicks before the opponent slowed down.Patient No. [-], who was hit hard, fell on his back uncontrollably, and another mouthful of black blood spewed out from his mouth.

Immediately after, Eric flew directly above Patient Zero, turned his body for half a circle, shouted loudly, poured all his strength into one leg, turned into an arc-shaped afterimage, and slammed down.Terrifying power flooded into Patient Zero's body like a flood, and swept away in the form of a transparent shock.

You Ruo Jinglei exploded high in the sky, and the white afterimage that had suffered the heavy blow pierced the clouds quickly, like an accelerated shot put heavily on the ground.A small hill at the landing point was flattened by the shock wave on the spot, and a large amount of dust was thrown high, spreading along with the transparent ripples in the air.Patient zero in the center of the landing point finally stopped moving, and the scarlet eyeballs became hollow little by little.

"We." He whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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