Chapter 342 Tunnels
"Amanda Waller." Staring at the chubby black woman in front of him, Eric said coldly, "I haven't settled with you for tricking you into the suicide squad to do dirty work when I lost my memory last time, no Thinking of it being you who came to the door to make trouble, it seems that Tianyan has been quite free recently."

"It was indeed our fault that time, but that was not my instruction." Waller said lightly, "It was a newly dispatched idiot named Victor Sage who made his own decision, but now his question is my own. It's settled. And now, I need you to hand over that girl."


"As you can see, she is dangerous. In addition, there are indications that she may be related to a series of cases that we are investigating recently."

"What case?"

There was a little displeasure in Waller's eyes: "That's a secret, don't try to get to the bottom of it, boy, you just need to know that it's very important. Now, be honest and hand her over, otherwise you will also be charged with obstructing the government's official duties were arrested together."

Eric glanced at all the agents present with pistols, and sneered disdainfully: "Arrest? With these little broken guns? Are you serious, Waller?"

Waller frowned, and said every word: "Don't force me to do this."

"You are forcing me." Eric did not back down.

Although it is not clear what the "case" Waller is talking about, since Liz is involved, and then linked to the Amojo virus reaction sensed from Liz, Eric speculates that the incident behind this must be somewhat related to himself. related.That being the case, it is certainly not within the scope of consideration to let him stop here.

While the two were still facing each other, Liz, who was hiding behind Eric, lost his stability again.Suddenly, she hugged her head and groaned in pain. The golden light on her body swelled, and the flames lingering around her seemed to rise a little higher. The soaring temperature refracted the light, making her whole body look illusory.

The agents pointed their guns at her reflexively, and Waller couldn't help but ask, "So what now?"

"It's pressure." Eric said, "She has just awakened her ability, and she can't control it voluntarily. We just calmed down her emotions and helped her stabilize the state, and your appearance has exerted more mental pressure on her than before. More pressure, it's tipping the balance."


Liz screamed, and the high-temperature flame exploded in the form of a circular impact with her as the center.Everyone hurriedly lay down, and the scorching storm lifted the chassis of the car that was blocking everyone by several centimeters, and the momentum was truly astonishing.And Liz himself jumped into the air with a "whoosh" and fled the scene without looking back.

"Take your people back, Waller." Eric said, having activated the ability to simulate the ring of light and soared into the air, "You will only mess things up."

After all, he also rushed into the night sky with a "swoosh", chasing the trajectory of the flames.Raven followed closely behind him without saying a word.

"Liz! Calm down, they are no longer chasing you!" Eric chased behind the flames and shouted loudly.

But Liz acted as if he didn't hear it at all. Instead of braking, he accelerated again.Her flying altitude dropped to a position almost close to the road, and she flew over the traffic with a sharp sound of friction with the air, like a wave of speeding heat invisible to the naked eye swept across the vehicles.

The three of them flew out of the urban area in the blink of an eye, and advanced rapidly along the highway.After turning a few more turns, a dark tunnel entrance ahead came into view of several people.Liz didn't even think about it, and rushed into the tunnel with a "swish" at a low altitude. The flame trail flexibly turned around in front of him, and disappeared from the vision of the two chasing people.

Eric and Raven also lowered their heights and chased in.But just a second after the two entered the tunnel, Eric braked the car abruptly and reached out to signal Raven to stop as well.

Landing back to the ground with Eric, Raven asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Eric didn't answer, and didn't even look at her. He focused all his attention on the corner that Liz turned in front of him, his eyes didn't blink, and his expression was like an enemy.

Needless to say, Raven could tell from his expression that something very bad had happened, so he wisely kept silent, and also kept his eyes on the corner in front of him.

Only then did she notice the weirdness of this tunnel—even though there were lighting lights on the top and both sides of the tunnel, none of the lights were on at this time. The whole tunnel was in complete darkness, and only they were there This portal part of the sky has a little gleam from the moon.Although neither of them will be affected by the darkness, but they create a weird atmosphere like a ghost movie.

A gust of cold wind came in from the mouth of the tunnel, and the bushes on both sides of the expressway were blown rustling.A black cloud drifted slowly over, blocking the moon.Someone seemed to be coming out from behind the corner, and the swaying figure was projected on the wall on one side of the tunnel by the only ray of moonlight left.

Raven's palm subconsciously brewed purple chaos magic, Eric's ring of light was activated immediately, and the green light illuminated the area before the corner of the tunnel, ready for any possible attack.

Eric could sense an extremely strong Amojo virus reaction, and he had never felt such an exaggerated reaction since the Amojo virus broke out in New York.This probably means that there is a very terrifying existence hidden behind this corner.

Unexpectedly, it was a naked Liz who staggered into the green light from behind the corner, as if half-dead.The flames all over her body have been extinguished, revealing a white girl's body, but her whole face is shriveled like a patient suffering from severe dehydration, and her eyes are as empty as if her soul has been sucked out.

"help me."

This was the last sentence she uttered with all her strength, and immediately fell down in front of the two of them with a "plop", without any movement.

Both Eric and Raven were stunned, unable to react for a while.

The dark cloud that covered the moon drifted away, and the moonlight was cast again.The strong reaction in the depths of the tunnel also seemed to disappear, as if hiding in the darkness.

At the same time, Liz's Amojo virus reaction disappeared.Eric could feel that the virus on her body seemed to have been wiped out, and he couldn't feel it at all.

What happened in the tunnel just now?
What he didn't know was that not far from them, a pair of scarlet eyes were locking on him from a distance, like a hunter locking on its prey.

"The timing is not yet." The black shadow said to himself, "You will be the last one."

(End of this chapter)

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