Chapter 340 Beach
Beachside at Midtown High School Graduation Celebration.

Although according to the student vote, most students voted for the "summer beach trip" option, it is clear that not everyone is satisfied with this result.Like Liz, a blond girl from Peter's class who has turned down invitations to go in the water with her classmates all day, and sits alone under an umbrella with her knees tucked up like a stray deer.

"Can I sit here?"

Liz looked up listlessly, but saw that it was her classmate Mary Jane, so she nodded her head slowly to express her agreement.

Mary Jane sat down beside her, sipped a cold drink bought from a small shop not far away with a straw, and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

"No." Liz waved his hand and said weakly, "I don't feel very well today."

"What's wrong?" Mary asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I'm just." Liz thought for a while, then pouted, "I think it should be about the girls."

"Oh fine."

After thinking about it for a while, Liz asked hesitantly, "That... I heard that you have seen those people with your own eyes?"


"Those with extraordinary abilities, like mutants or Spider-Man?"

"Oh, you mean a superpower?" Mary intentionally or unintentionally avoided her gaze, "Yes, I've seen it before, what's wrong?"

"What do you think of them?"

"How do you refer to that aspect? If it's about Spider-Man. I think he's a hero trying to do good?"

"No, it's not about this aspect." Liz hugged his knees, stared straight at the ground, as if talking to himself, "Don't you think these people always put themselves in a superior position?"

"Huh?" Mary was taken aback for a moment, "I don't seem to think so."

"In short, I hate them." Liz said stubbornly, "If we have people like this around us, who obviously have extraordinary abilities but pretend to be one of us. It's uncomfortable to think about it."

Mary Jane couldn't help thinking of her super boyfriend in her mind, and couldn't help saying: "Well, it's not that bad. After all, not every person with super powers expects to get abilities."

Not wanting to get entangled in this topic, Mary changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about these unpleasant and irrelevant topics, today is a celebration, right? You have to be happy to celebrate. Want to play volleyball? We can call some boys."

"I, uh" Liz hesitated for a moment, and then finally forced a smile.


At this moment, Eric, who was lying on the other side of the beach, suddenly felt something, and his body bounced up reflexively.

It was a reaction to the yamandra virus and it seemed to be right here on the beach.

Unconsciously filtering all the redundant sounds, his eyes are like a sophisticated scanner scanning back and forth among the crowds on the beach, all senses are expanded to the maximum extent, like a comprehensive human body radar scan with this beach.

But he got nothing.The fluctuation just now came and went quickly, only for a fleeting moment, like an illusion.

"Eric?" Raven came to him and asked softly, "Is something wrong?"

Eric came back to his senses and smiled at her: "No, not at all, don't think about it."

Maybe it's just being superfluous.Thinking of this, Eric didn't pay attention anymore.What he didn't know was that this was the harbinger of the next series of events, and that beginning was tonight.

As night fell, darkness surrounded the entire beach.The young people set up a bonfire, and the bright flame flickered and flickered under the dark curtain. Everyone sat around the bonfire, talking and laughing, and their emotions rose to the highest point.

"Hey, Mr. Parker." Mary Jane leaned into Peter's arms comfortably, "We can finally spend half a romantic night."

"Yeah, it's really memorable."

"We should have done so long ago."

Eric put on a coat for Raven, and also held her in his arms. Raven closed his eyes gently and leaned on his shoulder obediently.

"Are you happy today?" Eric asked.

"Yeah." Raven nodded, "Very happy."

Although when she said this, her calm tone could not hear any kind of happy emotion at all, but Eric knew that she was really happy, and that was enough.

"I saw you went on a mission with Titan a few days ago." Eric asked, "How are you doing in Titan?"

"Very good." Raven said lightly, "everyone on Titan is very nice. Nightwing is sometimes a bit strict, but he is indeed a pretty good team leader. Oh, except that Bart will keep chattering until he falls asleep when he wakes up every day. There were a few times when it did make me feel a little bit unbearable.”

"Haha, it's conceivable." Eric smiled.

Speaking of which, the noisy Kid Lightning really doesn't get along with the clean-minded Raven. One can imagine how tortured it is for Raven to be surrounded by a noisy kid all day long.

"But everyone is very good, they are all my important friends." Raven said, looking up at Eric, "Thank you. Thanks to Eric, I can come to this day and realize so many important things. partner."

"No, it's all thanks to Raven yourself." Eric touched her wet head with a smile, stared at her for a long time, and couldn't help but said, "Did I mention how beautiful you are today?"

Raven smiled slightly: "I've said it many times, but thank you anyway."

After staring at each other for a while, he unconsciously leaned forward and slowly kissed her lips.Raven gently closed his eyes without any resistance.

It took a long time for the two to separate from each other.Eric looked at her carefully, and vaguely felt that she was more beautiful, and her body exuded a moist fragrance.

"After a while. Do you have any plans?" He asked in a low voice.

"Huh, go home?" Raven whispered, "But in fact, there is no one at home tonight, so it doesn't matter if you go back or not."

"Then why don't you just come to my house?"

Raven was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Are you inviting me to spend the night?"

"Ah no, I mean um. Well, that's pretty much it." Eric scratched his head, "So what's your answer?"

"Let me think about it." She turned her head away intentionally or unintentionally, "It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it."

"Then it's decided, we."

Having said that, Eric sensed something again and stopped suddenly.

This time it was definitely not a hallucination, it came so strongly, the source was close at hand, and it didn't disappear in a flash.


It was a girl's shrill scream, and a group of students jumped up in fright.Eric also got up quickly, looked around, and saw a girl in the crowd suddenly ignited with scorching flames, her whole body was wrapped in golden flames, and her whole body was burning!
It was Liz, and at this moment, she was burning like a small sun.

(End of this chapter)

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