Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 337 Chapter Family

Chapter 337
Gathering all the strength of everyone's strength, the ultimate output of the Almazo armor combined with the power of Revan's chaotic magic slammed heavily on the position of Doctor Doom.In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to be paled by it, and the strong wind mixed with magic power swept away like a whirlwind, and the violent impact shocked everyone present back again and again.

After more than a minute, the dust several meters high finally gradually dissipated.A huge hole was blown out in the open space, and all the flowers and plants that had been planted on the ground were uprooted and disappeared.The outline of Dr. Doom gradually emerged from the thick smoke. He half-kneeled in the middle of the huge pit, panting softly while propping up the ground with one hand. The armor all over his body was beating like a circuit failure. of black smoke.

Snake-like eyes shot out from under the cloak, as if they were going to pierce everyone with poisonous eyes.

"Do you know what you just did?" he asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Kid Lightning provocatively said, "We just kicked the crap out of some arrogant idiot."

"You don't understand at all." Doctor Doom stood up and said coldly, "All of you were insignificant in the first place, and didn't deserve the great Doom's attention. But now, you have successfully attracted my attention gone."

"Ha, then I'm really scared." Kid Lightning stuck out his tongue.

Doctor Doom frowned, and his sharp arrow-like gaze was first locked on this desperate kid.He clenched his fists, and the green wave was released from him again, shaking the green cloak behind him slightly.Although Eric and Raven's joint attack just now had caused him a lot of injuries, his fighting power still seemed to be strong.

But the titans didn't have the slightest fear just now, and now the one who successfully dealt heavy damage to Doom is even more morale, and has no intention of retreating at all.Everyone set up a stance and waited for it. The invisible auras of the two sides seemed to be rubbing fiercely in the air where the smoke and dust had not dispersed, and they were evenly matched.

And at this moment, the person who broke the deadlock appeared.


A majestic voice came from the outside of the battle situation. When everyone turned their heads, they saw that the king of Xinka Lilan, Tu Lan, had arrived here in person, followed by a mighty and well-organized army.But although these heavily armed soldiers look mighty and domineering, in fact, the guns and weapons in their hands are useless to these extraordinary people in the battle situation.

But no matter what, after all, this is still someone else's territory, so face still has to be given.After the king's words fell, the magic flames in Doctor Doom's hands were silently extinguished, and his hands were retracted under his green cloak.

"King Turan." Doctor Doom said lightly, "We meet again."

His voice is still cold and reveals the majesty of a superior, and he has no awareness of being caught for trespassing in other countries' restricted areas. On the contrary, his posture is more like that of a leader who came down to inspect the work.

And the king's tone eased very cooperatively: "Although Xinkaliland and your country are indeed an alliance now, it's not good for you to visit our palace without saying hello, right?"

Doom glanced coldly at everyone in Titan, and there was an undisguised threat in his eyes.

"I know." Dum then said calmly, "I'm leaving now."

"Of course, this won't affect our next alliance, right?" the king asked.

"That's natural." Dum said lightly, the man had already lifted into the air, and flew away with the flames on the soles of his boots.

Only then did the old king breathe a sigh of relief, and turned his gaze back to the rest of the Titans, regaining their benevolent smiling faces, just like the image Eric saw when he came to the palace on the first day.

"First of all, I think I must thank you on behalf of Xinka Lilan." He solemnly said to everyone, "Lubus has worked for me for more than ten years, and I trust him to take care of many important affairs. Even asked him to help my daughter before she matured as a person in power, but I never thought that such a guy would leak the secret to outsiders Just now, I have arranged for him to be arrested, thanks to The information you provide, otherwise the consequences may be more serious."

"Investigating this aspect is my specialty," Ye Yi said.

The king nodded: "Thank you very much. Then, in order to express my gratitude, I will arrange it in the next few days"

"No, it's better to avoid it, Your Majesty the King." Eric said lightly, "We plan to go home today."

"Oh? It's rare that everything is settled, don't you plan to stay for a few more days?"

Eric chuckled: "It still doesn't work. If you stay, there will inevitably be some new problems. After all, from the very beginning, when you invited me here, what you want is my armor, right?"

The king was taken aback: "What are you talking about?"

"There's no need to continue the show, we all know it already." Ye Yi said, "Although the 'Red Project' has gone bankrupt due to Dum's obstruction, I still managed to get the content of the plan related to this project. The name For the 'Amozo' project, don't tell me it has nothing to do with Eric."

The king was silent for a moment.

"As I said," Ye Yi said, "Investigating this aspect is my specialty."

Eric asked, "Princess Mia, does she know about this?"

"No," the king said slowly, "if she knew, she would never agree to invite you here for me-this is what I think she lacks the most as a decision-maker, she always has unnecessary Kindness is a big taboo for people in high places. As kings, we really need strength. We have always been a small country with weak strength, and we need strength no matter what in order to survive. The 'Red Project' was launched for this, and what this project lacks most is a core with absolute strength and leadership, and Amozo's armor can just make up for this part."

"I'm sorry to break your illusions, but power is not as pure as you think." Eric said lightly, "power is a curse, something you have to bear once it chooses you. Believe me, if Sinca Leyland does wield such power and it gets the attention of the rest of the that point, you'll regret the choice you made."

Ye Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's over, let's go home."

"No, it's not over yet." Eric said, "There is one more thing to do and I need your help to check things."

One day later, in the United States, the base of the Sky Eye Society.

"Your Suicide Squad management is a mess. This mission has been a disaster both in terms of personnel selection and assignment of tasks."

Victor Sergey seemed to be playing this taunt from Amanda Waller on a loop in his mind, and then linked to the complete failure of the team mission now, which made him feel extremely bad.

Fortunately, things suddenly turned around—just half an hour ago, the president personally called him, saying that he could handle all matters of the suicide squad, including the nano bombs behind the heads of everyone in the squad. The right to detonate.

After getting this notification, Victor went straight to the Suicide Squad's operation monitoring room and swiped his card to enter it.Originally, only Waller's door card had the right to enter this building, but now Victor Sage has also won this right for himself.

He couldn't wait to exercise his new powers and blow up Black Manta's head - a guy who defied his orders and led the squad to save Deadshooter, a challenge to his dominance He couldn't stand it anyway.He had to remind the lawless gang who was their real boss.

However, just before his fingers were about to reach the detonation button, someone grabbed his collar from behind and pulled him back from the console with irresistible force. He fell to the ground in embarrassment.


Victor, who was thrown to the ground, took a closer look, and Eric, who was wearing the Armor of Almojo, appeared in the room at some time.

"You?" Victor was taken aback.

Eric ignored his meaning at all, and turned around and started to operate on the console controlling the nano-bomb.

"What are you doing!?" Victor asked.

Eric still ignored it, and after a while, the words "bomb self-destruct started" appeared on the screen.


Victor yelled angrily and lunged at Eric from behind.But Eric kicked him without looking back, kicking him back to the ground.

After confirming that the words "self-destruct complete" were displayed on the screen, Eric turned around and walked out the door without saying a word.

"You idiot," Victor yelled after him, "what if you defuse the bomb? Do you think that will save them? Everyone in the Suicide Squad is our criminal and their lives are at stake." Under our control, you are only delaying their death."

Eric paused at the door, and sneered: "If you really think so, then you underestimate that woman Waller too much. Don't worry, before that, your days of being in power will come to an end , cherish it."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a response, he walked out swaggeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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