Chapter 330
Xinka Lilan's capital, underground.

The distance of a few hundred meters along the underground tunnel to the subway station ahead can only be described as a mess at the moment. The top of the tunnel has basically collapsed completely, and rubble is piled all over the ground.The rails had long been misplaced, and the car that had been broken from the inside by the tyrannical force overturned on top of the ruins, emitting thick black smoke.

Several flashlights came from the front of the dark tunnel, piercing the deep darkness like lightsabers.A group of soldiers from Xinka Lilan crawled through the ruins, seemingly to clean up the battlefield.

"Sir!" a soldier yelled, flashing a flashlight. "I found one!"

Several people quickly gathered around, and the flashlights gathered together.I saw a messy American lying in the middle of the ruins, half of his body was stuck in the rubble, half of his mask was smashed, and the blood dripping from his forehead along his cheeks had solidified on it, although he was still awake But his sanity was obviously confused.

It's Deadshot.The last wave of Dr. Doom's eruption just blasted him out of the shield generated by Eric, and he left the team very unluckily.

"My God, this guy is not dead yet." A soldier underestimated, "What should we do with him, he's a fighter?"

"Let's put it with our own people we found, and they will punish him." You said humanely.

"What about the other escapees?"

A man dressed as an officer came up, wearing a decent uniform, with his hands folded on his chest, his eyes were so small that they were almost narrowed into a slit.He asked, "How many did you find?"

"Only one, General."



"What about the others?"

"Probably more than three, the specifics are not sure." The sergeant reported, "I have sent my men to search the tunnel, but there is no progress yet. The damage in the tunnel is too serious. If the headquarters' machine can be dispatched A, I think it should be much faster."

"No." The general said firmly, "We have received orders to let them leave the area. This is the highest order. Other governments have begun to ask questions about these machines, and the palace's policy is to deny their existence."

"Denied?" The sergeant raised his eyebrows, "But it's a large group of giant robots, how should we deny it?"

"Through denying again and again." The general said coldly, "In short, they can't be called for the time being. As for how to find the remaining group of American superhumans, this is your problem, which is why they let I call you."

"Okay, I'll try to figure it out."

The sergeant was a little frustrated, and then his eyes fell on the dying Shishe who was being dragged out of the ruins by his own men.

Maybe some valuable information can be obtained by torture from this guy, which is the only clue they have now.

In the sewers elsewhere in the city.

After running for an unknown distance, the remaining members of the team stopped panting, and fell to the ground exhausted one by one.In order to save everyone as much as possible from Doctor Doom's trick and withdraw from there, Eric forced the armor to release all the energy in overload, and then the armor was automatically disarmed, and the people lost their strength. He has been run down by the black manta ray on his back.

Because they were worried about the pursuit, everyone ran all the way here and stopped for the first time.After a short break, the communication from the headquarters came again.

"Squad, report the situation!" Victor's voice sounded from the headset again, "Why didn't Deadshot respond to my call? And the tracker shows how he was separated from you?"

It was only then that everyone noticed that there seemed to be someone missing in their team.

"Manta Ray, report, where are you now? How is the situation?"

"The situation is a mess," Black Manta said.

"Aren't you still alive?"

"Deadshot is left behind, I guess he's captured." Black Manta said, "We just had a fight with Doom, and it's in a bad situation. The mission briefing didn't mention that we have to fight Doom .”

"Dom? Which Doom? Doctor Doom?" It was Amanda Waller's voice that sounded this time.

"Which one else?" Black Manta said angrily, "To be honest, apart from relying on this kid in armor, we can survive more due to luck. But I guess Deadshot might not be so lucky. Waller , can you see Deadshot still alive?"

"We believe he is alive and have tracked him moving," Waller said.

"But that doesn't matter, Deadshot has been captured, he's finished," Victor said, "rescuing him isn't part of the mission, you have to find out more about what the Sinka Lelands are up to, about their secrets A matter of planning."

"Wait, you mean we should leave him?" Eric said this time.

Victor snorted: "Yes, boy, what's the problem?"

"Listen, I don't remember who you are, and I don't remember that I said I would be loyal to you." Eric said firmly, "I stayed because this team accepted me and made me feel Be one of them and I want to do something about it. Last time when I was in crisis, Deadshot risked his life and came back to save me, so to hell with your shit mission! Even if it's just me Man, I'm going to rescue him too."

Victor on the other end of the headset frowned.

Eric can be said to be the most special character in this team. In theory, he is not a member of this team at all. He neither takes money to do things like Deathstroke and Deadpool, nor does he have a life-threatening nano-bomb behind his neck. .The reason why he moves with the team is because he thinks he is a part of the team, and besides that, he has nowhere to go now with amnesia.

And if he has free will and wants to act on his own, Victor has no means to force obedience to orders.

"I like your brain circuit." Harry moved closer to Eric and grinned, "It looks cute. If you're going to save people, then I'll go too. It sounds more interesting than spying on information." many."

"I agree too," Black Manta said. "We have to bring back Deadshot. If we're not a team, we can't work."

"They should go to the death knell." Victor spread his hands to Waller.

"What happened to Deathstroke?" Black Manta asked.

"Disappeared, we couldn't find him." Waller said, "This is part of the reason we installed nano-bombs. They are also trackers. Without bombs, we have no way of knowing the location of the death knell."

"Death Knell can take care of itself," Victor said.

"Then if he shows up, tell us." Black Manta said, "Now, send us the coordinates of Deadshot and we're going to rescue Deadshot."

"I can't believe we're still discussing Deadshot." Victor got impatient, stood up quickly, and angrily turned off the communication button.

Waller raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Victor showed a wolf-like expression: "Explode the head of the black manta ray for me."

"There are no doors." Waller looked straight at Victor, who was a head taller than himself, without fear, "Black Manta Ray made the right decision, I won't explode just because he doesn't obey your orders." Take his head off."

"I'm the head here!" Victor gritted his teeth.

"But I'm the only one who can authorize the detonation of the bomb." Waller tit for tat.

Victor stared at her for a long moment.

"Okay, let's wait and see." He dropped the earphones, turned and walked outside, "I'm going to get some fresh air."

(End of this chapter)

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