Chapter 303

After the golden and silver afterimages fought hundreds of times in the narrow space, they were entangled and rushed out of the compartment.They walked around this floor for more than half a circle, like two gusts of strong wind swept through all corners of the floor, and finally returned to the original point.

This is the second round of Quicksilver and Kid Flash.As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the two of them showed their housekeeping skills and fought together as soon as they came up.But today is different from the last time. In the last fight, Kid Lightning was a prisoner who had been imprisoned for a long time. He was mentally and physically out of shape, so he was at a disadvantage.

Today the situation is different.At first, Kuaiyin could barely keep up with Kid Lightning's speed, but the two of them made half a circle around the floor, and he was obviously half a step slower.He gritted his teeth and almost exerted all his strength. It seemed that he had never tried so hard to run faster in his life, but he still couldn't catch up with the afterimage in the electric current hanging in front of him.

The two hurriedly rushed back to the starting compartment one after the other, and Kuaiyin was clearly lagging behind.He rushed in desperately, raised his fist and punched the unseen figure in front of him, the strong wind driven by his fist was like a steel knife out of its sheath.


A crisp and heavy bang echoed in the closed room, and Kuaiyin's fierce punch landed hard on the thickened alloy wall.It is said that this layer of wall cannot be penetrated even with a direct hit from a tank gun, but at this moment it was slightly deflated by his speeding fist, which shows the strength of his fist.

It's a pity that this trick failed after all.The golden shadow in front of him somehow fluttered away from him at the moment he punched, and flashed behind him, stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly on his shoulder.

This was completely naked provocation and ridicule, and Kuaiyin became even more annoyed, and before turning his head, he punched him hard behind him.A swing like a whirlwind swept across a range of nearly 180 degrees, but unfortunately missed.Kid Lightning moved out of position ahead of time like a ghost, dodged to the side of the opponent, raised his knee and slammed, and the knee slammed on his waist.

"Like I said before, man," Kid Flash said, and before he had time to catch his breath, he pumped his fist again and landed at super speed.

".you are too slow!"

While the two speeders were having a great time fighting, the two young female magicians were also fighting fiercely.In the last round of confrontation, Wanda was defeated by Ruiwen due to lack of combat experience, but in terms of ability alone, the strength of the two should be right between them.

Wanda tried to use various means to attack Raven, but they were all resolved by her beautifully.At the same time, all of Raven's attempts to attack were successfully blocked by Wanda.The purple and red Chaos Magic each occupy one side, like two armies that are evenly matched, neither can do anything to the other.

The two were fighting to the core, and the purple-black magic power silently mixed in the gorgeous light curtain of their confrontation and slipped behind Wanda, quietly condensing into a solid body.The black crow slowly took shape behind her, spread its spotless black wings, and locked on Wanda from behind with sharp eyes like sharp arrows.

Using the same method as last time, Revan quietly released his soul inconspicuously during the fierce battle, making it materialize as the black crow preparing to sneak attack from behind Wanda.The last time the two fought against each other, Wanda was defeated by such a back and forth attack.

But this time Wanda was prepared.Before the crow, whose soul had materialized, could make a move, Wanda suddenly turned around and shot a long-prepared magical light wave to hit it head-on.With a long cry, the crow turned into a mist-like phantom and retracted into Raven's body.

"Do you think the same trick will work again?" Wanda said, spreading her arms, and said, "This time, let me show you my new trick."

As soon as the words fell, the scarlet magic power burst out from her body in an instant, brushing her fiery red hair like a storm.A translucent red air wave revolved around her, rising up like a tornado, like layers of copper and iron walls wrapping her figure in the middle.

A violent magical storm rolled up in the narrow room, engulfing everything in sight, smashing into pieces in the blink of an eye.The solid composite gold and iron sheets on the wall were torn apart by the scarlet storm, and were swallowed by the roaring tornado one after another.

The cloak behind Raven was blown "hula-la" by the strong wind, and the black hair swayed wildly in the wind.Her thin body is like an insignificant bug in front of this overbearing magical storm, and it seems that she will be easily crushed at any time.

It's also thanks to the Scarlet Witch who can burst out such a high concentration of chaos magic in an instant, so that even Raven can't break it easily.That being the case
Raven clenched his fists as he thought.

In the middle of the storm, Wanda hissed and roared, almost exhausting all the power he could mobilize in his body.This is also the limit of her current stage, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a unique move.And at this moment, the chaotic magic energy maintaining the storm continued to soar, and its power also became stronger at the same time.

In this way, if Raven doesn't have any other trump cards, she should not be able to take this move with the strength she has shown so far.

And completely beyond her expectation, a small gap suddenly appeared in the magical storm surrounding her body, like a small gap cut with a sharp knife.

A group of purple waves stubbornly squeezed in from the crack, and it was Raven himself.She wrapped her whole body with chaos magic, as if using her body as a dagger, and approached Wanda with difficulty against the storm.

"I'll tell you another new piece of news." Raven gritted his teeth and said, his clenched fist was wrapped in a rich purple magic, like a flame dancing on the back of his hand.

".That is, I don't have to use magic to beat people."

The punch dragged a purple trajectory, and slammed into Wanda's face from the front.Wanda fell from mid-air with an "ah", and the scarlet storm subsided.

Meanwhile, in the recording room of the facility.

Seeing that the progress bar on the host screen was finally read, the words "download complete" finally popped up on the interface.Eric breathed a sigh of relief, and when he turned around, his footsteps stopped abruptly.

A guy wearing a pitch-black armor with white stripes appeared behind him at some point, silently watching all his actions just now.

"As expected, you are still here." Omega said slowly.

"Ah, yes." Eric said lightly, "And today, I'm going to put an end to all of this."

(End of this chapter)

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