Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 30 Counseling

Chapter 30 Counseling
The morning sun pierced through the curtains, rendering the room a dull orange.Raven poked half of his head out of the bed, opened his sleepy eyes, and his hair was messed up like a chicken coop.

Snow-white arms stretched out from the bed, and after exploring the bedside table for a while, they grabbed the alarm clock.She grabbed the alarm clock by the bed and glanced at it. It read "9:00".

At this point, the other two children of my aunt's family should have already arrived at school, and thanks to her "dear" brother Belial, her school was temporarily suspended because the relevant departments wanted to investigate and collect evidence from yesterday's super power battle. That's why she was able to lie lazily in bed at this point.In fact, she usually never sleeps so late, but the explosion of magic power in yesterday's battle really exhausted her a bit.

She leaned against the head of the bed and rubbed against the head of the bed little by little as if her bones had been taken away. She stretched her waist, opened her eyes half-opened and stretched out her fingers to check the clothes she was about to change into. A dark blue dress The jacket and a pair of black jeans obediently flew to her bed.

After getting dressed slowly, Raven yawned again, and then walked out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes.

As soon as she opened the door, a scent came over her face, which was similar to the unique smell of some kind of fried food.

Is my aunt preparing breakfast for me?With that in mind, she walked towards the kitchen.As soon as she came to the kitchen door, she stopped in petrified footsteps, rubbed her half-awake eyes to confirm that she had left the dream.

Eric Charlotte, the guy who beat Belliel with her just yesterday, was talking and laughing with her Aunt Alice in the kitchen, very busy.

Noticing Raven who appeared here, Eric turned his head and waved his hand: "Yo, good morning."

"What are you doing in my house?"

Aunt Alice leaned in front of Raven and said, "Raven, you are a good classmate! I have never eaten such delicious pancakes, you really should try them."

"Uh, so you came here to make breakfast?" Raven asked, looking at Eric.

Raven knew very little about this boy, but she could detect many secrets in him.Such a guy would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so he must have some special purpose in coming here.

"Let's talk while eating. I heard that you haven't had breakfast yet." Eric said, holding a plate full of pancakes, "I don't know how to cook many dishes, which happens to be the one I am most confident in."

After a few minutes.

"private teacher?"

People who are not familiar with it may not be able to see it, but for Raven, whose facial movements rarely change, it is already the most surprising state for her.

"Not really, it's just a tutoring study." Aunt Alice explained, "Ms. Sharon said that your recent study status is not good, and you may need someone to tutor you before the next test. She strongly recommended Charlotte, saying He has excellent grades and is willing to help others.”

Eric couldn't help wiping his sweat when he heard this, he really didn't dare to be helpful.If he was asked to tutor anyone else, he wouldn't be bothered doing such a waste of time and energy.

Eric and Raven are not actually in the same class, but Sharon Carter is their teacher.Arranging him to get close to Raven this time was partly Sharon's idea. She didn't know much about the Raven Aegis. She hoped that Eric could approach Raven as a friend and give her information about the raven.

Of course, Eric would be too lazy to do such troublesome things as working for SHIELD. The reason why he came here was mainly out of his own will.

"Okay, then I guess now." Raven turned his eyes to Eric, "Should I say teacher please teach me more?"

Eric shrugged and smiled.

"Eric is a really good boy, Raven. I'm glad you found such a good boyfriend," Aunt Alice said. "Maybe I'm not your mother, but I have to remind you. You're only 17 now, some things are a little early for you"

Raven rested his forehead with one hand: "Auntie, I said he wasn't really just an accident that night, we didn't even know each other that night."

Raven knew that Aunt Alice was referring to the day Eric was teleported back to her bed with her and was accidentally bumped into by her aunt.But she herself felt that the credibility of this explanation was too low. If she herself was Aunt Alice, she would not believe such a nonsense explanation as "we fell from a height of [-] meters together and finally returned to my bedroom".

"Okay, I see, you just have to know it yourself." Aunt Alice started to pack the tableware and went back to the kitchen.

After a while.

Raven sat on the chair in front of his desk, stared at Eric as he closed the bedroom door, dragged a chair to sit next to her, took out his biology textbook, and really started flipping through the textbook according to the catalog.

Raven couldn't help but said: "Okay, when do you plan to get to the point?"

"Now, let's start here—the interaction of biological systems."

"You know what I'm talking about." Raven said, "What exactly are you here for? Do you want to ask about the demon yesterday? Or did he say that I would destroy the world? Or do you want to test my ability? "

"None." Eric shrugged, "Your aunt just said that I'm here to tutor you."

"And should I just believe that now?" Raven said, "Although I don't really know you, I can still see it."

"Generally speaking, no." Eric said casually, "I must say there is a reason. I just like you."

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Raven didn't seem to understand for a moment.

After being mixed into human society for so long, she has always been a lonely and weird kind of person. Until now, the companions around her are all friends who approached her with mental hints in order to appear normal, and are willing to associate with her actively. She seems to have never met so far.


Why?Because because you are very likable in anime?

Or is it because we are actually alike?

"If you like it, you like it. What's the reason compared to this? The test will be done right after returning to school, right?"

Raven looked at him cautiously, his eyes full of suspicion.

Meanwhile, New York, Stark Tower.

On the huge electronic levitation screen, the metal warrior and the girl holding a magic giant sword were wrapped in a huge crow transformed by magic power, and swooped down like a flying eagle, killing the demon controlling the flame with one blow.

Tony Stark frowned.

"Jarvis, tell me again, what's the kid's name?"

"Eric Charlotte, a high school student." Smart Butler Jarvis replied, "Also, I have to remind you, sir, that you are going to be late for the meeting again."

(End of this chapter)

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