Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 293 Detention

Chapter 293 Detention
A dilapidated small cubicle, almost no part of the brick wall is complete, and the walls are covered with cobwebs. The narrow space is almost the size of a single public toilet.

A bed that seemed to be propped up temporarily was leaning against the edge of the wall, and the blackened white sheets were thrown casually on the dirty floor.Kid Lightning sat cross-legged on this bed, his uniform was torn as if he had grabbed a tattered rag and wrapped it around his body, which was the trace left by his unfortunate involvement in the fire some time ago.

Yes, he's been here since the night it was on the news.He didn't know who the person who caught him was, he only knew that it would never be the police.His name is Bart Allen, and he is called "Boy Flash" online because he has super speed similar to The Flash.But it's a pity that he is not as powerful as the Flash. For example, he heard that the Flash seems to be able to use his speed to pass through walls, but unfortunately he can't, otherwise he wouldn't have to sit on this broken bed and hit the wall at speed.

"Bart? Are you still there?"

The voice of a boy came from the next door. Judging from the sound line, he should not be more than fifteen or sixteen years old. He is about the same age as Bart. He is another superpower who has been imprisoned here since Bart was locked in until now The only person who can chat and relieve boredom.

"Yes, Reyes," Bart sighed. "Where else could I go?"

"So how's your escape plan going?"

"Escape plan? There is a clue. What about you? Can't you use your ability to escape?"

"I don't know. My a bit complicated, and I haven't quite figured it out yet."

"Okay, then you can save yourself some trouble and try to figure it out next time...after I get both of us out."

Manhattan, at night, at Eric's house.

Raven used his fingers to direct the magic power of chaos, followed her with a quilt and pillow into the temporarily cleared bedroom, and said to Kaxi: "Eric said you can sleep in this room, this is yours." Sheets and pillows."

"Uh thanks?"

Seeing that Raven moved his fingers and ordered the quilt to be laid on the bed obediently, Kaxi couldn't help but click his tongue: "It's so cool, what is your ability? Is it the power to move objects through the air?"

"This is magic." Raven said, "It may be a bit complicated to explain. I learned to master it in a dimension called 'Azeroth'."

"Other dimensions? You know, you sound even cooler."

"That's where I was born and grew up." Speaking of this, Raven couldn't hide a little depression, "But it's a ruin now, my dad leveled it up and killed everything including my mother of all living beings."

Kashi was taken aback, as if she hadn't kept up with the rhythm.

"Although I don't understand it very well, it sounds like you have a much more tragic story than mine." Kashi lowered his head and said, "Sorry for reminding you of this."

"It's okay, those are things in the past." Raven said lightly, "Eric helped me through this and gave me a new life that should have died. As long as he is here, I can always Step into the future."

"Really?" Kashi lay on his back on the bed, "I really envy you two. But he is indeed a good person, and I really appreciate what he did today. Speaking of which, where did he go in the middle of the night?"

"It seems that there is a clue about the identity of the person who claims to be 'Oracle' on the Internet, so he ran to investigate. He said that if everything goes well, he should be able to come back before dawn."

NOWHERE, where Kid Flash is held.

With a "ding" unlocking sound, the electronic door slid open, and two men in blue uniforms appeared at the door, pointing their guns at Kid Lightning inside the room, and said, "We've temporarily turned off the force field, don't even think about it." Any weird movement, if you move we'll shoot. Did you hear that?"

Maybe they feel that what they are dealing with is just a teenager, and their hands and feet are still wearing heavy shackles, which is not enough to pose a threat in this situation.

Bart showed a smug smile, and a golden electric current flashed through his pupils.

In that split second, time seemed to be dragged into the realm of stillness.Kid Lightning moved, he rushed to the door dragging the heavy shackles, and struggled to shake the heavy iron balls on his hands. "Bang bang" two consecutive muffled sounds, the two of them fell to the ground one after another without even a chance to howl.

Bart took out the key from one of the men's waists, untied his shackles, and groaned: "A little suggestion, next time when you are guards, it's better not to give the prisoner a big iron ball, and then foolishly put The key is on your waist!"

Throwing down the shackles and the iron ball, Bart rushed out of the cell in a flash, and immediately came to the next door to his cell.

He tapped his knuckles on the glass of the stall. "Hey, Reyes, get ready to go!"

"Well, wait a minute."

The boy named Reyes struggled to respond, and it was only then that Bart noticed that his new friend, whom he had never met, seemed to be struggling with something in him.The boy's right hand was completely covered by a blue unknown object, and his arm was discordantly thick as if swollen, and that unknown object was still trying to extend towards his head and legs.

"Wow, what is that?" Bart said in a daze, "Is that your superpower?"

"I'm not very clear either," Reyes was sweating profusely. "Give me a little more time, and I think I can control it."

At this time, sirens were already echoing at the end of the corridor, and a group of uniformed guards rushed over with various high-tech firearms, and the fastest batch had already appeared at the corner at the end.

"Then come on, buddy, I'll come as soon as I go."

When the voice of the last sentence fell, the Barts had already been swept away like a whirlwind.The yellow afterimage flashed into the crowd, and the guards didn't even have a chance to fire a shot, and they were rushed to the ground.

After a few seconds, Bart flashed back to Reyes' cell, this time with the key to open the door.

"Are you okay? Your condition doesn't look very good." Bart opened the cell door and walked in.

Reyes finally returned to normal at this moment, the unknown object between his arms and waist seemed to have retracted to his back and disappeared.Reyes wiped his sweat: "Sorry. I think I should be fine."

"Very well, then let's get out of this damn place." Bart carried Reyes out of the room, and glanced back at the nameplate on the door of the cell.

"Blue Beetle? What does this code name mean? Is your superpower turning into bugs?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, anyway, let's get out of here first"

"I'm sorry, both of you, but you can't go anywhere for the time being."

Bart paused in his footsteps and turned around following the sound, only to see a silver-haired boy wearing black earphones appear behind the two of them at some point, with his arms folded around his chest and a confident smile.

It's Quicksilver.

"That's really unfortunate, we were planning to leave." Bart said, a golden electric current jumped all over his body, "And I don't think anyone can stop it."

(End of this chapter)

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