Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 279 Bronze Tiger

Chapter 279 Bronze Tiger
By the time the A.H.I.E.L.D. side found the alley where Jericho's energy signal came from, unfortunately, the battle was over.But the mess at the scene told everyone that they had not gone to the wrong place.

The stinking garbage dumps were blown everywhere, and the bright red blood splashed all over the alley. The side walls seemed to be penetrated horizontally by some kind of huge force, and blood-stained broken bricks piled up all over the floor.

There were several dismembered corpses left at the scene. Their heads looked like they had exploded from the inside. Judging from their attire, they should be local gangsters.In addition, there was the possum who had just escaped from Aegis earlier, and now its head and body had been separated, and it was lying in a pool of blood. The scene made people feel nauseous again. .

"It looks like we're one step too late." Natasha glanced at the messy scene and frowned.

"But our route is right." Eric closed his eyes for a moment and said, "Ruth, she came here too, just a while ago. And she activated the armor, and it happened with someone here conflict."


"Then I don't know." Eric shrugged, "I'm not a master of divination, I just can sense the reaction of the Amojo virus."

Just at this time, a deep and deep voice came from above everyone's head: "You said you can sense Ruth's position, kid?"

Everyone looked up abruptly, only to see that Deathstroke and Deadpool were standing side by side on a certain balcony on the roof of one side of the building. The figure reflected in the bright moonlight was very domineering due to the angle, and the murderous aura was as oppressive as Mount Tai. down.

Reflexively, the agents at the scene pointed their guns at the two of them at the same time—it’s no wonder they were so nervous, after all, any of these two people who popped up above was a dangerous person with a high threat factor on the wanted list, so how to treat them with caution? It's never an exaggeration.

"Death knell? And Deadpool?" Eric was really taken aback when he saw the two of them, "How did you two get together?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe you haven't heard of it, brat." Deadpool pulled out his long sword and pointed forward, shouting, "Listen, we are the legendary 'death twins' that everyone in the world fears. Sha'! Remember it for me today!"

Deathstroke glanced at him sideways: "I don't remember such a thing."

"Because you said 'Brave and Bold' is a stupid name? So I just got a new one."

"It's not about the name, I mean you think it's stupid to have such a combination."


This series of funny opening remarks instantly caused the domineering image of the two people to drop a lot when they appeared on the stage, and everyone below couldn't help but have black lines on their faces.

Are these two funny comparisons really the most dangerous killers in the world?

Deathstroke gave up the idea of ​​continuing to quarrel with Deadpool. There is no end to the quarrel with this guy, and it is meaningless.He jumped off the balcony, and Deadpool followed suit.

"Back to the topic." Deathstroke said to Eric, "You said you could sense Ruth, right?"

"The armor she wears, to be precise." Eric said, "I can feel that she is wearing the armor here, and a battle broke out with someone, and according to the weakening of the virus response, it seems , I presume she lost."

"Jericho was here too." Deathstroke frowned. "Maybe they're together, maybe they're both in the hands of Odysseus."

"I heard that this is your family problem." Natasha said, "Would you like to explain what's going on?"

"Ha, it's quite simple to say." Deadpool interjected again, "It probably means that this guy's father got up from the grave and wanted to snatch his grandson, but he refused, and now he has developed into a son and an old man. The Greatest Fight of the Century! And that's not the best thing, you know what the best thing is? I got the front row seat!"

"Can't you stop for a second, Wade?" The sound of the death knell sounded like it was on the verge of eruption.

"Okay, I get it roughly. It means that the guy named Odysseus is your father, right? It's really a complicated family issue."

After sighing, Eric paused and said instead: "Since this is the case, our interests are actually the same. In fact, we came to Russia to take back the set that your daughter Ruth took away." It's just armor. Now she seems to have fallen into the hands of some Odysseus, so our goals are the same for the time being."

Death Bell stared at him for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "You know, I don't often team up with people."

Eric smiled meaningfully and glanced at Deadpool.

The death knell sighed: "Okay, it's a very difficult time to deal with. Then this time, we cooperate."

In another place, an open and solemn hall.

Ruth stared angrily and hatefully at the man in the metal mask, who called himself Odysseus, her grandfather, and was a lunatic.She wished to use ten thousand methods to cut this lunatic into pieces, but it was a pity that she was being firmly pinned to the ground by two followers of Odysseus and could not move.

Earlier, she borrowed the power of the Beta armor to try to defeat Odysseus, but the man's power was too weird.He not only has the physical ability that can rival the armor, but also has the mental ability similar to Jericho. In the end, Ruth still failed to defeat him, and the armor was also taken away by the opponent.

"Are you going to kill her? Master?"

"No, she is my flesh and blood." Odysseus said, "Maybe she is not very happy now, but soon I will let her join my cause."

"I'm going to kill you." Ruth gritted her teeth, "I'll cut off your head, and watch your party feathers turn into ashes."

"Haha, inherited your father's stubbornness. Be careful, or you will suffer the same fate as him."

"Let Ruth go." It was Jericho who spoke, and he had recovered from his convulsions at this time, "She doesn't have the talent you want, and she can't help you achieve that twisted goal, and I have .”

"Don't give in, Jericho," Ruth yelled, "Keep this gang under control and kill him!"

"If he could do it, he would have done it long ago." Odysseus sneered, "This is the army I formed myself. I have controlled them for several months, and Jericho can't take it away."

"Maybe I really can't control these puppets of yours."

As Jericho said, he paused, showing a sneer of misery.

"But that doesn't mean I can't sabotage your twisted plans."

Ruth's face changed: "Jerico, you want to."

"Do what I should have done long ago."

When he said this, Jericho's face was distorted and deformed due to pain, and blood overflowed from his seven orifices, and he knelt down on the ground without strength, trembling uncontrollably.

"He's self-harming!" shouted a believer, "Master, if he dies, our plan."

"No, it's not too late."

As Odysseus said, he took off his metal mask and put it on Jericho's face involuntarily.The green energy visible to the naked eye rushed out like a torrent, pouring in toward Odysseus' face.The old man's entire face seemed to turn into a green vortex, greedily absorbing every trace of energy in Jericho's body.

And almost at the same second, the ceiling was blown apart with a "boom".Deathstroke and Deadpool fell from the blazing flames one after the other, and when they were still in the air, they involuntarily shot Odysseus with blood, and Eric followed closely behind.

"I bet you thought you'd never see me again, Odysseus," said Deathstroke.

"Slade." Odysseus wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth nonchalantly, and the bullet holes all over his body were quickly healed, "No, I expected that you would come to hinder my business, so I will do it for you. You also have special preparations for the Bronze Tiger!"

As soon as the words fell, a man also wearing a hood had leaped down.He took off the hood, only to see a bald head under the brim of the hat, with a strange pendant hanging around his neck, his temperament was restrained and not to be taken lightly.

Bronze Tiger, one of DC's top fighting masters, a top killer, and an old acquaintance of Deathstroke.

Deathstroke frowned: "Little Tiger? Why are you also controlled by this old bastard?"

"Bronze Tiger," Odysseus said with a sneer, "show Slade the new toy we just got."

Nodding blankly, Bronze Tiger lifted the metal backpack with gold stripes, which was the armor of Almajo Beta.

"Scanning. The neural link establishment system has been started, and the Beta system is online."

(End of this chapter)

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