Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 272 Bloody Battle

Chapter 272 Bloody Battle

As a lone assassin, Deathstroke has always hated being offered a helping hand. It is for the same reason that he also plans for his employer to arrange other colleagues as teammates for him.But now, even he has to admit that without Eric's help, he might be over by now.

The dense bullets and laser beams bounced off the Almazo Alpha armor, Eric completely ignored the dense firepower around him, and shuttled back and forth between the formations of the mecha soldiers like a sharp knife. No discomfort, the flames are soaring into the sky, and figures are flying around, just like a harvester with full power.

Although it was only one round at most with everyone in this phalanx, Eric also saw that this group of people was not ordinary people.They have high-intensity fighting skills, which are far beyond the combat capabilities of ordinary army soldiers. Every movement and every detail of their moves reveals the fighting ideas and qualities of the best fighters.

If it was a fair match, Eric would probably have no chance of winning when two such fighters surrounded him.But it is a pity for them that the current situation is not in the venue of the tournament.

If skills and tactics cannot match, then simply crush them with absolute strength.Eric is now wearing a super-mode armor, and just relying on that inhuman terrifying power is enough to be invincible in the middle of the ranks of ordinary people.

The three mecha-wearing fighters in front of them stepped forward side by side, and each raised their hand to show off a high-tech lightsaber like in a sci-fi movie. They stabbed at the same time with tacit understanding, covering many vital points of Eric's body skillfully.If it was an ordinary person, they would have to retreat because they had no time to take care of it at this time, but Eric rushed forward as if he hadn't seen it at all, and let the three lightsabers graze the armor with a clang. But unscathed.

With a lightning strike, one of the three swordsmen's face mask was shattered, and blood flew out of his mouth and nose at the same time, and he fell down; One person's legs were swept off at the same time by a domineering sweep, and he fell to the ground moaning.Eric's three blows were completed almost at the same time, and the three of them didn't even have a chance to avoid it.

By this time, the opponent had already clearly realized that even if they threw a division of troops, it would be impossible to stop Eric, so the soldiers in armor also opened the distance intentionally or unintentionally.Several vertical take-off and landing fighters hung in the air and approached, bullet rain and stray bullets involuntarily poured down in the direction of Eric and the death knell.

The firepower that was almost equal to that of a small army exploded on a street, and the whole street was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. The flames reflected half of the sky, and the clouds seemed to be on fire.

The smoke and dust dissipated, but a transparent green shield floated in the middle of the shattered block, standing like a spherical bubble in the middle of the thick smoke, protecting Eric and Deathstroke in the middle.

The death knell snorted: "Don't think that this will make me thank you."

"I never thought about it that way at all." Eric said lightly, "We just need information about your daughter, so if you hang up now, it will bother me, that's all."

"Hmph, that's the best."

Deathstroke is by no means the kind of person who would feel grateful and agree with you as a friend just because you saved his life. He is a pure money worshiper and believes in the supremacy of profit.But because of this, only in the part of benefit exchange, he will never be ambiguous. If you give him a benefit, then he will be willing to provide you with something of equivalent value in exchange.

Of course, that's all there is to it.If he has to kill you next time because of his interests, he will never hesitate because you saved his life. He is such a person—not a good person, but he has a firm stand.

"New mission, death knell." Eric said, "Before I come back, try not to die."


But Eric didn't say any more, and after canceling the shield, he jumped into the air, turned into a green meteor, and went straight to the fighter jets in the air. A series of artillery fire mixed with green light exploded in midair. Like summer fireworks.

The moment he lost the protection of the green light shield, bullets rained down everywhere. Death Knell hurriedly rolled over and hid behind a boulder for cover.

Although he only got a short respite just now, with Deathstroke's amazing self-healing ability, his injuries have recovered by half, basically not affecting his normal actions.

At this time, the large group of soldiers who had just withdrawn surrounded them again, some armed with guns and some with swords, and cautiously approached the bunker where the death knell was located.

They thought it was a catch-in-the-urn, just to catch an assassin who was already bruised and bruised.

Deathstroke replaced the submachine gun with a new magazine, and drew out the blood-stained long sword again with the other hand.

They are wrong.Even with bruises all over their bodies, the people they have to face are still extremely dangerous.

A grenade rolled out from behind the stone first, and a "boom" burst out a lot of light and heat.The armored warriors stopped cautiously, observing the situation in the flames.

But it was this cautious pause that gave Deathstroke its chance.

At this moment, the figure that came out of the flames looked like an emissary from hell. His armor was covered with swaying flames. The blood-colored blade was scalded by the flames.

Armor provides protection for these fighters, but at the same time makes that stupid mask a prime target.The long sword of death knell burning with flames cut out a series of blood flowers, and a large amount of blood was sprayed on the two-color mask, making him look even more ferocious.

This large group of fighters are all well-trained experts, they still have an absolute advantage in equipment, and their opponents have been seriously injured, but even with such a huge advantage, they were still killed by Deathstroke alone, and they were defeated. It shows that Deathstroke is worthy of his long list of gorgeous titles.

Until the fighter jets in the air were fighting fiercely in Eric, they seemed to accidentally throw a stray bullet in this direction, and it was very unfortunate that it exploded not far from the death knell.The death knell's legs and back were hit by shrapnel, and the whole person flew out lightly, and landed in the middle of the ruins in a state of embarrassment.

The blood-red long sword flew out of his hand, and pierced into a crack in the stone a few steps away in front of him with a clang.Deathstroke was panting violently, his mouth and nose were filled with blood, and even his lungs were filled with blood.Consciousness has begun to drift, and it is difficult to concentrate, but he knows that the battle is not over yet, and it is not time for him to fall down.

He tried his best to crawl towards the long sword stuck in front of him, and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

Just when he was about one meter away from the long sword, a pair of red boots caught his eyes.

"Ha, I didn't expect to meet again under such circumstances." The man yelled in a cheap and funny voice, and pulled out the sword that the death knell had stuck in the ground. Okay? Oh, see what I asked, I guess the general state of being covered in blood can't be regarded as 'doing well'? Woohoo, it's so miserable."

Death Bell raised his head with difficulty, saw the appearance of the person coming, and said in surprise: "Wade!? Impossible, aren't you dead?!"

(End of this chapter)

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