Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 260 The Lost Armor

Chapter 260 The Lost Armor

Early morning, 05:30.

Less than half a day after the last time, Eric came to this industrial area in New Jersey again.Originally, at this time, he should be sleeping soundly on the bed like most of the others, but the fluctuation he sensed last night came again, and this time it directly broke into his dream, and it was stronger than the last time.

Although he couldn't explain it, an instinct in his brain told him that a fierce battle was going on there.

When they rushed to this industrial area again, the battle was already over.But now he doesn't have to bother to find out which building is the mysterious base of Aegis, because it is obvious that the ceiling has been blown down and a black sports car is embedded in the wall.

When Eric walked towards the messy scene, two special agents stopped him from left to right and warned him that irrelevant personnel should not enter.But then Agent Coulson showed up and offered to let him in.

Eric walked up to Coulson and asked, "Now, can you almost tell me what you guys are doing here?"

Coulson didn't answer directly, but asked, "What did you feel that made you come back here again?"

"Yes, I told you that I can sense the reaction of the Yamajo virus." Eric said, "Tell me that you are not secretly researching this thing again, and now the results have not been snatched away."

"It's a little bit different."

While the two were talking, Coulson led him in. At this time, they had come to the ruins of the hall, and in front of them was the collapsed metal cube.The door panel of the cube is at least five centimeters thick by visual inspection, but judging from the traces, it seems that it was torn apart with brute force and thrown far away. Of course, there is nothing inside.

"That's it?" Eric asked, staring at the empty container, "What was originally in it?"

"Armajo Armor Beta."

Eric was taken aback by Coulson's answer, and turned his head in surprise to make sure Coulson was not joking.

"Yes, it's the one you fought against, the Almajo armor developed by Dr. Anthony Ivo." Coulson added, "The bionic body wearing the Omega armor killed its wearer, and after that the god Shield recovered the Beta armor. However, according to Director Fury’s intentions, we have not studied it further, but classified it as dangerous goods and secretly sealed it in the headquarters.”

"Then it's a miracle that it hasn't been lost until now." Eric sarcastically.

"And as you know, a new director has come to power. Unlike Director Fury, our new director has shown greater interest in the 'Armajo' project." Coulson said, "Luther The Director has restarted the research program on Beta armor, which has only recently shown signs of recovery."

"That's why I can sense it suddenly." Eric said.

"That's right." Coulson nodded. "Aegis has always kept the data of the Almazo Alpha armor. We also made a lot of comparisons during the research process, and then found that they are somewhat different in nature."

"If you mean Alpha's resonance ability, then I already know."

"No, other than that." Coulson said, "It's about the dress code."

"Dress conditions?"

"You should know that the Alpha armor seems to be tailor-made for Dr. Charlotte—that is, your father—only his genes can unlock the armor. As his son, you just inherited That's why his genes are applicable. In other words, now that Dr. Charlotte has passed away, you are the only one in the world who can activate Alpha armor."

After a pause, he turned to say: "But the Beta armor is different. In theory, it doesn't seem to have any restrictions on its use. Anyone can activate this armor, but it behaves... more picky."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say, we selected a few volunteers to try wearing the Beta armor, each one of our well-trained agents. But it turned out that the longest one of them wore it for no more than 3 minutes. Due to physical overload, the clothes were automatically removed, and after the removal, they all suffered serious injuries of varying degrees and were hospitalized."

"Why is that?" Eric asked with a frown. "The guy named Butch I fought with was obviously only a human being. Why did he seem to have no problem at all when he used armor?"

"I'm not sure, but we speculate that it has something to do with the will of the armor." Coulson continued, "After testing, we found that several of our volunteers can last for different periods of time, and the burden they bear varies greatly depending on the individual. Great. Combined with the fact that the Alpha armor has self-awareness, we speculate that the Beta armor may also have its own consciousness, and it may be screening wearers based on its own standards."

"That sounds like a wayward weapon."

"Very capricious, yes, but also very dangerous for that reason. If it falls into the wrong hands, and the wrong person happens to be able to wield its power."

"Okay, I know what you want to say." Eric rolled his eyes, "Let me guess, you lost it, so now I hope to help you find it with the help of my Almojo human body radar, right Is it?"


Eric sighed.Since it was Yamozhuo's matter, it was also his responsibility. After all, the origin of all this was related to his father, and he felt that he had a part of the responsibility to correct it.Only in this point that the power of Almadra's armor cannot fall into the wrong hands, he and Aegis are fully in line.

At the same time, inside the "Black Pearl" bar.

"Someone better come out and explain to me what the hell is going on!"

If someone who didn't know saw this scene, maybe they would laugh out loud - a group of strong men with skulls on their bodies, pendants on their ears, and non-mainstream attire were yelled at by a silver-haired woman, and they All of them drooped their heads like elementary school students, not daring to breathe.

"That... the one who jumped out of the helicopter just now should be Silvermane." Finally someone said cautiously, "He is also a bigwig in New York. He was the big man in power in this city before Jin Bing came to power. Although the reputation is not as good now In the past, but after the fall of Jin Bin, it was also one of the strongest forces in the city”

"Did I ask you who he is?" Ruth rolled her eyes, and the guy shut up in fright and didn't dare to speak.

"I'm mad how did those people know about my plan? How did they know I wanted that thing!?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and someone said again: "Uh, maybe we have their eyeliner among us?"

Ruth's cold and stern gaze suddenly turned to the speaker, and the knife-like gaze made him shiver in fright.

"Um...boss, maybe you didn't know the situation here when you first came here. But those big bosses, their eyeliners are all over the city, and it's actually a matter of tacit understanding that there are their eyeliners in a small gang like us."

Speaking of this, his voice became smaller and smaller, because he noticed that the beautiful new boss' face was getting worse and worse.

The bar was silent for a while, and everyone fell silent, as if an invisible rainstorm was brewing.

Finally, she spoke.

"You guys go first." She said gloomily, "I want to be alone first."

(End of this chapter)

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