Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 258 Chess Game

Chapter 258 Chess Game
New York, four o'clock in the morning.

This is a time when normal people have already counted sheep and fell asleep, but at the same time, for others, the climax of the party has just ushered in.

In New Jersey, the industrial area that was always chilling and chilling at night in the past, was extraordinarily lively tonight.A large number of sports cars gathered here, and the overlapping headlights illuminated the area as bright as day.A group of young people dressed in non-mainstream cheered and shouted loudly in the light of the headlights.The roar of the sports car engine resounded through the sky, arousing people's blood.

It is in the depths of this area that Aegis has set up a secret factory.

"What's going on outside?" Agent Coulson quickly entered the control center of the base and asked.

"It's bosozoku." A night shift special agent reported, "The most famous drag racing party in New York seems to be holding some kind of race here tonight. Do you need to deal with them?"

Coulson frowned and thought for a moment.

It is indeed reasonable for the bosozoku to choose such an open space for racing, but it happens not long after Aegis recently opened this base?Is this really a coincidence?

After hesitating again and again, Coulson finally gave an order: "Don't act rashly, if you act rashly, it will be tantamount to exposing our base, and news can easily leak from these gangsters. Continue to closely observe their movements."

"Yes, sir."

Coulson stopped talking, and stared at the screen with his hands behind his back, as if he sensed something bad.

Phil Coulson is worthy of being the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. His many years of experience in performing missions has honed his intuition, and his hunch is not wrong at all.

The security protocol of S.H.I.E.L.D. is undisputedly top in the world. The systems of each of its branch bases are directly linked to the headquarters. Everyone who tries to enter the S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities must be authenticated.Stricter ones may require fingerprints, retinal or even DNA verification, while even those with looser defenses must at least have a high enough level of authority or a specially authorized door card to be able to enter.

Fortunately for Ruth, the facility she was going to invade today was of the "relaxed" type because of the temporary activation of Aegis.

That's right, it was the silver-haired girl who had fought side by side with Eric at George's Bar earlier tonight and talked all night.Now, she's donning a sexy black bodysuit and a digital mask for a makeover.

As for the door card authorized by Aegis, it took her more effort, but she finally managed to get it done.Among the assassins and mercenaries in the world, there are only a handful of people who can get the door card authorized by SHIELD, but this girl got it.

So far everything has gone according to plan, and Ruth managed to sneak in.When she entered the factory and saw the metal cube full of wires standing in the center, she immediately confirmed that it was her target.

That's the one.Thinking of this, she clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes staring at the cube almost became fiery.

But maybe she was too engrossed in watching it for too long, and finally attracted unnecessary attention.

"Hey you."

Realizing that someone seemed to be calling her, Ruth quickly looked back and turned her head.

The one who called her was a beautiful woman who also wore a black dress, with impressive red hair, and her proud figure was hard to forget once she saw her.

Natasha Romanov, code-named Black Widow, is a super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Her name is almost unknown in the world, and she was already known as a killer even before she joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course Ruth also knew her. The moment she saw her, she couldn't hold back the desire to compete with her. To be honest, she didn't feel that she might lose to this famous black widow.But considering the goal of this mission, she still held back this irrational impulse.

Natasha looked at her suspiciously for a moment, and asked, "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you here before."

Ruth saluted naturally, and reported in a calm tone: "Yes, my name is Bella Esther, a third-level agent, and I have just been assigned here."

"Is it?"

Natasha seemed to want to ask something, but was interrupted by a sudden accident in the next second.

First there was a loud bang from nowhere, and it sounded like something exploded in the base.Before everyone had time to react, the harsh siren rang through the entire building, which was the sound of the highest level of alert.

Natasha had no choice but to put aside the matter of the suspicious person in front of her for the time being, and turned on the communicator on her wrist.

"what happened?"

"It's those bosozoku!" The duty officer in the control center informed everyone through the communication channel, "A bosozoku's car just crashed into the base!"

Totally unexpected situation.Just a few seconds ago, a black sports car of the bosozoku outside suddenly left their runway without warning, turning like a wild horse out of control and galloping towards the base.It broke through the guard post of Aegis at a super high speed, leaped over a distance of more than 200 meters, and rushed towards it aggressively. The roaring engine was like the horn of victory.

The sports car used its body to punch a hole in the outer wall of the base, but it also suffered losses for both sides.The driver jumped out of the car and fled before accelerating to the top speed. The head of the car hit the wall and turned into a mess of scrap metal. Even the front tires flew out under the impact. The scene was truly spectacular.

The situation on the field suddenly became chaotic. If it was still just a coincidence, it would be too much a coincidence.In any case, it was finally impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to stand still at this point. Coulson immediately ordered measures to be taken against these motorcycle racers. Almost all the agents who were still on duty in the base rushed out.

And at this moment, it can be seen that this group of gangsters obviously had a plan long ago. The moment Aegis reacted, they stopped the game immediately, and all drove away tacitly.At first glance, it seems that their escape seems to be scattered in an unorganized manner, but if you look carefully from the perspective of the pursuers, you will find that there is actually a method in this gang of rioters. They deliberately dispersed and fled in different directions. Even the terrain and cover that can be used have been prepared in advance.

At this moment, Coulson has clearly realized that this is definitely not the level that a bunch of drag racing gangs can do.If this confrontation is compared to a chess game, then the opponent must be a good chess player, and these drag racing gangs are just pawns temporarily borrowed by that chess player.

Just as planned.Now that a large number of agents have withdrawn, Ruth relatively easily put down the few remaining people in the hall one by one, and then approached the metal cube in the center.

Only this thing, she is bound to get it in this trip.

Ruth found the console connected to the cube container, and began to crack the code to try to open the container.

"If I were you, I'd get out of there and not touch anything."

A cold voice sounded from behind, and Natasha Romanov appeared behind her unconsciously, with a pistol held against the back of her head.

(End of this chapter)

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