Chapter 24 VS Raven
New York, at night.

Black clouds covered the full moon in the night sky inch by inch, and a mysterious cold aura wandered among the dense buildings.Erik stood on the roof of a tall building in Almadra's armor.Facing him was a crow that seemed to only exist in mythology. Its wings were too black to be stained with a trace of dust. The white-tipped feathers covered its head like a king's crown, and a strange but sacred black aura lingered all over its body.

Well, although Eric has witnessed it with his own eyes at this moment, he still feels unbelievable.He knew that the crow was just an entity embodied by a soul, and its owner was the frail little girl in thin pajamas behind Eric.She's a raven, and out-of-body is one of her special abilities, but generally you shouldn't be able to see her soul, let alone fight it.

Of course, she certainly wouldn't be accidentally torn to pieces by her own soul every day, obviously she was in trouble.

"You are...the one in the news." Raven stared at him blankly and said.

"Let's talk later if you have something to say. Let me see if I can help you settle it first."

Seemingly understanding what he said, the crow yelled in disbelief, fluttered its wings twice, and flew towards it like a black arrow again.

"Caution! It is"

Before Raven could finish speaking, Eric rolled over on the spot to avoid the pounce of the crow, and said in his mouth, "Is your soul? I know."

Raven was startled: "Why do you know?"

This bird was unexpectedly agile, and the inertia of sprinting at such a speed was exhausted the moment it staggered away from Eric's side. It turned around suddenly, and the sharp claws under the black wings flashed out. The half-moon peeking between the clouds cast a silvery glint on the black claws.


Claws slid across the plate on the armored chest, brightly colored sparks flying in all directions.Eric fell to the ground and rolled twice to relieve his strength, but the crow was already pressing close to the front door.

It's fast and has a fairly sharp combat mind.

But Eric's reaction was also very fast, he flew up with his right foot almost instinctively, and kicked towards the rushing crow like a spring.But that guy was quite clever, and the moment before approaching, he suddenly turned around again, forcibly reversed the direction and jumped up towards the dark night sky, setting off a burst of colorless dust.

A pure black crow sinks into the deep night sky, and the looming moonlight outlines its insolent outline, like a picture scroll with the theme of gods and demons.

"Do you want to bully me for not having wings?" Eric snorted, "What a coincidence, I have more than that!"

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

In an instant, the green light tore through the darkness, the meteor shot through the night, and the silver armor wrapped in the green energy layer followed the black crow soaring into the sky.

"The appearance...changed?" Raven stared at this scene in surprise, and then chased after him in the air.Now that her soul is out of the body, the combat power she can display is really limited, so she can only watch quietly from the side.

Like two comets fighting fiercely in the night sky, two figures, one green and one black, alternated continuously.They rushed up to a height of 500 meters at super high speed, and then swooped down to the block only six or seven meters above the ground. Like a chain of fireworks.

They rose again, the black afterimage and the green light stream entangled together and rose straight up against the glass curtain wall of a building. The outer glass was overwhelmed by the air pressure and a long crack was torn out.

The crow let out a high-pitched and sharp cry, and the moment it rushed to the top of the building, it spread its wings suddenly. It seemed that there was an endless black hole hidden under the pair of pitch-black wings, and endless darkness surged out, just like It's like a wave after wave.

The green light was swallowed, and the darkness climbed up the silver armor inch by inch like a liquid, like chewing delicious food.

"Output power. 100%, fully charged."

"Drink ah ah ah!!!"

Erik let out a thunderous roar, and the strong light seemed to be pierced out of the dark fluid like countless spikes.The green divine light tore through the darkness, turning into bursts of waves and launching out.The glass curtain wall shattered, and the crow uttered a sharp and painful cry, as if trying to cover its eyes with its wings, it suddenly accelerated and hit Eric's belly.

At a speed so fast that people can hardly breathe, it screamed and dived towards the ground desperately.

Eric tried to break free from it, but the release of the ultimate power had just been interrupted, and the energy was being recharged, and he could no longer release a new figurative weapon for a short time.

20 meters, ten meters, five meters from the ground!

At this moment, the girl's figure sprang out like a weasel, her long hair was like a rolling waterfall, and the strong wind crazily poured into her thin vest.Raven has been waiting patiently, and finally waited for this moment.

There is only one chance, never miss it.

Time seemed to freeze, and the moment the girl's plain hand touched the crow's black wings, an amazing scene appeared.She resonated with the crow, and the black breath began to extend towards her.The magic power condensed into a light blue light, and opened an oval eggshell, enveloping them all.

Eric felt a heavy dizziness hit his brain, and the balance center of the brain seemed to be completely confused.It's like being sucked into a vortex in a stormy sea, and everything around is spinning.

He felt as if his stomach was going to be squeezed, and a strong nausea and nausea hit him, and his throat was as dry as a traveler who hadn't been wet for a whole day in the desert.

This state lasted only about a second or two, but it felt like a century had passed.

"Power overload. Sleep mode."

After dropping a cold prompt, the armor automatically retracted on his back.

The strong sense of weightlessness reminded him intuitively that the drama is about to come.He closed his eyes tightly, and faced the icy ground with the best posture, praying that he would not fall too badly.

But unexpectedly, what greeted him was not the cold ground, but the soft bed.

Yes, a bed, the quilt was thrown aside indiscriminately, and there was still a faint fragrance on the bed.He turned his head and saw that Raven also fell on the bed, and she looked even more embarrassed in her pajamas.

Suddenly, he understood, and his face became a little weird.

This is her room, right?
"Raven? What happened? I heard voices in your room."

Damn, no way.
However, before he could do anything, the door was gently pushed open, and Raven's Aunt Alice poked her head in.

Then, she petrified.

Eric was also petrified, and he felt as if he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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