Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 237 The Encirclement

Chapter 237 The Encirclement

"Although I don't know much about the physiological structure of Skrulls, I only know that they are sensitive to pain." Eric said coldly, and the hand that pinched the opponent's wrist increased his strength, and the armor The added strong grip made red marks on "Sharon"'s snow-white wrist.

The woman gritted her teeth and said in pain, "You know a lot, brat. How did you know we are Skrulls?"

"Who knows." Eric sneered, "Maybe I know a lot more than you think. But now I have a lot of questions to ask, starting with your invasion plan and the spies you planted Bar."

"Sharon" smiled slightly: "I have a whole night to spend with you. But I'm worried that you may not have that much time."

Just at this point, the door of the living room was violently kicked open.Aegis agents, all in black uniforms, rushed in. After confirming the target, they immediately opened up their formation in a well-trained manner, enclosing the two in a semicircle.

"Don't worry about me!" "Sharon" who was restrained by Eric shouted at the agents who came in, "The highest priority is to capture the target Amozo!"

This Skrull spy is worthy of her scheming, even Eric himself couldn't help feeling that he looked like a villain now.

It is of course useless to explain now, and Eric has no intention of confronting Aegis head-on.These people should just be human beings following orders, not Skrulls, and it wouldn't do any good to hurt them.

The hurricane poured in crazily through the broken windows, the black helicopter circled up, the air currents lifted the curtains and fluttered in the air, the dazzling searchlights projected in from the window, dazzled Eric for a while, and reflected the folds of the armored helmet Hui.

"Give up, the entire area was completely sealed off by Aegis a few minutes ago, and you have nowhere to escape." "Sharon" said flatly, "General."

"Not necessarily." Eric smiled slightly, "I haven't even started playing chess yet."

After that, he grabbed this "Sharon" and jumped out of the broken window with her.The strong wind blown by the helicopter propeller roared head-on, a large number of Aegis micro-unmanned fighter jets were suspended in the night sky, and the ground floor was surrounded by agents fully armed with exoskeleton mechs, each with the eagle logo printed on their chests .

Aegis seems to have moved for real, and really pulled out such a battle to arrest him, which is really flattering.


A blue laser beam hit Eric from behind, making him let go of "Sharon" involuntarily.The drone floating in mid-air was approached by remote control and picked up the Skrull spy.

Eric flipped in mid-air and adjusted his body shape, and the moment his feet landed, the floor tiles were violently shattered.The surrounding soldiers armed with exoskeletons all took a step when they saw him come out, and all the guns and lights came over, just like the treatment of stars on the stage.

"Eric Charlotte, this is Maria Hill!"

The acting captain actually showed up in person, shouting loudly through the stereo speakers.It seems that the positive attitude of Aegis is not entirely due to the Skrulls. Compared with Nick Fury's indulgent attitude towards the Avengers, Maria Hill has always been opposed to condoning the free movement of superpowers, so This time Eric was wanted and she was so dedicated to arresting him.

No, there is another possibility—maybe this woman is also a Skrull now.

Hill continued to shout: "Drop your weapons, disarm, I need you to come with us. You have 30 seconds to make a decision. If there is no answer within 30 seconds, we will have to take strong measures."

God knows how far the inside of Aegis has been infiltrated, so going back with them like this is definitely not an option under consideration.If so.
The green energy burst out in an instant, and a transparent torrent penetrated the Aegis's mecha phalanx and swept away.The dazzling green light quickly condensed around one point, and quickly transformed into hands, feet and limbs, increasing in height at an astonishing speed.In just a short while, a mobile suit with a length of more than 20 meters stood in front of everyone, holding a cannon with a supernormal barrel in one hand and a green lightsaber in the other.

Maria Hill stared at this behemoth for a long time, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Damn."

The mobile suit raised the gun barrel, the engine system roared high-pitched, and the green muzzle spit out dazzling tongues of flame towards the Aegis army!

At the same time, in the suburbs, in a certain astronomical base.

Like a giant bat descending from the high night sky, Batman unfolded his cloak and glides down to the top floor of the astronomical base.Based on a map of the base's detailed structure, he groped his way to a vent at the top of a room, pried open the gate, and jumped in.

In a dark room without a trace of light, Batman assimilated in the darkness like a ghost that does not exist at all, advancing silently.

It seems to be just an ordinary storage room, full of astronomical equipment that is not useful for the time being, it doesn't look suspicious, or it is like this to ordinary people.

Batman's black glove fumbled along the wall for a moment, stopping at an old shelf.

He stopped to observe for a while, then reached out to the back of the shelf to explore for a while, and finally seemed to touch a certain switch.The shelf full of dust was moved away with a roar, and half of the wall peeled off a long hole in front of him, opening a secret door.

Very neat design, but not stealthy enough - the airflow gives away the existence of the dark room.

Batman flicked his cloak and entered the secret door.The painting style in the dark room is completely different, the whole room is filled with dim blue fluorescence, and there is a strange smell of medicine in the air.

When he saw the things hidden in the dark room, even Batman was shocked.

The elliptical spheres are arranged close to the wall, as if they are biological organs growing on it.The spheres were filled with a pale yellow liquid, bubbling "gurglingly", and a human was floating inside each sphere, all without exception losing consciousness.

Batman remained calm, and approached the edge of the sphere, trying to see if the thing could be cut open, and the physical condition of the person locked inside.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped suddenly, his body turned quickly, and two bat darts flew out from behind the swinging cloak.

A fat palm grasped two darts in the palm, but it was a female researcher in a white coat with a body as fat as a meatball.There were two other men in white gowns following behind. All three had stiff faces and empty eyes, staring at Batman like a machine locked on a target.

They also came in silently, and even Batman didn't notice at all-and there are really not many humans on Earth who can do this.

Batman clasped another dart, stepping back slightly.Experience in many battles told him that this would be a difficult fight.

(End of this chapter)

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