Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 228 Secret Cargo

Chapter 228 Secret Cargo
"The real culprit was revealed on the Fisk disc, and Jin Bin absconded and his whereabouts are unknown."

Overnight, these news hit the headlines of all the newspapers, causing an upsurge in New York almost as much as the outbreak of the World War, and suddenly even the students in the school knew that "Wilson Fisk is a Asshole, and now he's exposed" news.

Even ordinary citizens got the news, not to mention the uproar that Kingpin's downfall caused in the New York criminal world.The underground situation in New York was suddenly turbulent. The sudden fall of the king of the mountain also meant that the originally balanced and stable situation in the forest would usher in the most chaotic period.Secretly, I don't know how many people came up with the idea of ​​the vacant throne, even the little bosses who knew that they would never have a chance to sit on the throne had their own little thoughts.

It is inevitable that the New York underworld will usher in a bloodbath.But at the same time, it was widely rumored in the criminal world that it was the Spider-Man who brought down Kim Bin.Until then, crime bosses had seen Spider-Man as nothing more than a clown, a mutant kid in a ridiculous uniform trying to make a name for himself.But after this incident, the gangsters' impression of Spider-Man took a 180-degree turn, and they immediately listed him among the most dangerous evil spirits, with a threat factor even higher than that of the FBI.Since such a powerful person as Jin Bing can stumble at the hands of this kid, who knows if he will be the next to be caught?
As for Jin Bin as the protagonist?Where did he go again?

At this moment, on the mountain of a certain tourist attraction.

Wearing a casual picnic attire and a pair of black sunglasses, Wilson Fisk gritted his teeth as he read the newspaper with the headline "Gold and Absconded", with a pair of huge palms that seemed to crush the newspaper.

"You have to be patient, Wilson," said a man, carrying a black suitcase and draping his suit jacket in one hand. "It will take some time."

Fisk said calmly: "No, you haven't done well enough."


"Not yet! Enough! Good!" Fisk roared out of composure, like a beast whose scales had been touched.

"Wilson, no offense," the man said calmly, "but you killed someone and got caught on camera, right? And now the video is in the hands of federal agents. But I'm your lawyer, so none of that It's a problem, and I can fix it. I just need a little more time."

Fisk stared at him through the sunglasses for a long time, then turned around without saying a word, and threw the crumpled newspaper aside.

Eric's house.

"Cheers!" Peter held up the juice and touched the cup in Eric's hand crisply.

At this moment, Eric, Raven, Peter, and Mary Jane are sitting around the dining table in Eric's house, celebrating their victory over Kim Bin.Of course, this was Peter's idea. This kid seemed to be so excited that he couldn't close his eyes all night after successfully handling Fisk, wishing he could hang upside down on the roof and dance.

"I still can't believe we did it," Peter enthused. "That's pretty cool, isn't it? Come to think of it, we just took down a big crime boss! Oh sure, I wouldn't have done it without Eric's help." can't do it."

Eric waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

"But I still can't believe that you didn't tell me that you were doing such a dangerous thing." Mary was a little dissatisfied, "You should let me know, we never hide secrets from each other, don't we?"

"Sorry, sorry." Peter said, "I'm just afraid you're worried."

"Of course I'd be concerned. Well, thank goodness you're okay."

"Ha, I can still imagine that fat guy in prison. I guess he needs a king-sized cell, because he can't fit in the door with a normal size." Peter said cheerfully, "By the way, how about Let's go out and have a good day today, as a celebration. Well, we can go to the amusement park, or play video games, maybe go shopping?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that someone present seemed to be very disgusted with outdoor activities with many people, and subconsciously glanced at Raven.

Raven turned to Eric with a blank expression, and said lightly: "I don't care. If Eric goes, I will go, anywhere."

Mary showed a strange smile of "smelling a strange smell", and her eyes wandered over the two of them with a slightly strange look.Raven still had an iceberg poker face without any fluctuations, but Eric was a little embarrassed first.

"What happened to you guys?" Peter asked carefully, "Why do you feel weird?"

"Hey, it's nothing, nothing." Eric said, "Although I'm quite happy, but there are other things to deal with today, let's forget it."

Eric didn't just say it casually, he really had something to deal with tonight.

Last night, he and Parker counted their night's trophies together, and went through all the recent video CDs of Fisk Mansion first.The execution process of the poor guy who leaked information to Spiderman was completely recorded in the video, and it was very lucky that Fisk crushed the guy's skull by himself. This CD is the main evidence for Fisk's conviction .

At the same time, Eric also discovered something else that he was interested in - Viper, a representative sent by Hydra, had a dinner with Jinhe, and temporarily borrowed a building near New York Harbor from Jinhe.

What is the cooperative relationship between Hydra and Jinhe?What do they need to borrow the warehouse over New York Harbor for?
that night.

As night fell, the black motorcycle stopped at the port of New York with a domineering buzz.Eric got off the car and stood in front of the designated huge warehouse.This area has been abandoned for a while, there is not even a lamppost along the street, and the whole building looks like a sleeping monster in the night, which is very strange.

Eric had a vague premonition that maybe he would find something extraordinary inside.

He walked slowly to the gate, pushed lightly, and the four-meter-high gate opened dully.The iron chain originally used to lock the door was dragged on the ground with the push of the door, as if it had been torn apart by brute force.

A strong smell of blood hits the face, like opening a jar with so many maggots that they can pick out the flesh of the corpse.Agents in Hydra uniforms were lying on the ground in a mess, all of them had died, and their severed limbs were everywhere. The hellish scene was enough to make it hard to sleep for a week.

And the culprit was without a doubt something from the container in the deepest part of the warehouse.But no matter what was originally contained inside, Eric has no way of knowing now, because the container has been torn a huge hole from the inside to the outside by some extremely strong force, and there is nothing inside.

Whatever horrors it had contained, it was now free.

(End of this chapter)

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