Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 212 Traitor?

Chapter 212 Traitor?
Fisker Group, a factory.

The convoy braked in front of the factory gate with a piercing "chuck", and men in black and sunglasses dressed like agents in the movie jumped out of the car one after another.They were all wearing headsets, lined up neatly and burst in through the gate, with a compelling aura that made people afraid to approach.

When the person in charge of the factory got the news, he walked out quickly and said, "I am the person in charge here. Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The leading man in sunglasses took out his ID card from the inside of his jacket, on which were written the three letters "FBI" in big letters.

"We're here for one of your employees who is suspected of leaking national defense security secrets."

"Our employees?" The person in charge was stunned and asked, "Who?"

"Peter Parker."

And when the conversation happened, the protagonist Peter Parker in their mouth had already overheard all this in the inner room.When they broke in, Peter had crawled through the open window of the room and climbed up to the roof like a spider.

But how did things get to this point?

Peter is not very clear until now, he can only make guesses.

The story should probably start yesterday.

Yesterday, the Daily Bugle.

"What the hell is this filming, Parker!?"

It was James, the owner of the newspaper where Peter worked, who uttered such an almost inhuman roar.Although this old guy is quite old, he is much more energetic than a young man, and his mouth is like a heavy mortar that never stops.He seemed to be very dissatisfied with everyone. If he didn't scold any employee in the Daily Bugle office for a day, it must be that person who didn't come to work today.

James threw the photos taken by Peter on the ground one by one, saying "garbage, garbage" in his mouth endlessly.Peter had to squat on the ground to pick up the photos he threw away one by one, each one featuring Spider-Man.

This is how he makes money now - taking selfies of himself, which has also made him the famous Spider-Man photographer of the Daily Bugle.It's a pity that although the boss has been using his photos, he has never given a comment even close to praise.

Today, James seemed to be in a particularly bad mood. After throwing away all the photos, he shouted loudly: "Enough, Parker! What I want to see is the moment when the wall crawler failed, not when he beat up a few more nameless people every day." Punk. If you don't get some really good pictures, you'll be fired!"

"However, Mr. James, I feel that Spider-Man has inspired the hope of the citizens. The readers want to see this"

James raised his eyebrows: "You talk back to me, Parker!? I take back what I said before - you are fired now, get out!"

Peter put away his photo, and left the Daily Bugle building angrily.Of course, he also understands this weird boss. Although he is shouting "you are fired", he will not remember any problems when you go to work as usual tomorrow.

"Peter Parker?"

Peter stopped and looked across the street.It was a blond man in a green suit who called to stop him. He looked less than 30 years old, but he behaved like a successful businessman.

"Who are you?" Peter asked.

"My name is Richard Fisk, a friend." The man smiled slightly and said, "I want to offer you a job."

An hour later, Peter followed the man in the extended Rolls-Royce Phantom to a greenhouse in the city.In the past, Peter never thought that he would have the opportunity to sit on such an expensive toy—of course, squatting on the roof of the car does not count, otherwise he would still have sat a lot.

"I have learned in detail that your grades are very good, and you have won several science and technology awards in high school alone." When Richard Fisk led Peter into the greenhouse, he said, "You are an impressive student. Excellent boy, and his character is also trustworthy. But one thing is more important than these, I guess you are also wondering why we provide you with such a well-paid part-time job, right?"

Peter nodded and admitted, "Yes."

Richard smiled slightly: "Because you saved my father's life."

"What?" Peter was taken aback.

Richard pushed open the door, and Wilson Fisk was standing among the flowers in the greenhouse, holding a pair of exquisite scissors in his hand, as if he was playing with flowers and grass.Seeing Peter coming in, he immediately put on a smiling face.

"Maybe you don't remember, so please allow me to introduce myself, young Mr. Parker. My name is Wilson Fisk, an entrepreneur." He said.

Peter just remembered.A week earlier, Wilson Fisk had attended a speech as the founder of a charitable foundation, and Peter had been there as a photographer sent by the Daily Bugle.At that time, someone tried to take advantage of the opportunity to snipe Wilson, but Peter's spider sense warned of danger, so he heroically stepped forward and pushed Fisk away, saving his life.

Peter didn't know the rest of the matter.At that time, Fisk told reporters that it is very normal for a successful businessman to make enemies everywhere, and he didn't take it very seriously.

"After that day, I have been thinking about how to repay you." Fisk said with a kind smile, "I have carefully investigated your background, hoping to find something that can help you. Then I found out that as your family The uncle who was the mainstay seems to have passed away in a robbery dispute, and now your family is going through a financial crisis."

"Uncle Ben." Peter said sadly, "Uncle Ben's death is my fault."

"You are a very good kid, and you are kind to me, so I think it is necessary to help." Fisk said seriously, "I will offer you a job, and I believe my son has already discussed the salary on the way. If you feel dissatisfied, you can add more. The tasks you need to do are also very easy. You only need to complete a fixed amount of tasks every week, and your studies will not be delayed. As I said before, what I want to do Just giving back, and reaching out to those who need it most when it's the right time—that's how I live.”

As he spoke, he held out his hand to Peter.

Peter stared at him for a moment, finally believing that good luck befalls good people once in a while.He smiled slightly, and shook Fisk's huge palm. He found that the other's hand was unexpectedly strong.

A day later, now.

After Peter climbed out of the window, he jumped to the ground and was about to leave quickly.He had to go back and find the Avengers or SHIELD or something, whoever could help him figure out what was going on.

But he hadn't run a few steps before he stopped suddenly.

"Mr. Parker." Standing in front of him was a woman in black. She led two dark-glassed agents and walked towards Peter quickly, "You have to come with us."

(End of this chapter)

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