Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 208 VS Palace 3

Chapter 208 VS Sannomiya
The battle armor got a new model, Eric was only surprised for a moment, then his expression returned to normal, and he smiled slightly and said to Raven, "You're back?"

"Yeah." Finally regaining that iceberg-like expression, Raven replied flatly, "I'm back."

"What makes you so slow, is there a traffic jam?" Eric teased, paused, and said, "But fortunately, it's not too late for you to catch up with the boss battle."

While talking, Sangong has already taken the initiative.Scarlet beams shot out from his four eyes at the same time and roared towards the two of them. Wherever the magic wave passed, even the air seemed to be burnt iron red.

However, just before this imposing blow hit the two of them, the barrier of white light bloomed like flower petals.The galloping red light stopped suddenly in front of the white barrier, and the flames exploded in almost all directions, forming a hemisphere that wrapped the two of them in the middle.But that layer of transparent white light was terribly solid, and after the frightening energy of Sangong washed away like running water, not even a single crack was left.

"Impossible!" Sangong said in surprise, "How could you still have such a strong power! I created you, I am your master, I am your father, you should obey me!"

"Maybe you created me." Raven clenched his fists, and a holy white light suddenly flashed in his eyes, "But you were never my father!"

The two jumped up in unison, spread out left and right, surrounded by the two wings of the Sangong respectively, and two white lights flashed in long arcs.Sangong let out a low growl, swiped his arm, and the flames condensed into a solid body in the air, like two crescent-shaped scimitars, one left and one right, and swept fiercely at the two of them respectively.And the two of them didn't even intend to dodge, they rushed straight towards the flames.

Both of them rushed into the flames like sharp white arrows, the crescent-shaped flames were torn apart in the middle, and the sparks that turned into stars dissipated in the air.The two white lights and shadows rushed like meteors, passing by Sangong's cheeks on both sides respectively, splashing out raindrops of magical energy, and the impact force caused Sangong's huge figure to stagger back two steps , There was another tremor when the ground was stepped on.

Sangong stepped into the ground with a bang, almost sinking into the ground, and managed to stand firm.But just now when he turned his head sideways, he saw that the two bands of light that had just flashed by had merged into one again at this moment, and the two figures were wrapped in a pure white crow, and they swooped down with spread wings.

This time it hit Sangong's chest, and the impact force was much stronger than the one just now.Sangong was so bombarded that he retreated a few more steps, but this time he couldn't fully absorb the impact and fell on his head.In the wilderness, sand and rocks fly in an instant, just like the earth shaking and mountains shaking.

The illusory crow made of magical energy dissipated in the air, Eric and Raven hung side by side in the air, looking down at him coldly.

Sangong stood up again, almost out of anger.

"You pathetic creatures, how dare you. You must pay for this!"

Sangong's four eyes suddenly turned red, and the hot aura visible to the naked eye was released from his body.Cracks quickly crawled up on the ground centered on Sangong's position, and the gravel was sucked up, but was crushed into dust in the powerful aura shortly after leaving the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body rose into the air.The fiery red body bounced into the air with an incredible speed, and the moment it left the ground, the ground sank violently.

Eric and Raven looked at each other, and then swooped down without fear, heading towards Sangong.

If the battle just now had already surprised the Avengers in the spectator seats, it is almost impossible to describe their mood in words at this moment.Compared with the current battle, the confrontation just a few rounds can only be regarded as an appetizer.

What unfolded in mid-air was a battle that already belonged to the god level.The lord of the Sangong finally showed his true abilities, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and the hellfire flew in the air like his pet, transforming into various forms, cooperating with the majestic red magic energy Go on the offensive.

But the two people on the opposite side did not show any weakness. Although they were as small as ants in front of Sangong, their strength was not weaker than that of Sangong.They freely shuttle between the ferocious magic of the Sangong, and the holy white magic also meets it in ever-changing forms.The three of them fought among the entangled red and white, and the dark clouds in the sky were dyed incomparably bright.

This is already a level of battle that the Avengers can't intervene in. In fact, looking at the entire earth, there are probably few people who can intervene.Those two people are now the only front to protect this dimension.

The fierce battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and there were bursts of dull loud noises, as if the sky was about to collapse.Finally, the red giant seemed to have lost the wind, and its huge figure fell from the sky dragging the billowing flames.He suffered a heavy blow to his chest, and his body fell solidly back to the ground from a height of a thousand meters. The dust that was stirred up was like a huge wave more than ten meters high.

But Eric and Raven were still floating in the air, and the white light lingered on them like a flame, burning fiercely.

Sannomiya stood up again.

He couldn't accept the fact that the little girl created by him, who was supposed to be just a prop for him, and a despicable human being made him, the king who had conquered countless dimensions, into a mess. What a shame!
"I've changed my mind." Sangong looked up at the two people in the air, gritted his teeth, "I wanted to kindly give you the right to obey me, but what you have done has completely annoyed me. Now, I want to Everything alive in this plane will pay for it!"

Almost at the moment when his thunderous voice fell, the air atmosphere suddenly changed.Maybe ordinary people can't see it, but Eric, Raven and Doctor Strange can see it, as if every drop of magic power in the atmosphere is rushing towards the three palaces, like a magic power that devours everything black hole.

Fiery red light enveloped his whole body, and the indescribably huge magic power even changed Doctor Strange's face.The clouds directly above cracked a round hole weirdly, the magic power ran away along the airflow, and the magma fire pillars on the ground spurted out one after another.Even the other Avengers, who couldn't sense the existence of magic power, were suppressed by the unknown aura so hard to breathe that they couldn't even move their fingers.

And that's just what they see.What they don't know is that disasters of varying degrees have occurred in almost every corner of the world. Volcanoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes all suddenly erupted at the same time.And that's not all, this terrifying influence even left the earth, spreading to the entire solar system in this short span of time.

The Lord of the Three Palaces is not kidding, he does have the ability to destroy this entire plane.

"This is terrible." Doctor Strange said solemnly, "This guy is serious, he really wants to destroy our world in one fell swoop."

"Don't worry." Eric landed, turned his head calmly and confidently and said, "Before then, we will kill him once and for all."

(End of this chapter)

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