Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 202 Into Hell

Chapter 202 Into Hell
Outside Wakanda.

The crimson light condensed in the air, forming a huge vortex.The sky is covered with thunderclouds, and the thick black clouds make it impossible for sunlight to penetrate. The wilderness on the border of Wakanda is shrouded in thick darkness. The only light source between the sky and the earth is the dangerous red glow in the center of the vortex, like clouds Thunder and lightning flashed in the depths.

Eric drove the Quinjet fighter towards the whirlpool.Magical energy raged indiscriminately in the atmosphere, and the closer it was to the vortex, the more obvious the resistance became.All the instruments on the plane were screaming, and Eric didn't even bother to look at the values ​​on the dashboard, only forcing the screaming fighter to continue approaching.

Numerous tentacles transformed from illusory flames stretched out from the vortex following the direction of the airflow, continuously entangled and lashed at the fuselage of the Quinjet fighter.Eric gritted his teeth, squeezed the joystick as hard as he could, stared at the center of the vortex, and tried his best to stabilize the fuselage and move towards the space crack.

After approaching a distance of about ten meters against strong resistance, the fighter finally reached its limit.The engine exploded "crackling", and the inside of the machine screamed violently.Magical energy surrounded the fuselage from all sides, continuously attacking its shell, and the powerless plane was imprisoned in the air powerlessly, even unable to fall down.

It seems that this is its limit, and it is indeed a pity for the Aegis aircraft.I don't know if Fury will ask Tony to pay him one.
But it's almost time to rest for a while.With a thought in Eric's mind, the armor was put on in an instant, and it directly switched to the green light mode.A ball of green light broke through the cockpit with a "bang" and flew out from the inside. Eric picked up the box of awakening accessories, and rushed into the vortex against the violent magic storm.

Unspeakably painful, traveling through dimensions in such a tyrannical manner would never be an experience anyone would want to try a second time.Even with the protection of the armor and the green light shield, Eric still felt his body was smashed in the turbulent flow. It felt like being thrown into a blender, and even his breakfast was almost thrown out of his stomach.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally returned to the ground again.

Eric got up and looked around.This is a fiery red world, it feels like you are on the edge of lava in the center of the earth, even the air seems to be hot.Looking around, everything in sight is fiery red stone, as red as a soldering iron in fire.

Eric felt Raven's presence grow stronger, and he could feel her presence more clearly now, which proved that he was not wrong, that Raven was indeed in this dimension.Although life is weak, it is still alive.

But it seems that the process of finding her will not be so easy.

From nowhere, circles of red creatures appeared around.Each of them has distinct characteristics of hell dwellers-red skin, four eyes, and after sensing the invasion of uninvited guests, they suddenly sprung out like mushrooms after rain, surrounding Eric in the center layer by layer.

Eric stood up straight and looked around.

"Come if you want to come!" He temporarily threw the suitcase aside, squeezed the wrist of his right fist, and a dazzling green light appeared on the fist, "Let me kill every one left!"

Not long after Eric's Quinjet fighter plane crashed, the Avenger also came to this area.In such a short period of time, the gap has become more aggressive, and the bright red color is like a bloody mouth, as if it wants to swallow everything.

"Is that kid in there?" On the plane, Captain America asked with a frown.

"Yes." Tony said, "I promised to give him an hour."

"You shouldn't make such a decision on your own."

"I know." Tony said, sighing slightly, "But I want to believe him once anyway."

Captain America was silent for a moment, then turned to Doctor Strange and asked, "What's the situation with the gap now?"

"The magic power is still expanding, and the speed is getting faster." Doctor Strange said, "One hour is probably the limit. If the entrance is not closed after one hour, it may be too late."

"Okay, then it's decided." The captain said, "Stand by for an hour. If he fails to come out, the passage will be blocked."

Right now, inside that hell dimension.

Bursts of green light appeared, as if an army had driven into hell.A large group of hell demons rushed towards the intruding human without fear of death, but they were all knocked away by the sacred green light without exception.Airplanes, tanks, heavy artillery, and all kinds of big swords and giant axes are flying all over the sky, just like a green weapon exhibition.

Eric held the Gatling machine gun that turned into a green light in one hand, and a shuttle of bullets "chug-chug" swept out, and the firepower instantly knocked down another group of demons in front of him.

He just blasted forward all the way, forcibly killing a bloody path with green light.

A giant shadow suddenly sprang out from a lava river not far ahead, and hot magma dripped down against its huge body.The giant shadow landed heavily, and the hot soles of its feet made a deep footprint on the ground, with white gas hissing from the edge.

A creature with three heads and a human body seems to be a level higher than other miscellaneous fish.Eric has just defeated two big guys like this, and if they are placed in the copy of the game, they are probably at the level of elite bosses.


The soaring roar and the roar of the three-headed monster seemed to have affected all the monsters around, cheering neatly and rushing towards Eric.Eric turned out of the cannon barrel in one hand, held a green long sword in the other, and rushed in towards the red army in front without flinching.The green light and shadow instantly tore apart the mighty army, and it pierced right in front of the three-headed monster in an instant, and the cannon was fully charged.


The three-headed monster didn't even have time to react, and the chest and abdomen were hit heavily.Immediately afterwards, the afterimage slashed past him, and the blade turned into green light cut sharply, and blood spattered.

It shouted angrily, turned its head and just tried to fight back, but it saw the green muzzle of an exaggeratedly long gun barrel directly on its forehead.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The energy rushed out with a roar, like a cheering dragon.The whole head of the three-headed monster was blasted through, and the raging energy flow passed from its corpse and engulfed a large area of ​​miscellaneous soldiers behind it, blasting its flesh and blood into dross in an instant.

After solving another wave of attacks, Erik's armor was removed and returned to the basic form. After taking a short breath, he took the suitcase that had just been thrown aside, and moved forward again.

He has always been able to roughly sense Raven's position, and every time he repelled a wave of enemy attacks, he got closer.And now, it seemed to him that Raven was close at hand.

A black building appeared in front of him, its shape was somewhat similar to the medieval church on earth, and it was also the first building he had seen since coming to this hellish dimension.He kicked the door open and walked into the dark hall.

The black shadow stood at the end of the hall.Although his back was completely wrapped in a pitch-black cloak, he was sure that it was Raven.

With her back to the door, she just stood there, motionless.

Eric knew instinctively that something didn't seem right.

"Ruiwen, is it you?" He tentatively stepped forward, "I'm here to pick you up?"

When he pressed the figure's shoulder and turned her around, he froze for an instant.

Under the cloak was a girl, with delicate and beautiful features and a paper-white face, it was clearly Raven.But only this size
Why does she look like a loli under ten years old?

(End of this chapter)

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