191 Aid

As night fell, darkness gradually enveloped the city.Gotham is like a wild animal. During the day, it often gives people false illusions. Only at night does the real Gotham wake up.

A black motorcycle passed through the streets and alleys like lightning, and stopped at the corner of the street.The young man in the black T-shirt took off his safety helmet and hung it on the handle. He had a handsome face and a strong and tall figure.

After locking the motorcycle, he went straight to the corner bar.As soon as the door was pushed open, it seemed as if a dark red heat wave rushed towards the face, and the noisy noise made people suspect that they had come to another world.The air was filled with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, the lights on the dance floor were flickering, and several scantily clad dancers were dancing passionately.

Most native citizens of Gotham know that this is no ordinary bar.The owner of the pub was Oswald Chesterfield Copperpot, also known as "The Penguin".On weekdays, his positive image is that of an entrepreneur and a philanthropist, but of course that is all a cover, and really powerful criminals like to use this cover to cover themselves.His true face is the leader of the largest criminal force in Gotham City, and he is Batman's old enemy, but even Batman has not caught anything that can send him to prison.

And of course, since it is a bar owned by such a No. [-] person, most of the people who come here are not simple people.

The young man in the black T-shirt ignored the bustling crowd and went straight to the inconspicuous seat in the inner corner.

Sitting there were Eric and Raven who were wanted everywhere. Eric waved his hand friendly when he saw him coming.

"Dick Grayson, Nightwing, who is in the limelight at Bludhaven recently." When the young man sat down, Eric smiled and said, "I'm sorry to bother you to come from Bludhaven, but I I really need your help right now."

Yes, the young man was Dick Grayson, but theoretically he hadn't met Eric without his uniform.

"Both of you have been posting your profile pictures all over the place lately, and I think I can see that you've been in quite a bit of trouble. But before that," Dick asked seriously, "you contacted Dick Grayson instead of Nightwing , how did you know my identity?"

Eric shrugged: "X-sight? You know that my armor has many superpowers, such as perspective. So I have seen your face a long time ago, but I just haven't said it."

Well, he lied, the Armazo Alpha armor without the Awakening accessories actually doesn't have the see-through function.But he can't say "I know your identity because I read your comics"?

But Dick seemed to accept this fact, sighed, and asked, "Okay, then what do you need me for? And what kind of trouble did you cause to make you wanted all over the country?"

"To put it simply, it's a cross-latitude demon Lord of the Three Houses who is about to invade our earth, and Revan is the only one who can stop it." Eric said, "It's a pity that Aegis doesn't believe it. So we. Uh... There was a little disagreement."

"Small disagreement." Dick raised his eyebrows.

"It may be a little more serious than that." Eric said, "In short, now we plan to go it alone. Revan said that a magic crystal must be used to stop Sangong, and that thing was unearthed near Gotham not long ago. Now, it is currently being kept in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in Gotham, and they still don't know the meaning of this crystal. And where we need your help is to get that thing out."

Dick stared at him for a moment and said, "Before I answer, let me make sure, you know how crazy this sounds, right?"

"One of the two people in front of you has invulnerable armor, and the other can manipulate chaos magic. The world you live in is already crazy, so what's unbelievable?"

Dick thought for a while, "Okay, that makes sense. But this is Gotham, why don't you go find Batman?"

"If I find him, will he help me?"

"...Probably not," Dick admitted.

"You're my friend, Dick," Eric said seriously. "One of the few friends I have. So please."

"Okay." Dick compromised, "I will contact the oracle and let her see if I can get the details of the Aegis branch in Gotham, and then we will draw up a plan to break in. But before that."

He glanced at Eric and Raven.

"You have to change your clothes." He said, "As two people who are wanted all over the country, you are dressed too arrogantly."

Half an hour later, a clothing store.

Under Dick's will, Eric changed into casual sportswear, a dark blue jacket with a hood, and white sneakers, completely changing his image from before.Originally, Dick also suggested that he change his hairstyle, but Eric didn't think it was too time-consuming.

Anyway, the change of appearance was just to prevent being discovered by the surveillance cameras, and usually with the cover of Ruiwen's mental power, people would not recognize him.

And when Raven came out of the fitting room, even Eric was taken aback and almost didn't recognize him.She changed into a white short-sleeved T-shirt, a black skirt, and black high boots on her slender and flawless calves, looking like a pure and beautiful girl.

In his memory, it seemed that from the first time he saw Raven, she was dressed in black from head to toe all day long, and when walking on the street, her head was always buried in a black hood, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.That image has almost been ingrained in Eric's mind, and it is really difficult to overlap with the Raven in front of him.

But it's really pretty.

But Raven himself obviously felt uncomfortable, and muttered, "Why do you have to wear this kind of thing?"

"The effect is pretty good." Dick said with a smile, "The key point is to change the look, and there must be a huge difference in impression."

Eric walked up to Raven, smiled and said, "It's very beautiful, you should really dress up like this more often."

"Really?" Raven turned his head unnaturally, looked at himself in the mirror, and whispered, "I still like black."

Eric put on a cute peaked cap for her, and she flinched subconsciously, but finally put it on reluctantly.

Dick's cell phone rang, and he took out the screen to glance at it, and said, "Very well, our first step has been completed, and the oracle has also found the general structure diagram of the Aegis branch. We have gone through so much today. You should be very tired too, I still have a few footholds in Gotham, we can go to rest for the night, discuss the plan, and prepare for action tomorrow."

Eric nodded: "Let's do it, thank you, Dick."

(End of this chapter)

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