Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 185 Conflict

Chapter 185 Conflict

After Raven was surprised, he quickly calmed down.This looks like her mother, Angela, but it's not her mother, at least not herself, it's just a thought body formed by the remaining consciousness of her mother, a small spell from Azeroth, which seems to be designed Set to trigger whenever Revan gets close to here.

"Ruiwen, long time no see." Angela smiled lovingly, "You've grown up so much."

Raven reached out to touch her, but his arm went straight through her, like touching a ghost.

"You're dead, right?" Raven said sadly.

Angela nodded: "Yes. Not long after you left, the Lord of the Three Palaces flattened Azeroth and destroyed all living things on the holy land."

"I'm sorry." Raven lowered his head in frustration, "It's all because of me"

"It's not your fault, Raven." Angela sighed, "Even if I say something wrong, it's all my fault. It was my ignorance that attracted Sangong back then, and I was bewitched by him foolishly. He has done countless wrong things and has too much regret.”

She paused, then changed the subject: "But there is one thing that I don't regret—that is, I gave birth to you, Raven."

"You don't need to comfort me, mother." Raven said, "I know, my birth was wrong."

"It's not like this, Raven. Although you have the blood of Sangong in your body, you are completely different from him. From the bottom of your heart, you are a gentle and kind child, and you have been like this since you were very young." Angela said, "I've always looked at it this way—your birth is not a curse, but a gift. The Lord of the Three Palaces is always a threat to all dimensions of the earth. Even without your birth, one day he will still find a way to invade our dimension. And you, you are a gift from heaven to us that can stop him."

"I can't, Mom." Raven said softly, "He's too powerful, I can't compete with him."

"You can." Angela smiled, "I've been watching your growth, Raven. You've met people who really care about you, and you've met some partners who are worth protecting. I know you've been trying to keep up with other people. distance, but you don't have to, Raven, you can be one of them. It's that desire to protect someone that brings out the best in you."

Speaking of which, Angela's body has begun to blur further, and the originally transparent body is more and more assimilated into the barren background, and it will soon be hard to find.

"Mom, wait!" Raven subconsciously tried to reach out and grab her, "I still have a lot of things I want to ask, a lot of things I want to say"

"The person you need to rely on is no longer me, Raven." Angela said with a smile, "It's too late for Azeroth, but the earth can still be saved. Cherish everything you already have, Raven , don’t let the earth repeat the mistakes of Azeroth. The thing that can stop the three palaces is on the earth.”

After saying the last sentence, Angela's phantom disappeared completely, and a dazzling light suddenly released from the position where she was suspended just now, causing Raven to close his eyes involuntarily.The strong light instantly engulfed her figure, and the invisible hand dragged her into the passage through dimensions again, as if the soul was bumping and turning forward in the chaos.

The swirling passageway swirled open, and Revan fell through it onto the dark ground.She stood up, and it took her eyes a while to adjust to the darkness.

A huge magic circle was engraved on the ground, and she just fell in the center of the magic circle.It looks like a dark cave here, which seems to be used for some special ceremony. Rows of extinguished torches are neatly inserted in the shelves on the stone walls on both sides of the cave, creating a tall and solemn atmosphere, just like ancient sacrifices place.

This is the place where Raven came to the earth, and it is also one of the places she least wants to return.Boundless darkness inhabits every corner of the cave, as if they are all staring at Raven, waiting for an opportunity to move, and a strange and tense atmosphere lingers in his heart.

Raven sighed slightly, got up and walked along the outward passage.When she came to a huge rock on a stone wall, she lightly chanted a spell, and a halo of lavender immediately supported the whole boulder, and moved it to the side with a "rumble", making way for Raven. As soon as her heels left the cave, the stone wall slammed shut.

There was actually a large abandoned library outside.The rows of dirty bookshelves are empty at this moment, and the dust is heavily pressed in the cobwebs all over the room, and the dust that can even be discerned by the naked eye is scattered in the air.Raven hurried out of the library, put on his hood, and flew into the night sky.

But she didn't notice that, less than a minute after she left, another black figure came out of this abandoned library, staring straight at the direction where she disappeared with those four scarlet eyes, strangely speaking in a low voice. laugh.

New York, playground.

Eric tried to call Raven's cell phone several times, but there was no reply so far.He tried to use the positioning function to determine her location, but found that she was no longer in the amusement park at all—no, it should be said that the signal was completely lost.

If he didn't realize what had happened at this moment, he would be too dull, considering Raven's abnormal behavior today.
Eric gritted his teeth.

Is "that day" coming so soon?

"Hey, kid, what are you going to do in such a panic?"

Hearing that he seemed to be calling himself, Eric turned his head and saw Tony Stark was sitting in a luxury car across the street waving to him.

"Tony?" Eric asked quickly, "I'm running out of time. I don't have time to explain. I remember that Extremis gave you access to all the networks and all the satellites in the world, right? Raven is missing, I need you help me"

"Calm down, kid, that's what I'm here to talk about."

Eric stared at him suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Tony thought for a while, sighed, and said, "You'd better leave the matter about Rachel Rose alone."

After a moment of silence, Eric asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

"That girl may be in great danger, a great danger that may threaten this planet." Tony said, "And there are reports that she may be on the verge of an explosion recently, and neither the Avengers nor Aegis can sit back and watch."

"Konstantin, is it?" Eric frowned, "I should have thought of it earlier."

"The source of information is not important." Tony said, "In short, both the Avengers and Aegis must take measures against her. I am here to inform you as a friend-don't do stupid things. We just want to control her, Be safe."

"No, you came here because you know I will definitely do that." Eric said stubbornly, "I don't trust Aegis, who knows what will they do to her if Raven falls into their hands?"

Tony sighed.

"I kind of guessed it was going to be like this," he said. "I just hope it doesn't get to that point."

"I don't want to either." Eric dropped this sentence and turned to leave.

(Revan's birthplace is the holy dimension Azarath Temple, which can also be translated as Azeroth, but not Azeroth.

Thanks to the book friend everyonedead for the 500 starting coins! )

(End of this chapter)

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