Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 183 The Last Moment

Chapter 183 The Last Moment
Birthday, most people will pay special attention to the day.People endow this day with a special meaning, which often symbolizes the beginning of a person's maturity and recognition by society. People often celebrate this extraordinary day in various ways.

Not so with Raven.

She hates birthdays, every birthday means that "that day" is one step closer, as if the countdown timer has been set back another day.Someone had predicted this when she was a child—one day in her year, everything would perish.

That's why she hides her birthday from everyone, because she hates celebrating it and even wants to ignore it.

But there are always some things in life that cannot be avoided.

After the hour hand of the bedside alarm clock turned past midnight, a strong sense of foreboding rose in Raven's heart, just like an animal's instinct to feel danger and repression.She didn't close her eyes all night, curled up on the head of the bed in her thin pajamas, her mind was in a mess.Today is her birthday, after today, every moment may be the moment when the prophecy is fulfilled.

She sat like this for a whole night, until the early morning sun pierced through the curtains, making her snow-white skin almost transparent.She glanced at the clock by the bed, it was just past six.

Really, I was so panicked.Mingming knew his fate early on, and he had never been so impatient in the past so many years. Did he really start to change his mentality after meeting Eric?
Raven sighed softly, got out of bed, quickly changed his clothes and went out.

Early in the morning, seven o'clock.

It wasn't the alarm clock that woke Eric up this morning, but the smell, the choking smell of something burnt throughout his house.

Eric got out of bed, rubbed his eyes, and followed the smell to the kitchen. He was surprised to find that Raven, who was dressed casually, was busy in the kitchen. The thick oily smoke has almost formed a forbidden zone that humans cannot approach. It is hard to imagine how this girl survived in such a harsh environment.

Eric groped into the kitchen against the choking smell of smoke, and couldn't even speak, so he hurried forward and turned on the range hood, glanced into the pot, and saw that the fried mass was black and The stuff is simply impossible to look at.

Without turning his head, Raven stared stubbornly at the black lump in the pot, trying his best to lift it from the bottom of the pot with a spatula.But it was too tight, and Eric saw that she was gritting her teeth and her slender arms exerted all their strength, but the thing was still clinging to the bottom of the pot.


With a crisp sound, it was finally lifted up by Raven successfully, jumped out of the pot exaggeratedly, and was thrown out with a graceful arc in mid-air.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Eric picked up a clean plate, stretched out his hand with lightning speed, and caught it beautifully with a "snap".

"Good workmanship!" Eric praised with a dry smile.

It’s so dangerous, but fortunately, the combination with Armor Armor makes Eric’s motor nerves and reflexes beyond ordinary people, otherwise he really wouldn’t be able to react
Raven served a plate for himself, and sat down at the dining table.

Eric asked tentatively: "I said this is..."

Although Raven didn't answer, judging from the reaction of her pursing her lips and looking away unnaturally, it seems like it is, right?

Well, although I don't know why, it's rare that Raven would try to take the initiative to make breakfast for him, even if it's because of her cute reaction, he can't help but eat it, right?Eric simply stopped thinking about it and bit down on the black shell.

Maybe he still underestimated the power of the dark cuisine, and the repercussions were even more violent than he imagined.The terrible smell rushed from the mouth to the brain, and the throat seemed to be on fire for a moment.He didn't know what his expression looked like, but he thought it must be very exciting.Although Raven's efforts are very touching, it has to be said that this girl seems to have no talent for cooking.

"It's delicious" feels like holding back this sentence with the last breath left. After all, it's something made by a goddess. Even if you cry, you should at least give it a good review.

Raven also took a bite, and immediately put down the tableware, her expression was also very unnatural, as expected, even she herself really felt that this thing was hard to eat.Others may not be able to see it, but Eric can tell at a glance that she is lost like a rooster who has lost a fight, and she seems to have been hit hard.

Eric smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't force yourself to do things that are not suitable for you. Even if you don't do these things, you are unique." He paused and asked, "Then, what kind of wind is blowing today? Why did you suddenly run to me? Do you want to make breakfast at home?"

"It's nothing." Raven's eyes fell to the bottom of the wall unconsciously, "After all, you have helped me so much and cooked breakfast for me many times. I want to try it too."

"That's right." Eric nodded suspiciously, but didn't ask any more questions.

Raven took a deep breath.

"Forget it, go out and eat something, let's eat pizza."

Eric was taken aback, and said, "That's fine, but don't you really hate pizza?"

"It doesn't hurt to try something new once in a while." She said lightly, her expression a little unnatural again.

After hesitating for a moment, she seemed to organize her words for a while, and then she said: "And the weather seems to be very good today, so I thought... um... Maybe we can do it after breakfast, you know—go out for a walk or something? Go On the street, or in the mall?"

Eric stared at her blankly, unable to react for a while, wondering what was being sung, and wondered if there was a problem with his ear's ability to accept the sound just now.

Did Raven just propose a date?

"Although I don't quite understand what's going on," Eric said, smiling slightly, "but if we're with you, we can go anywhere."

Raven also smiled slightly, and Eric later recalled that there was warmth, bitterness and helplessness in that smile at the same time.

At this moment, on the Aegis Helicarrier.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man and Dr. Banner in a non-furious state, several members of the Avengers gathered and sat around the table in the conference room.The automatic door slid open mechanically, and Nick Fury walked quickly into the room with a gloomy face.

"The situation is urgent, Avengers," he said straight to the point.

"Of course, you wouldn't have called us all here if it wasn't urgent." Tony said, glancing at Dr. Banner, "Especially a ticking time bomb that's ready to rage—no offense, Doctor."

"Yes, it is very urgent." Fury said in a low voice, "We must take action immediately. If the intelligence is accurate, this may be a global disaster."

Hearing this, everyone involuntarily became serious.

"So what this time, Fury?" Tony frowned and asked, "Evil alien invasion? Or is there something non-troublesome in one of your unknown laboratories?"

"Neither." Fury shook his head and turned on the big screen.

A girl appeared on the screen, wearing a black jacket, skinny jeans, and carrying a backpack among the crowd, turning her head blankly in the direction of the camera.

"Her!?" Tony was taken aback. Isn't that on the screen Raven?

"Rachel Rose." Fury said coldly, "probably one of the most dangerous people on the planet."

(End of this chapter)

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