Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 180 Doctor Doom

Chapter 180 Doctor Doom
Dr. Doom, of course, is no stranger to this character Eric. After all, he is one of the most dangerous characters on Marvel Earth. He has been at the forefront of the SHIELD most wanted list in multiple parallel universes. Honored.

If possible, of course Eric would not take the initiative to provoke such a troublesome guy, it was simply making himself guilty.It's a pity that even if he doesn't make trouble, he always likes to come to him, and he always has no choice at all.

Doctor Doom blew up the wall of the room in a strange way, appeared domineeringly at the door, and said in a cold and emotionless voice: "I believe that you are holding my fiancée behind my back."

The moment Eric was overturned by the shock wave, the armor had been re-dressed.He leapt up, flew in front of Doctor Doom, and yelled, "Sorry, but I think this lady just rejected you!"

Doctor Doom easily blocked his fist with one hand, as if a low, cold snort came from his throat, and the magic power on his forearm instantly burned like a flame.Invisible fluctuations erupted with one of his thoughts, and the incomparably weird magical energy instantly penetrated the shell of the armor and rushed into his internal organs, as cold as if it wanted everything in his body.

Endless energy surged out of Dr. Doom's hands like a wave, and Eric was knocked out without any explanation, and the armor smashed through the wall and rolled out.It wasn't until this moment that Eric discovered that they had been in a certain port in New York, and there was an endless river outside the room.

"Doctor Doom never bargains for what is in his pocket." Dum said indifferently.

With a clear cry, Raven drew a circle with both hands in the air, and the purple trajectory condensed into two huge vortexes, as if two purple water snakes flew out from the center of the vortex, and rushed towards Doctor Doom fiercely.

"Chaos magic, interesting."

Although he said "interesting", his tone was still as serious as the iron-colored mask on his face. He dragged the dark green wave and made several gestures. The green magic power instantly engulfed the chaotic magic power released by Raven Ingested—or, more accurately, digested.

Almost at the same time, Doctor Doom raised his other hand, and a burst of orange-red high-concentration energy burst out from his palm.The magic power condensed in front of Raven was instantly dissipated, and she herself was knocked out unexpectedly.

This attack was no longer a magical attack, but a physical impact from the energy released by the armor on his body.The combination of magic and technology in combat is what makes this character the most dangerous.


Doctor Doom frowned slightly, and he saw a thick lavender smoke seem to emerge from every shadow, expanding silently.In just a short while, the mist has covered the entire battle situation, and everyone's figures are hidden in the strange mist and cannot be captured.

"'Water Fog'." Doctor Doom said lightly, "Konstantin, is it your little trick again?"

"Ha, since I knew I was going to fight with you, what should I do if I don't have any preparations." Constantine's cynical voice came from nowhere.

"You snatched what belonged to me last time." Doctor Doom said, "I haven't found you yet."

"Your thing? Sorry, if you mean the ghost compass, it has my last name now."

While Constantine and Doom were talking nonsense, several of them also hid behind a row of containers at the port under the cover of magic fog.

"This is terrible." Princess Mia annoyed, "It shouldn't have been like this. I thought you could deal with Doom. If you knew you couldn't, why would you let innocent people suffer?"

"Your Majesty, when I asked you if you have someone you like, you asked for this kid by name." Constantine said.

"That's because I happened to find out that Doom was very interested in his intelligence, and I thought he could win!"

Eric rolled his eyes and said: "I mean you, obviously you got me involved in your troubles, right? I don't remember that 'helping Princess Zincaria escape marriage' became my obligation, my Life is already chaotic enough, there is no need for another national-level villain, okay?"

Seemingly not expecting his reaction like this, the princess opened her mouth, and after a moment of silence, she lowered her head sadly and said, "It's my fault, I didn't think well. I just thought that if it was your power, maybe you could Help me get rid of him, I really didn't consider the trouble it may cause you, sorry."

After finishing speaking, she wanted to stand up, but Constantine grabbed the corner of her skirt.

"Wait," Constantine said, "what do you want to do?"

"Go back with him." The princess said, "He is right, I can't let this matter involve more people, this is my problem."

"And then? Do you have any plans, Miss Princess?" Constantine asked.

The princess bit her lips: "If I can go back and talk to my father, maybe I can make him change his mind."

"If you are not taken away by Dr. Madman tonight." Constantine emphasized.

Eric, who already didn't want to worry about this trouble anymore, saw her reaction, and his heart softened again, and he couldn't help sighing slightly.

Sure enough, since this matter didn't happen in the distant Xinkaliland or Latvinia, but right here, in front of him, it still couldn't be ignored, right?

Furthermore, although it was only for one day, this Princess Mia could be regarded as a classmate who was already in the same class and a dance partner who danced together, so she should not be regarded as an unrelated person.

"Well, I can help you as a friend."

Eric's words made the princess turn and look at him in surprise.

"However, as a friend, I still want to say something," Eric said, looking at her seriously, "Maybe Her Majesty the Princess has never realized it, but 'love' should not be used as a shield If one day, you can willingly pay for someone, even if you have to sacrifice everything for it in the end, that is happiness in itself.”

When he was speaking, Raven looked away intentionally or unintentionally, wondering what he was thinking.

He then smiled.

"Unfortunately, I already have her, I'm sorry. But at least when we meet next time, I hope we can be friends, real friends, and not separated by a layer of false lies."

The princess seemed to be touched, stared into his eyes for a moment, then nodded involuntarily.


With a bang, the stacked containers collapsed in an instant, and the strong wind stirred up the fog, and several people were knocked down by the strong wind.Dr. Doom floated above their heads with jet flames under his feet, and said coldly: "Don't waste your time and mine, princess, your escape is meaningless. As my bride-to-be, your soul has already been closely connected with me, You can't escape from my grasp."

"Just right, Her Majesty's escape is over."

The fog dissipated, and the purple magic energy exploded from it like a gust of wind. Doctor Doom let out a "hmm", and the value of the chaotic magic power he read was much higher than the energy released by Raven before.

Eric stepped out of the fog, and his armor had switched to a darker tone, with metallic-colored wings spread out behind him, purple waves wrapped around the silver-white blade.Revan stood beside him, and the black crow raised its head to face Doom in the air without fear.

Armor of Almodra, Raven mode.

"Oh?" Doctor Doom looked at the two with great interest, "Are you absorbing magic power to switch forms? Interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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