Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 164 Earth Stone

Chapter 164 Earth Stone


In the thousands of miles of frozen ice and snow, a tall building stands tall.It has a sharp thorn growing out of the ice and snow, and the outer wall is shining like a jewel, and the sunlight is refracted by the outer surface of the crystal into colorful colors.

It is a unique building on the earth. It is not an exaggeration to add a series of words such as beauty, grandeur and grandeur to it. Looking down from the perspective of satellite aerial photography, this pointed tower gives people a majestic and inviolable sense of distance. It is like the house of God, and it is precisely because of this that it gives the high-level governments of various countries a sense of crisis.

But if you stand in front of this tall and majestic legendary fortress and look up at it in person instead of taking aerial photos through satellites, you will be surprised to find that there is another word that is more suitable to describe it than the above ones - loneliness .

This is the Fortress of Solitude, Superman's home on Earth.

Ghost stood on the translucent crystal floor, silently followed Superman and looked at the structure inside the fortress without speaking for a long time.

"The equipment here should be able to locate the energy signal of the special technology of 'Ascension'." Superman operated the virtual panel suspended in the air, and said, "Even if there is only a trace of signal, it can capture it."

"This is alien technology." Ghost said in a low voice.

"Yes, I fought that alien race, and I won." Superman replied calmly.

"But you never thought of handing it over."

"Give it to the military? No." Superman said without thinking.

Youhun stared at him, and his tone became even more annoyed: "What I just wanted to say was to hand over to your motherland."

"No country should have such a weapon." Superman said firmly.

Specter thought for a moment, then stepped forward, and said: "I have many similarities with you, Superman, I think so even more after entering your fortress. We are also alien visitors, and we also know about our home planet. Not more than half of Earth. I don't know where my home planet is, I don't even know if it still exists, but I believe our home planet gives us the same mission."

Superman raised his eyebrows: "Mission?"

"Spread knowledge, spread peace." Ghost said, "Haven't you ever wondered why your parents—didn't they choose to let you land in this country? They didn't make such a choice for no reason, don't you think You should fight for it?"

"I did this, but in a different way from yours." Superman said lightly.

"Alone from a secret fortress in the middle of no man's land? Is this your way?" snorted the ghost. "No offense, but you have to see the truth—you're trying to pretend to be human, to be one of them." members, but this is just putting yourself in the cracks. Come and imagine with me, you can pretend to be between them, ten years, 20 years, but how much longer? Everyone is getting old, only Not with you, because you never belonged to them, and one day you will always be squeezed out naturally, from the gap that cannot last."

"It doesn't matter, Ghost." Superman argued, looking straight at him. "Let's just say that, so you say these hopes convince me to live the same way you do? Like the atomic bomb in Nagasaki? That's the first A scar, a first lie. You were one of those two atomic bombs, Ghost, and apparently you're more involved in these matters than you think you are."

Ghost was silent for a long time.

"I thought we could understand each other, Superman." He said grimly, clenching his fists. "Obviously I was wrong. You left me with no choice. I promised the general that I would force you to join us, even by force." .”

"That's impossible, Ghost." Superman also clenched his fists. "I only fight for what I think is right."

Two of the most powerful beings on Earth are now at war in the halls of the Fortress of Solitude.The eyes of both sides seemed to be burning at the same time, and the red light seemed to heat up the air sharply.

Until an unexpected call interrupted them.

Specter frowned and switched on the headset: "General Ryan? I'm about to deal with Superman"

"Forget about that stupid guy!" General Ryan yelled, "Shengtian just launched a world-scale nuclear attack, and the situation is urgent!"

Superman was also surprised when he heard his voice: "How much? How many nuclear bombs did they launch?"

"All!" General Ryan yelled uncontrollably, "All the damned nuclear bombs on the earth!"

No need to explain, this is already the ultimate nuclear crisis, the end of the world situation.Some people have calculated that if fifty tactical nuclear missiles explode, it will cause catastrophic and devastating changes in the climate of the earth.

Unfortunately, according to the latest statistics, the number of tactical nuclear missiles on the highest alert in the world is 920.Right now, they are all tearing through the clouds, roaring into the sky, and preparing to sweep everything on the surface of this planet.

"The Avengers have been dispatched, and there are some other unregistered superpowers." General Ryan said, "But that's far from enough. An optimistic estimate can only intercept 60.00% of all nuclear bombs. You have to hurry up!"

He doesn't need to say more, Kung Fu Superman and Ghost have tacitly put aside their grievances for the time being, and rushed out of the Fortress of Solitude side by side.

"Okay, Ghost, there are still about ten and seven minutes before the first missile hits the target." Superman said, "Before then, we must find Shengtian"

"Sorry, Superman, but you didn't listen to what I said just now." Ghost said lightly, "I'm going to chase those missiles targeting the United States."

"What are you talking about!?" Superman yelled, "If we stop Ascension, we might stop all attacks!"

"Then what if we fail?" Ghost said stubbornly, "Sorry, Superman, you have to learn to make difficult choices."

After finishing speaking, before Superman could say anything, he had already staggered and flew away in different directions.

At this time, Nova Scotia.

In the blink of an eye, the members of the "Shengtian" gang have been beaten by Eric and Raven.Erik tore off the mask from the leader's face, and slammed him against the back door, which was deeply dented by the force of Almadra's armor.

"How do I stop these nuclear bombs!" Eric said coldly, "I've never played interrogation, but since the end of the world is about to happen, I think I should learn quickly."

"You can't stop it, that's why I boldly let you in." The leader vomited a mouthful of blood in pain, but still tried his best to keep smiling, "We created the Earth Stone with our own hands, just to complete This, and now, it should not continue to exist!"

Eric instinctively realized something was wrong: "What did you do?"

He didn't answer, and there was no need to answer.The mountains of earth rocks in the room suddenly released a radiance, and the azure radiance brought a scorching temperature, and the air pressure around it rose rapidly and expanded rapidly.

Eric suddenly realized that it was a self-destruct device, and these desperadoes never thought of surviving.


Ultra-high heat erupted from the depths of a pile of earth rocks, and the flames turned into a huge demon, which engulfed the entire building with its teeth and claws, and ignited a large forest along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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