Chapter 15 Zola
According to Eric's memories of those secret villain organizations in his previous life, these evil people always seemed to have an indissoluble bond with the smelly sewers, so when Sharon Carter led him towards the sewer system in New Jersey, they The soul of complaining in the bottom of my heart couldn't help but started to burn.

"Did I say that if those evil big bosses are separated from the unique smell of the sewer, there will be no source of inspiration for the evil plan to destroy the world?"

Sharon ignored his complaints, and walked along the path beside the sewage, while explaining: "We also got unconfirmed information from some insiders a day ago, saying that these modified species fused with the genes of God's Domain creatures may be in the There is an experimental base hidden under New Jersey. I happen to be in charge of following you in New Jersey, so let's take a look first. If there is a situation, more people may be sent from above."

"To put it nicely, it's an investigator, but to put it bluntly, it's a cannon fodder for pathfinders." Eric muttered in a low voice.

Sharon heard it, but she just smiled and didn't refute anything.

In fact, she knew that there were other reasons for her to bring Eric here, but she didn't say it.Both she and the superior are now eager to know one thing - how powerful can that set of armor be?Should it be regulated as an unmanageable level of threat?

The two went down the iron ladder to the sewer, and the flashlight that Sharon was carrying shot out a cone-shaped beam of light, and the semicircular light projected on the mossy brick wall.The section of the sewer is semicircular, and narrow passages are left on both sides of the canal for passage.They walked along the narrow path, and the light shone from time to time on the dark water, illuminating the foul-smelling filth floating on the water.

After not walking very far, the two of them came to the end of the dirty water pipe, and the front suddenly became clear.Roughly just below an office building, the space dug out is seven or eight meters high, and the whole is in a ring shape. There are several huge drains around it, and the sound of rolling water is heard. After tons of water gushes out of the drains, It fell into a huge circular black hole in the center like a waterfall, with a radius of about twenty meters.

This is the treatment plant where they throw away waste, which is equivalent to a waste station.After the used equipment, materials or other things are dumped in, they will be specially treated at the bottom, and there may be people.

Bypassing the circular black hole, a low and narrow passage was ushered in front.The ventilation fan was stirring dully, the paint on the rust-colored walls had begun to peel off, and there was a depressing smell in the air.The fluorescent lights were dimly lit above Eric's head, and his nerves tensed up involuntarily.

In front of the light green iron door directly opposite the black hole, the two looked at each other, nodded, and kicked open the door together.

Inside was what they were looking for.

The darkness enveloped the entire room like dark clouds, and the only light source came from the petri dishes neatly lined up in the room.Dim and eerie green light transmitted from the glass vessel, barely illuminating the surrounding area with a radius of less than one meter, creating a ghostly film-like atmosphere.And in the countless petri dishes lined up in this endless room, a creature that looks like a human but not human is suspended behind each layer of glass.Although they are all sleeping with their eyes closed, you can clearly feel the suffocating pressure.

Looks like they're in the right place, but.
"Something's wrong." Eric reminded in a low voice.

Sharon nodded: "Well, it should be a very deeply hidden and highly valued research room, but it seems that there is no defense system at all. I suspect that even a daring pipe cleaner can find it here by accident .”

"That's because those short-sighted idiots gave up on this place!"

The heavy male voice echoed in the air, echoing in the dark space like it was played on a low-quality stereo.The two hurriedly became vigilant, and a slender silhouette appeared in the darkness.

It was a man wrapped in a windbreaker, he was covered in black from head to toe, and even his face was covered, only showing a pair of sly and fierce eyes like a fox.His figure was as thin as a flagpole bent by a strong wind, and his voice seemed to be released through a loudspeaker, but his voice was as muddy as if it was turned on at the lowest quality.

Sharon pointed the pistol at the man's head immediately, and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

"Arnim Zola." The man reported his name generously, and then added, "In order to prevent you from thinking that I am an impostor with the same name, let me explain in advance-I am not. I am The one and only Arnim Zola, dedicated to the mighty Hydra."

Sharon's face changed: "Impossible!? Anim Zola died long ago. If he is still alive now, then he already has."

"More than a hundred years old, yes, it's me." The man said with a proud chuckle, and the laughter echoed through the loudspeaker in this weird room, looking extremely hideous.

When mentioning "Hydra", Eric immediately thought of such a character in the comics.Dr. Zola is Hydra's biological engineer, possibly the world's best biological genius, and the developer of Hydra's many cutting-edge weapons.However, according to the content of the manga, this guy should have lived until today by transferring his consciousness into a machine body. It seems a bit different now.

However, Eric also knew that this is not the original Marvel or DC universe, and it is more likely to be one of the countless multiverses of the two sides. There is no such precedent in the comics, so he is very concerned about what he may encounter and the comics. I have also been psychologically prepared for the different changes in my life.

So Hydra has something to do with the suit of armor he's wearing and his parents?

"Since World War II to the present, there has never been a genius like me inside the great Hydra!" Zola raised her voice, and the voice coming through the loudspeaker seemed extremely strange, "And now, my research Finally a breakthrough! With the help of these mythical creatures, I can complete the evolution of the entire human species! Think about it, this is the greatest achievement that any great man in history has never accomplished!"

"But countless lunatics have fantasized about it. I think the most recent one is probably too tall." Eric complained.

Zola's pair of thieves' eyeballs shot out a knife-like fierce light, as if to pierce Eric's heart.

"It's all your fault! And your self-righteous father!" he growled loudly. "It's because of your stupid 'Armagdra system' that my efforts and my research have come to this point— —stinking and fending for itself in an unknown corner of the city's sewers!"

Eric's expression changed: "You really know about my father."

"Yes, but I didn't intend to tell you so simply."

As soon as the words fell, there was only the sound of glass shattering "clang" several times, and several black shadows flew out along with the culture fluid gushing out of the vessel, and their agility was like a rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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