Chapter 144

New York City, five kilometers away.

Under the sky dyed red by the flames, the magical crow tore through the clouds with its pitch-black wings, and swooped down from the sky high.Like a black arrow shot down from the clouds, piercing through the thick dust, the crow screamed proudly, and the magic of chaos seemed to be attracted from every corner of the atmosphere, and filled into the pair of deep black wings.

Patient zero screamed without fear, and spread his wings, setting off a strong wind with a strong fishy smell, soaring into the sky in an instant, and bumping into the falling crow.

Erik's long sword pointed straight down, and the magic power attached to the sword swayed violently against the direction of the wind like a flame.Raven made a gesture, and more surging magic power was added to the blade, like a rotating drill bit wrapped around the blade.The two of them swooped side by side in the crow transformed by magic power, with momentum like a rainbow.

The two sides finally met in mid-air, and the burst of magical energy turned into scattered raindrops all over the sky.The magic power extending from the long sword sharply passed through Patient Zero's waist and abdomen, and the purple-black slash tore through his indestructible body. The black flesh and blood slashed off his disgusting half wing.

Sure enough, just as Eric expected, Chaos Magic really caused headaches for the Yamojo virus, which was an ability it could not replicate. The resonance ability of the Alpha armor is the most special one in the Almazo series. Although it cannot simulate magic ability, when it resonates with the raven, it can absorb part of the magic power released by her and mix it with the energy simulated by itself, achieving a similar Effect.Except in this way, even the original Yamojo robot itself cannot replicate Chaos magic.

"Oh." Patient zero groaned miserably and fell from the air, with a long streak of black blood spilling from the part of the broken wing on his back.He fell back into the middle of a group of infected people like a bird with broken wings, and after moaning for a while, he finally fell silent.Immediately afterwards, all the infected people stopped at the same time like electric toys that had been unplugged, and fell limply back to the ground.

Also at the same moment, strange fluctuations hit Eric's brain.

It was an unspeakable strange feeling, suddenly he felt that his brain seemed to be turned into a GPS, and his thoughts were drawn by invisible lines to fly out of the camp, over the high walls, across the messy streets and smelly alleys, Fly across geographical restrictions and into an old-fashioned white brick building.He could feel the cold path in the building, the dark room, and the man waiting for him there.

"Eric? Eric?"

Raven's shout brought him back to reality, and he realized that he was standing on the ground in a daze.Thick smoke obscured the sky, and the feet were filled with unconscious infected people.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

Eric said "ah" before replying, "I'm fine."

Responding to Raven's suspicious gaze, he smiled lightly and patted her head: "What are you doing with that expression? Don't worry, I'm fine."

Raven withdrew his gaze, avoided his hand unnaturally, and resumed his neutral tone: "I'm not... particularly worried."

Aegis soon came to clean up the mess again, but cleaning the battlefield on the camp side was still a trivial matter, and the bigger problem was still unresolved.

Eric, Raven and the other Avengers also temporarily returned to the mothership. The captain, Ant-Man and Hulk returned to a coma, while Tony urgently needed to recharge his armor.Patient zero was transferred to the mothership to continue extracting the original virus from the blood—this is the most urgent task now.

The person in charge of the research shook the test tube filled with black liquid in his hand, and the blood extracted from patient zero made a "sizzling" sound in the test tube, just like when a corrosive liquid undergoes a violent chemical reaction.

He frowned tightly, obviously what he was about to bring would not be good news.

"How's the situation?" Fury asked on behalf of the anxiously waiting people.

The person in charge shook his head: "I'm afraid...this won't help us."

"What's going on?" Tony asked, "Don't he have the original virus sample in his body?"

"No." The person in charge explained, "The virus has mutated severely in his body. Although he can organically imitate other people's superpowers, in essence, he himself is also very sick, but his abilities behave differently from other cases. It's all different. But in general he doesn't have antibodies, and he's dying."

This news was like a blow to the head for everyone, it was like cutting off the last ray of hope and pronouncing the execution of human extinction.

"Maybe. There is still a way."

Eric spoke abruptly, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

"In fact, I was also exposed to the virus during the battle just now." He said, "but the armor did a comprehensive scan of my physical signs and found nothing unusual. I didn't feel any discomfort myself. I guess, maybe It's the part of the original Amedro virus that has been mixed into my body through my armor before that helps my body adapt to this mutated virus. But if my body can defeat this virus."

"There may be antibodies in your blood." The person in charge's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly found a blood vessel.

"Wait, you said you were exposed to the virus?" Tony asked as he watched the person in charge pull a tube of blood from Eric's arm.

"Yes, but I said I'm fine."

"But you may have something to do, and you should be careful. It's just luck, in case you don't hold out."

After drawing blood, Eric put down his sleeves, smiled faintly, and patted Tony on the shoulder.

"Thank you for your concern." He said lightly, "I will be more careful next time."

"Well, just pay attention."

Eric took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

"Wait." Fury called him, "Where are you going?"

"Just take a break." Eric didn't look back, "Anyway, there's nothing to do while waiting for the antidote, right?"

He lied.

Although he couldn't explain it himself, after being exposed to the virus, he suddenly felt as if he was connected to a big network, a huge network constructed by the consciousness of the sub-magic virus, and at that moment he Be part of it, and feel connected to every other part of the web.

For example, the location of Omega's suit of armor.

Quietly, he left the Helicarrier.The Alpha armor in green light mode fell from the sky, like a firefly lost in the yellow dust, shuttled through the reinforced concrete forests of the city, followed the route drawn in the mind, and came to the building in the mind .

He directly opened the door, stepped into the same dark and cold corridor as in the image, and entered the deepest room.

Then, just like the image in my mind, the man sat quietly in the room, waiting for his arrival.

"Sure enough, it's here." The man said calmly, "I'm still wondering how long you have to hang around."

Eric said coldly: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Now, it's time to draw a rest."

(End of this chapter)

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