Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 127 Whirlwind

Chapter 127 Whirlwind
Saturday morning.

Like any normal weekend, it started with a wake-up call in the morning, rain mixed with humid air blowing into the room through the cracks in the windows, and the ringing of the bell throughout the building, endlessly.

It was not the sound of the alarm clock, but the doorbell from the living room.Eric retracted his head into the bed, covered his head with the quilt and chose to ignore it.

But it persevered and kept barking for more than five minutes.I have to say that no matter who is outside the door, the perseverance is really amazing, even standing in front of the door in the rain for so long and insisting on waiting for him to open the door.

Eric let out a long sigh, and finally decided to admit defeat.He threw off the quilt slowly and got out of bed, put on his coat casually, his hair was messed up like a chicken coop.

Opening the door, it was no surprise that Raven stood there wrapped in a deep black padded jacket, which was soaked in rain and looked like a poor soaked chicken.Of course, Eric was not surprised at all, because his social circle was really limited, and there were only a handful of people who would come to him early on Saturday morning.

"What's the matter?" Eric asked weakly.

"I don't think you have any plans other than sleeping on weekends." Raven wiped the water from her forehead and said with her drenched thin body huddled in a fat padded jacket, "and it happens that I have nothing to do, so... I think Maybe we can find something to do together."

Eric was silent for a while.

"Forget it this weekend." He said, "I have other arrangements."


She was disappointed, not obviously, but Eric could see it.Putting her hands in the pockets of her thick jacket, she turned around and went back into the heavy rain, which made people feel unbearable.

After walking a few steps, Raven suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "I remember you said that no matter what happens, you will stand by my side and help me at any time."


"I'm just trying to help you, too," she said.

"I know, thanks," he said, "but not now, I'm fine."

Raven didn't say anything more, and the thin black shadow quickly disappeared into the rain.

Eric closed the door and didn't feel like going back to sleep anymore.He sat on the sofa in the living room, watching the pendulum of the clock on the living room wall ticking.

Raven was right, he wasn't well right now.Ever since he met the guy who claimed to be his father, he understood that the other party was finally ready to take action. The question was—when?
And now he had a hunch that it might be today.

Because 15 years ago, also on April NO.14, Saturday, Charlotte and his wife left this home.

He sat on the sofa for half an hour, and his heart became more and more indescribably irritable.He simply got up, washed up briefly, put on a casual jacket and went out.

He had joked about asking Tony to give him a motorcycle, and Tony actually gave him one after last week's Extremis incident.The motorcycle customized by Stark Industries is unique in the world.Stark's crazy idea of ​​putting a helicopter turbine engine into a motorcycle, such a wild idea naturally endows it with terrifying high performance.Its shape is also eye-catching, with deep black as the main color, filled with dark red stripes, just like the color scheme of the basic model of Amojo Armor, it seems that Tony still spent a lot of effort on this exclusive car .

It is worthy of being a gift from a local tyrant, if you want to give it, you can give it the best.

Anyway, all we can do now is to wait for Dr. Charlotte to move. Instead of sitting at home and waiting, it is better to go out and get some air.

The black steel beast roared joyfully under Eric, carrying its master into the rain like a flash of lightning.Water splashes on both sides of the wide tires, and the engine screams loudly, like a galloping horse in the fields.

The rain slapped hard on the windshield of Eric's black helmet, and the chill brought by the cold wind pierced into the bone marrow, stimulating the nerves and making people wake up quickly.

The intoxicating high speed, just for such a moment, it seems that all the troubles have been thrown away by the accelerator.

As his motorcycle reached Eleventh Avenue, a commotion caught his attention.

The motorcycle turned the corner at high speed, and an afterimage suddenly flashed in front of him.Eric braked quickly, the car body tilted sharply, turned around and almost half-clad to the ground and slid along the slippery road for a certain distance before barely stopping.

But he saw that it was a police car that flashed in front of him just now, and the police lights whimpered and screamed. After turning over twice in embarrassment, the roof of the car collapsed on the lamppost.

The culprit is obviously the guy on the main road.It was a man wearing strange armor, stepping on a raging tornado, galloping forward with the wind on his feet.A string of police cars followed behind him, but every time he approached, the man waved his hand lightly, and another tornado rose from the ground, overturning the police cars to the ground without any effort—just like the one before. same car.

Eric vaguely remembered that guy.Whirlwind, the super criminal, as the name suggests, can create whirlwinds and tornadoes, Marvel villain, but just a bad bastard.Originally, he seemed to be imprisoned in a mansion, but after the large-scale escape of the four major prisons of S.H.I.E.L.D., he also slipped out in troubled waters.

Super criminals have escaped a lot after that incident, but catching them is mostly the job of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. Eric hasn't had much time for that so far.As he had said before, he still had to go to school, and he had a mess to attend to at the same time.

But since this whirlwind happened to be arrogant in front of him very unfortunately, and he was in the right mood today to beat up a few people to vent.
Isn't that a decision?
Thinking of this, he immediately changed direction.As soon as I gasped the accelerator, the speed of the car on the dashboard instantly soared, the turbo engine roared violently, setting off a burst of snow-white water splashes and rushing forward indomitably.The Amojo armor was activated at the same time, and the dark armor covered the whole body, which was in harmony with the color of the body.

The black arrow chased up in an instant, surpassed the police car convoy in an instant, and bit tightly behind the storm at the foot of the whirlwind.

"Sheriff! Someone broke in!" Someone shouted in the police channel.

The sheriff frowned.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know." The policeman in the driver's seat said, "I seem to have seen it with the Avengers in the newspaper."

"Is that an Avenger?"

"I haven't heard of it, but it seems to be a superhero."

"...In any case, give way first." The sheriff made a decision, "All units, keep a distance and wait and see. In this city, you have to get used to its rules. We can't control some things, so we can only leave them to the corresponding departments. people to do it.”

(ps Thank you for the 1 starting point coins rewarded by Shu You Sheng Zhi Void 8000! Thank you very much for your recommendations and rewards!)
(End of this chapter)

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