Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 106 Showdown Time

Chapter 106 Showdown Time
A research institute that has been abandoned for 15 years.

According to the address given by Nick Fury, Eric finally came here, where everything originated.After 15 years of washing, the building has been dilapidated. The outer bricks that should have been white are now stained with a rich layer of black ink, which looks quite sinister.

The situation in the yard was a mess, the ground was full of bricks, tiles and rubble, and the ground was full of potholes like countless artillery craters blasted by shells on the battlefield.The shell of the building is also riddled with holes, as if someone had drilled countless holes to allow ventilation.It is conceivable that what a terrible battle broke out here at the beginning, leaving such shocking traces, just like a battlefield where heavy weapons exchanged fire.

Eric didn't have the key to the gate, but it didn't look like he needed such a thing.Half of the gate of the research institute collapsed, and a door on the left half was pinched into a ball with brute force from a point in the middle, just like crumpled waste paper. Eric only bowed his body and walked through the crack drilled in.

Unsurprisingly, the scene inside the institute was even more tragic.Research equipment is scattered everywhere, metal fragments are scattered everywhere, and fragments of some parts are deeply inserted into the walls.The four walls and the ground seemed to have been painted with blood-colored paint. Even after 15 years, there were still blood stains that were hard to remove. The air was filled with an indescribable but nauseating smell.

In fact, there is nothing worthy of his discovery here, even 15 years ago, it was all searched by SHIELD or others.He came here only because he felt the need to come, as if he could vaguely see what happened to his fathers in this place after crossing the long river of time.

Memories really came to his mind, about that rainy night with torrential rain, Omega's black armor, and the runaway Amajo robot, the lives that were brutally slaughtered and harvested, and the despair that permeated everywhere, really It's as clear as if it was engraved in my mind.At that time, he was obviously only three years old, and he was left alone by his parents at home ten kilometers away, and had nothing to do with what happened here.

So why does the memory of that night come to mind?If it wasn't his own memory. Whose would it be?

The sound of "beep" pulled him back from his thoughts to the present world, and the cracked computer screen on one side suddenly lit up, and an option flashed continuously in the center of the screen.He was stunned for a while before finally reacting.

It can't be a coincidence that a computer from 15 years ago, with its miserable appearance, was screaming at the last moment when he came in.

Eric clicked on the flashing option, everything was on the screen, and Dr. Ivo with black round eyes appeared on the screen.But at this moment, he had completely removed that foolish disguise, revealing his fierce and vicious true colors.

"Hello, Mr. Charlotte." He said, paused, and corrected, "Oh, it should be Mr. 'Little' Charlotte."

"Ivo." Eric said coldly, "It's you, right? 15 years ago, the mysterious person who cooperated with my father in the development project of Amedro, you didn't just discover the Amdro virus recently, you did it 15 years ago It's part of the development team."

Dr. Ivo shook his finger: "No, no, it's not exactly right. I did communicate with your father 15 years ago on the development of content and shared some knowledge, but I was not part of his small group .And at that time, all I thought about was developing armor with multiple superpowers, so my vision was short-sighted, right?"

He smiled self-deprecatingly, and then became complacent again.

"I'm not lying about this part - the 'Amajo Nano Robot' project was only proposed by me a month ago." He said, "After so many years, I finally succeeded in separating the robot from 15 years ago. The virus at the core of the robot's ability - 'Amazo Virus', although I can't make it work yet, theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible to create an ultimate existence that can replicate all superpowers. Of course, I am still working on this part. Working hard."

"Then why did you stage this show?" Eric asked, "Why did you direct me to the log left by my father? And what about Beta's Almajo armor? Is it your work? Why? attack me?"

"I deliberately leaked the news to the vigilante in Bludhaven to let him take me away. Aegis will definitely arrest me and ask some questions if he gets the news, so that I can get on the mothership and check the information about what you have. Alpha armor data." Dr. Ivo continued to explain, "Yes, I have developed the Beta system, which is theoretically superior to the Alpha type in all aspects of performance, but there are still some parts that are lacking."

"Some parts?"

Dr. Ivo snorted lightly.

"I also successfully implanted the four superpowers that have been analyzed into the Beta-type submerged armor, and achieved a better simulation effect than the Alpha system. But what it lacks is the ability to evolve." He said, "Alpha's armor can resonate with espers under certain conditions. In theory, it can be compatible with infinite abilities. I want to know how to do that. This is the first purpose, as for my other purpose."

The sound of footsteps approaching from outside the door was so light that it was almost hard to catch the ear, and it stopped after entering the door.Eric turned his head, and saw the man in the black windbreaker he met in the Rex Building, standing at the door and staring at him without saying a word, with a rigid expression like a machine executing a program, but shot through the sunglasses His gaze was deadly and cold.

Eric frowned slightly.

"Although you should already know each other, allow me to introduce it again." Dr. Ivo said, "Mr. Butch, the best adapter for the Beta system I found, he should be able to exert most of the power of the Beta system. And more importantly, Mr. Butch is completely at my command and is an absolutely impeccable thug."

Eric snorted: "To put it bluntly, it's just a dog's leg, right?"

Dr. Ivo turned a deaf ear to it, and said: "The Beta system is just a transitional product for me. My ultimate goal is to be a nanomachine that can replicate all abilities and become the ultimate existence. But before that, I want to prove that I am better than Charlotte's. The work is stronger, and the armor I made can easily defeat his work. So, prove it to me, Mr. Butch?"

Eric snorted, "Just for such a boring reason?"

But the man named Butch didn't ask a word, and immediately carried out Ivo's order.He tore off the windbreaker to reveal the backpack on his back, and Beta's Armedron armor quickly unfolded, and the outfit was completed in the blink of an eye.

"The competition has begun, gentlemen!" Ivo clapped his hands, "Try to prove yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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