Chapter 415
Cheng Feng nodded noncommittally, and then asked, "I don't care what grievances you two have, I just want to know what do you want us to do?"

Ma Yun said: "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense, I want you to implant an idea in Ma Huateng, that is to ask him to cancel the function of WeChat payment, so that he can get away from mobile payment as far as he is! "

Cheng Feng frowned. If the camera wasn't on his side now, he would have noticed that the corners of Cheng Feng's mouth were raised just for a moment.

That’s right, Cheng Feng laughed. When Ma Yun said, let Ma Huateng cancel WeChat payment and stay away from the mobile payment business.

From the perspective of Cheng Feng sitting opposite to Ma Yun, he could see the blood vessels on Ma Yun's neck bursting in an instant. This must be how many years of accumulated resentment!
Cheng Feng understood now, no wonder the only condition for the system to unlock the script was that Cheng Feng invited Ma Yun to participate in this performance.

It's all because of the evil taste of the system itself, I want to see how Ma Yun sprinkles salt on the wound!

I don't know why Ma Yun was only invited, but Ma Huateng was not invited. What is the reason for this? Is it interesting?

Cheng Feng suppressed a smile in his heart, and had to feel that the plot generated by the system this time was, to a certain extent, better than the plots of movies that Cheng Feng had seen in his previous life!
"System, system! You have changed, you are no longer the system I know, you are so skinny!"

"This..." Gao Lai had nothing to say for a moment, after all, he was quite comfortable with WeChat payment.

Then he said: "Mr. Ma, no matter how much you hate Ma Huateng, since the concept of the so-called Stealing Dreams came into being, I have never heard of the term Planting Dreams.

You seem to be..."

"Young people, people are forced out!

You need to know this simple truth, only when you know what you can’t do, this is what you should do now.

As long as you can succeed in dream planting, the return I just mentioned will be greatly doubled, beyond your expectations! "

Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Ma, we will agree to your request!"

"Cobb, you're crazy..." Gao Lai just wanted to dissuade him, but when he saw the firm face of Cobb played by Cheng Feng, he knew that it was useless to say more, so he shut up resentfully!
"Okay, then it's a deal!" Ma Yun stretched out his hand after hearing the words, Cheng Feng looked at it, and shook hands with a bit of coercion and reluctance.

While shaking hands, Ma Yun said: "In order to ensure the success of this mission, I also want to sneak into the dreamland!"

"This..." Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, has a surprised expression on his face, sneaking into the dreamland, the most fearful thing is accidentally falling into the deep realm of the subconscious, where people will get lost, and even never come out.

Cheng Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Ma, you must know that there are many accidents in dreams. Sometimes these accidents are difficult to control by human beings. Otherwise, you will fall into a deep subconscious mind. You have to think about it." Clear?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, if I don't do this, how do I know if you have implanted Ma Huateng's mind?

As you said, dream planting is just a hypothesis I put forward, if it doesn't work, I can't be sure whether you have implemented it or not?
And I will have a series of follow-up plans in reality in the future, the matter is of great importance, and I am willing to take this risk! "

Cheng Feng nodded: "Okay, since you have already confirmed it, then I don't have much to say."

"Okay, we'll be happy together!"

After a while, the two got off the helicopter. Ma Yun looked at the two who were about to leave and said: "By the way, I will leave my phone number for you if you need any assistance in this mission. I wish you well." transport!"

stomping on...

The propellers rotated rapidly, creating a strong wind, and the wind and waves swept up the hair tips and skirts of the two, and gradually the helicopter took off into the sky.

Gao Lai looked up at the helicopter that was fading away, turned his head to look at Cobb played by Cheng Feng, and asked loudly: "You are crazy! Why did you promise him to do something?
Knowing that planting a dream is impossible!Since Stealing Dreams, no one has planted dreams for people. What do you want us to do? "

Cheng Feng lowered his head, with a little desolation, and said in a lonely way: "Yes!"

"What?!" Guo Haifei, playing the role of Gao Lai, asked in disbelief as if he didn't hear clearly.

"I said it can be done! It can be done!"

When Cheng Feng mentioned Zhi Meng, he became inexplicably irritable and roared loudly.

Seeing Cheng Feng, who was clearly agitated, Gao Lai sighed, but restrained his emotions, and asked calmly.

"Good! Good! Good!

I don't quarrel with you, I also know about your child, Ma Yun also said that he will give us a generous reward, I can do this matter!

But tell me, what is dream planting and how to plant dream? "

When Cheng Feng heard this, his eyes were full of loneliness, and with indescribable sadness, he slowly said, "Zhi Meng, I did it!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Feng raised his head and sighed, as if he wanted to vomit out the pain accumulated in his heart.

Gao Lai, played by Guo Haifei, is an outpost in the Pirates Dream team. His main duty is to collect information and prevent any accidents that will happen.

So he asked curiously: "So, you have had the experience of planting dreams, who is the goal of your dream planting?"

Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, was silent for a long time, just when Gao Lai, played by Guo Haifei, couldn't bear his temper and wanted to ask questions.

Cheng Feng said: "Who is the target of my dream planting, let's not talk about this matter for now, but I will tell you what planting dream is!"

"..." Gao Lai shrugged helplessly and nodded, "Alright, let's talk as we walk!"

The two walked side by side, planning to leave the private airport together, Cheng Feng said: "The so-called dream planting... can only be done in a deep dream.

Usually we perform tasks in the second-level dream at most, but to implant ideas, we must reach the fourth-level dream! "

"Fourth floor? I heard that once an accident occurs on the fourth floor, people may fall into an unknown realm!"

Cheng Feng nodded and let out a long sigh: "Oh..."

"This is the only way!"

"Then how can we plant our dreams successfully?"

"As long as the target of the fourth-level dream sees the information we want to show him, and after he believes it to be true, when he wakes up, he will form an obsession deep in his heart!
And this obsession is just like what the Buddha said: Let go of one thought, and you will be at ease.

But if you can't touch or hold that thought, how can you let go of it.

Once we implant this idea in his fourth-level dream, then no one can escape.

This is a deep-seated obsession, if the obsession is too deep, it will eventually become a demon..."

Speaking of this, Cheng Feng seemed to be starting to become depressed, and the sadness hidden in his heart filled the whole camera invisible.


The filming of this movie segment is complete!

(End of this chapter)

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