The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 297 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 297 Cat and Mouse Game
And when all the policemen looked at the scene in front of them, this "work of art" carefully handled by Hannibal, they were inexplicably terrified.

Then, people found another guard lying on the ground. His face was bloody and bloody.

"Report, two guards down, Hannibal escaped..." Tate took out the walkie-talkie and reported to the headquarters.

"Buhler's gun is missing, Tate!" the policewoman reported, her hand shaking the gun.

"Repeat, Hannibal escaped with a gun, he tore the sheet, probably used it for rope!
Check out the windows! "Officer Tate reported while commanding his subordinates to conduct a search.

"Where the hell is that ambulance!" A person yelled angrily. In fact, at this moment, this person was using anger to cover up the fear in his heart.

Intermittent groans sounded continuously, and the policeman who fell on the ground began to breathe hard.

"Officer Tate, he's still alive." The young policeman who had asked Clarice about Hannibal pointed to his companion lying on the ground and reported to him.

"Grab his hand and talk to him!" Tate hurriedly ordered in shock.

"What are you talking to him about?" The young policeman looked flustered and asked for help at no point. Obviously, this was his first time experiencing such a thing.

"That's JB, talk to him!" Tate snarled, he didn't know what to say, wouldn't it be bullshit, what to say.

The young policeman quickly bent down and called Jabi by name: "Jbi, can you hear me!
JB come on hold on!
The ambulance will be here soon! "

"Hannibal is missing, with Buller's gun, he may have shot him." Officer Tate continued to report on the walkie-talkie.

"Keep breathing, you'll be fine..." The young policeman knelt on the ground and tried his best to comfort his injured companion.

Outside the building, there was a piercing sound of sirens. One by one, heavily armed special policemen, armed with machine guns, rushed in desperately at the same time. They blocked all the exits of the court building.

On the other side, checkpoints were immediately erected on every road leaving here, with the court building as the center. At this time, this area has been tightly sealed.

And an ambulance and several police cars arrived at a fast speed. A group of policemen jumped out of the car with guns, loaded bullets, and rushed into the building. The ambulance immediately opened the back door, and two policemen lifted the stretcher and followed closely behind. ...

Moments later, on the third floor, several police officers who came to rescue were scrambling around the injured guard.

"It's okay, it's okay, you'll be fine." Several people carried the injured guard onto the stretcher, while comforting him, they hurriedly urged the doctor to do something.

"Give him an injection!" a doctor ordered immediately.

"Where's the oxygen?" another called.

At this time, the injured guard suddenly convulsed and shook on the stretcher.

"Hurry up, he can't be saved, hurry downstairs!" Several people hurriedly pushed the stretcher into the elevator.

Police officer Tate also followed into the elevator. On the elevator, he raised the walkie-talkie to communicate with the outside: "This is Tate, now use the elevator to take JB down. The third floor of the building is safe, and the main elevator is safe. He may be on the second floor." building!"

At this time, a few drops of bright red blood dripped from the top of the elevator, fell on the white sheet of the wounded, and soaked immediately.

Tate took out his pistol and looked at the elevator roof with bated breath. Blood was flowing from the edge of a movable cover on the top.

"Did you hear that? He might be on the third floor. The call is over." Tate picked up the walkie-talkie, his eyes guarded. He deliberately gave wrong instructions in order to set up a ecstasy array to confuse the monster hiding above the elevator.

The elevator reached the first floor, the stretcher was pushed out, and the wounded were safely sent to the ambulance outside the building.

Tate waved his hand, and several policemen also got off the elevator, surrounded the door and pointed their guns at the roof of the elevator.

In the lobby, a large group of police officers gathered. They lined up in two rows along the elevator door, with their guns raised, nervously waiting for orders.

Officer Tate raised his hand to summon one of his subordinates, leaned over his ear and whispered to him, "He's on the top of the elevator, send someone there."

The policeman nodded cautiously and led a few people upstairs.

In the darkness, a wall panel next to the elevator passage was lifted, revealing a bright light.

The two policemen put their hats into the aisle to test it, but when they didn't see any response, they poked their heads out and looked down.

"He's there! He has a gun in his hand, but he hasn't moved." A policeman whispered to Tate downstairs through the walkie-talkie.

From here, I saw a man in a white prison uniform crawling motionless on the top of the elevator.

"Listen, I want to live!"

Tate, another commanding officer at the scene, ordered that it would be fine to just kill him, but don't forget that Hannibal revealed that he knew Buffalo Bill's true identity, and the senator is still waiting for the final result.

Hannibal can die, but not now. Under the threat of rats, he can only subdue him, not kill him.

"Got it!" replied the policeman.

"Doctor, put your hands on your head!" the police yelled at the man lying on top of the elevator below.

The people below did not respond.

"Shoot him in the leg?" he ordered the police next to him.

The policeman raised his gun and aimed, bang!
Blood spurted from the leg of the man below, but the man remained unresponsive.

"There is no movement." The policeman reported to the walkie-talkie.

"Stop shooting, let's get into the elevator."

Tate, who was commanding on the first floor, said, and made arrangements for the police officers beside him: "Open the top cover, pay attention to his hands, and let us fire."

He looked at his ready subordinates, made a gesture, and several policemen rushed into the elevator.

A policeman put a ladder in the middle and climbed up, while several others pointed their guns at the roof and took cover.

The policeman on the ladder held a gun in one hand, and carefully held the pull bolt of the movable cover on the top of the elevator with the other hand, and then pulled it suddenly.

The cover was opened, and the upper half of a corpse dropped from the top of the elevator, hanging in mid-air.


More than half of the skin on this person's head had been peeled off at some point, and he couldn't die anymore!

At night, in a highway tunnel, the ambulance sounded its siren and sped along the road.

Inside the car, the wounded with blood all over his face was lying on a stretcher with an oxygen tube in his nose.

Beside him, a policeman is in contact with the headquarters: "...we are transporting the wounded, Hannibal escaped with a gun, and the search is underway, and he has not been caught yet..."

At this time, the wounded on the stretcher suddenly reached out and lifted the gauze wrapped around his face.

The police didn't notice the movement behind him, and they were still reporting: "The casualty's main function is normal, blood pressure 130/90, pulse 84..."

Huh?Having said that, the policeman in charge of transporting the wounded frowned.

Feeling something is wrong, logically speaking, it shouldn't be, this is almost the same as a person's normal state?
The seriously injured person suddenly sat up!
A piece of skin was torn off from the face, and it turned out that the man covered under the bloody skin was actually Hannibal played by Cheng Feng!

He then took off the hair on his head and stood up from behind the policeman who was reporting, with a ferocious face and scarlet eyes!
It's like a giant python, looking at a prey, its eyes are full of bloodlust, vowing to swallow this person...

(End of this chapter)

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