The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 291 Please see the correct answer

Chapter 291 Please see the correct answer
Hannibal, played by Cheng Feng, can make people pale with shock at a glance.

Besides, Cheng Feng's performance was so unexpected, with sly winks and a playful tone of voice.

Constantly humiliating and playing with a senator who is a mother, those who watched this performance felt inexplicably afraid.

Anyone who sees Hannibal played by Cheng Feng for the first time will subconsciously pray. He, Cheng Feng, and Hannibal, this blurred figure, is fortunately bound on a stretcher.

Fortunately, this is the case, thank God, he was not allowed to escape and wander in the world, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

At first glance, Hannibal is a shocking character, but Cheng Feng clearly knows the nature revealed by Hannibal in the process of acting: pretentious, yet reckless.

Needless to say, on the one hand he considered himself superior and wanted the world to know his refined taste for fine wine and expensive leather shoes.

On the other hand, he is like a mean and rough beast, bursting out with his animal nature.

When he met Clarice for the first time, he first speculated about Clarice's growth story, talking about those "long, tedious and embarrassing experiences in the back seat of the car", and then asked Clough if he "wanted to to have sex with you."

He couldn't help being fascinated by the imagination of Clarice being bullied by his uncle, and he squinted at her maliciously. In fact, in the final analysis, Hannibal was spying on people's hearts.

Especially this one that focuses on women as the first point of view.

More is actually the topic of women's self-awareness triggered from Hannibal's lines.

In this movie, Hannibal, as far as his role is concerned, he plays the role of God, according to the real face of people's hearts, he sends down his unique gifts or punishments!
Apparently the senator didn't pass.

Meeting with Clarice, Hannibal's words can be said to be even more filthy.

However, Clarice faced it firmly, she did not reject her identity as a woman, she was confident, patient and strong, which is why Hannibal was willing to continue communicating with her, and even secretly guided her.

Throughout the film, there are actually a lot of gender conflict designs between women and men.

It can be seen from Clarice's workplace experience that she is in a world dominated by FBI men.

She is so weak that she seems so out of place, and she has to face a lot of verbal offenses from the opposite sex.

But she has always faced up to her identity as a woman, which has formed a very sharp contrast with Buffalo Bill's self-loathing from the beginning.

And the senator's performance throughout the whole process, when Hannibal brought up some sensitive topics about women, she subconsciously gave up her identity as a mother.

Her performance seemed to be that she chose to walk away with dignity, but in fact, she chose to escape several times in succession amid Hannibal's sudden teasing.

Because of those topics, it was embarrassing, scary, and repelling for her to be a woman.

In other words, although she is in a high position, she walks in a male-dominated political environment. Because of the differences brought about by her gender, she herself has a subconscious and subconscious understanding of her body as a woman. disgusted.

Because of this identity and gender, she feels weak, and even envious of the strong opposite sex.

How nice it would be if I were a man!
This sentence, I am afraid that in real life, I do not know how many women have said it.

That's why Hannibal mentioned some sensitive parts, she repelled and disgusted, and then subconsciously chose to avoid them.

She can't face up to her body as a woman from the bottom of her heart. Under various manifestations, the Senator and Buffalo Bill are actually the same kind of person.

A person who truly identifies with their own gender may show anger, but will face the offense of others, especially about their status as a female mother, or their sensitive body parts, and they may open up and yell!

But never, turn around and avoid it!To describe it more appropriately, escape!

What does Buffalo Bill skin for?It is nothing more than clothing made of female skin to cover up his masculine features.

The senator avoids the topic of her body, why, nothing more than not wanting to be mentioned her femininity.

Comparing the hatchback, they have a common behavioral characteristic, occlusion!

Obscure the characteristics of their respective genders.

Among the three major psychological plots, the first one is the psychological plot of changing to the opposite sex. If Buffalo Bill is completely outburst, then the senator belongs to the kind hidden in his heart.

One is because of the strength shown by his stepmother's abuse. As a weak man, his psychological plot has exploded and changed over time since he was a child.

One is because as a politician, wandering in a patriarchal society, facing a strong patriarchal society, self-gender denial gradually emerged, deeply buried in my heart.

The performance of the two is different, but the essence is exactly the same.

A person who doesn't even dare to be sure of herself, who even rejects her identity as a woman, her motherhood naturally cannot be recognized by Hannibal.

So Hannibal chose to lower his punishment and let her daughter die together with her identity as a mother!
To some extent, Hannibal actually made this decision according to her true face and following her subconscious self-identification.

Cheng Feng believes that in The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal plays God throughout the film, looking down on everyone from the perspective of God.

This can be seen from a passage Hannibal said.

"God must also like the feeling of killing people. He does it all the time. Aren't we just doing it after God himself?"

In Cheng Feng's cognition, Hannibal used this attitude of God's perspective to lead and guide those he wanted to help or not to help.

His appearance is more to guide the heroine, especially the transformation of self-cognition as a woman.

But the premise is to face up to yourself first!
Regarding the metaphor of metamorphosis, Bill's "butterfly" is a very vivid example.

In fact, if you read The Silence of the Lambs carefully, you will find that this is a female-themed movie, but it involves elements of psychological analysis, suspense, and horror.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, it is a process of exploring how women, the gender self, transform.

I still remember that when the first scene was turned on, Clarice, played by Jennifer, was exercising in the dense forest.

When resting under a tree, are the five wooden boards with red English words written on it one after the other?





When meeting for the first time, Cheng Feng's Hannibal used words to provoke Clarice's childhood psychological injury.

The second meeting made her linger in the memories of the past and the struggle in real work.

The third time they met, it was Hannibal who made Clarice face her own pain.

For the fourth time, Hannibal wanted Clarice to stop suffering and love life.

That is Cheng Feng's next role, the last meeting between Hannibal and Clarice in the whole film.

And why this movie is called "The Silence of the Lambs" will also be answered in the fourth meeting.

As for pride!That's the end of the movie!

Of course, some people will ask why Hannibal chose to continue to help Clarice and abandon Catherine's senator mother when they met for the first time.

Self-knowledge and self-affirmation are the most important prerequisites.

The reason why Hannibal is willing to guide Clarice, in fact, already had the answer when the two first met.

(End of this chapter)

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