The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 265 I want to try to change

Chapter 265 I want to try to change
"Oh! Thank you, child!" Phillips took the gift and looked at the young Asian in front of him with admiration in his heart.

Apart from the fact that Cheng Feng specially prepared a tie for him in advance, the more important reason is that Cheng Feng's state at this time has completely lost the iron-blooded atmosphere of Zhang Xiaojing after coming to the United States.

He became very easy-going, exuding a refined oriental temperament all over his body. Needless to say, Cheng Feng was hanging out again.

Looking at Cheng Feng's politeness, there is an oriental ancient charm that is ready to come out from the inside out.

Phillips, a 70-year-old man, feels that Cheng Feng is as friendly as his scholar colleague when he was in college.

At the invitation of Phillips, Cheng Feng sat down on a chair, and Phillips even poured a cup of coffee for Cheng Feng himself.

"You are Cheng Feng."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then said: "Yes, thank you sir for accepting my visit, I am really honored."

"Son, don't talk about anything else, that old guy Jonathan called and said that he had a kid who wanted to visit me, and mentioned your personal information by the way.

After I watched some of your works in Huaguo, I have to admit that you are a very good performing artist. "

"I don't dare to be an artist. I don't deserve to talk about the name of an artist. I came here this time to learn about the system and laws of the American film industry in all aspects.

I wonder if it can inspire me, so that I can apply it when I return to China in the future. "

Phillips took a few sips of coffee, and then said: "Actually, I have participated in the reform of the American film system law.

And I have also conducted in-depth research on the rules of various aspects of the film and television industry in other countries.

The reason why the United States now has a relatively complete system and laws is not achieved overnight. "

Cheng Feng nodded, then smiled and said: "I would like to hear more about it."

"As far as I know, your film system is a censorship mechanism, am I right?"

"Yes." Cheng Feng nodded, and continued: "As you said, sir, this film system has been going on for decades."

Phillips said: "Actually, the film industry in the United States also had a censorship system for a period of time, and the benefits of this system are also obvious. It can achieve the greatest degree of supervision on film content and reduce unnecessary troubles.

But its shortcomings are also obvious, because of the censorship system, some people often decide the aesthetics of many people, and the consequences of doing so will be very subjective.

If in the early stage of the development of the film industry, the number of films released is limited, this system will promote the development of the industry.

However, once the production of movies increases and the types of movies diversify, it will hinder the development of the industry.

Moreover, the faster the industry develops, the more conflicts of interest there will be. Therefore, after experiencing the initial development, Hollywood in the United States abandoned this system and adopted a hierarchical system. "

Cheng Feng nodded: "Indeed, as you said, sir, the censorship system alone must be changed in this era of rapid development, especially in the era of continuous improvement of the entertainment industry."

Phillips continued: "What I mean by this is not to say that there is no censorship system in the United States. Although the main body of American movies is a rating system, any movie still needs to be supervised, that is, the bottom line. The normal development of the industry can be achieved to a large extent if people play at will.”

Cheng Feng nodded, and then Cheng Feng asked curiously: "In your opinion, sir, where should we start with regard to the personal protection of employees."

"The law, the guild, and the social credit system, start from these three aspects."

"I have also learned about the two aspects of the law and the guild in the past few days from other people in the United States, but how should this social credit system be explained?"

"You can understand it as a blacklist. For example, if a company makes a movie, it doesn't abide by the rules and infringes the interests of some individuals.

Then he will receive complaints from others, and the guild will sue the court. In order to ensure the enthusiasm of the guild, once this kind of thing happens, the company will pay a large amount of compensation and fines. out of interest.

The rest is the guild's activity money, which is put into the guild's pocket, which is why American guilds are keen to file lawsuits. "

Cheng Feng nodded, and then asked in doubt: "Indeed, but what I'm curious about is, what if this company asks other companies not to hire or even retaliate against this person through its own means?"

"This involves the social credit system. You can see many homeless people in the United States. A large part of them is not the result of his personal bankruptcy, but the result of his personal credit bankruptcy."

Then Phillips said: "If a company really does this, the individual will apply for legal protection, and the association will ask the court to include the company in the dishonest list, and the consequences of doing so will often involve the entire company, especially Main high-level personal credit system.

In the US personal credit system, it involves various aspects, such as bank loans, renting houses, employment, and business cooperation.

So no one is willing to do this, after all, it might make their life difficult..."



After several hours of chatting, saying goodbye to Felix, Cheng Feng walked alone on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, feeling somewhat melancholy.

Looking at the sky, he sighed, "It's hard!"

The more Cheng Feng understands, the more he feels that there is a long way to go. Let alone other things, it seems that there is still a long way to go before the ecological environment of film and television practitioners can reach the level of the United States.

If you want an industry to develop well, it's not just a field's own business, it involves all aspects of a country as a whole.

Suddenly I felt a little weak, like a mayfly shaking a tree.

But Cheng Feng didn't want to stop there, he didn't care what happened to other people, but he wanted to try it out where Lotte Media was within reach.

First of all, a professional and professional actor guild organization is imperative, and this is just one of them. We will classify other professions in the film and television industry together later.

Cheng Feng planned to wait until the filming of this movie was finished, and then go back to China to establish an actors' guild, not for anything else, but to provide protection for newcomers who have just entered the industry, and keep them away from the leftover garbage.

He will not invite some old fritters to join, only newcomers, everything is new, with the purpose of a new start, and completely isolates these people who are still full of naivety in this industry from the bastard legacy left behind, so that It is no longer contagious from generation to generation.

This is his first move, and he is busy with the subsequent development.

There are too many things involved in all this, and he alone is definitely not enough. He may need to discuss it with Wang Ze, and maybe he needs the help of the person behind Lotte Media.

But he didn't know what would happen in the end, maybe he would be killed before he did it, or he would die in the middle of it, but Cheng Feng planned to give it a try, not for anything else, because he loved acting.

And because he loves acting, he doesn't want this beautiful profession to continue to be trampled and polluted wantonly.

Occupation is always pure, and it is human beings who stain it, and these people who are doing wrong are also pure at first, but unfortunately the place where they entered from the beginning is the big dye vat left over from the previous generation.

Cheng Feng intends to use his whole life to break this vicious circle!
(End of this chapter)

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