Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 853 Thunder Means!

Chapter 853 Thunder Means!

But in fact, Li Anlan felt bitter!

The handle of the 'mysterious man' was in Kanto's hands, and he could neither fight nor delay.

For Li Anlan, if all the guards were dispatched to deal with Kanto, he believed that it might not be impossible to kill these people in Kanto!
But if that's the case...
It's really broken, everything is over!

Li Anlan thought about resisting, at least, he didn't want to be so passive, but when he looked back, he realized that his eldest and second child hadn't come back yet. Li Anlan had no choice but to act fiercely in front of him. In addition, he had a way out, even if the city could not be defended, he was confident that he could leave by helicopter!

However, that's the last step!
If he really wants to leave, it means giving up the city they run, giving up the 'food' kept by his boss...

"Let us listen to him?"

Suddenly, a high-level Hero City executive with an ugly face said angrily: "I don't accept it!"

"What contribution does this Guandong have, why does he..." Just when the high-level shouted, wishing to fight with Guandong, in the face of Li Anlan and others' ugly faces, Guandong Youyou raised his gun, without saying a word, There was a 'bang' sound, and the bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun in an instant after the trigger was pulled, and in one click, a large piece of blood foam wrapped in brains shot out from the back of the head of this high-level man!

The entire headquarters was so cold that everyone was shocked to find it difficult to breathe!

"Why?" A ruthless look flashed across Guan Dong's somewhat sluggish face: "Just because I can let you, you, you, let you die!"

After pointing guns at those high-level Hero City officials with strange faces in Kanto, almost everyone was terrified and trembling!

Li Anlan's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect that Kanto would have such ruthless methods!
If you say kill, kill?
But Kanto himself knew that he didn't have time to waste time with these guys!
He never hesitated to use iron and blood methods at critical moments!

"I once led the survivors who had not even reached the first level of physical fitness to break out from the iron bridge filled with thousands of zombies."

"I was surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, leading hundreds of people to kill a road of life and death paved with blood!"


"But these deeds are worthless in my Kanto eyes!"

3 full minutes!
Among the self-reports that suddenly sounded from Kanto, every single word made everyone present terrified!

They have heard of the strength and fierceness of the Kanto, but they have never fully known the deeds of the Kanto.

In this end of the world when news is blocked, whether a person is strong or not is largely reflected in the state of his real-time table. For example, Kanto's current sluggish appearance really makes these people present confident, but it is Kanto's calm words. The calm words, while resounding in the hearts of everyone, actually caused a flash of shock and admiration in the eyes of those who were dissatisfied!

In the end, when everyone shut up silently and even began to breathe quickly, Kanto said indifferently: "Not long ago, in Haishan City surrounded by hundreds of thousands of zombies, I brought them back to life. Many survivors came to you after leaving Haishan City, you should also know the dangers contained in that horrible corpse wave!"

Just after the words of Kanto fell, among the guards who still surrounded them, there was a deep admiration on the faces of the two guards who had just joined, because these two were lucky enough to survive in Haishan City The strong ones, they were fortunate enough to leave the crisis-ridden Haishan City before the mass riot of corpses, and they even learned of the existence of Kanto from the escaped survivors. , Courage, naturally beyond doubt!

"Tell me..."

Finally, even Li Anlan turned ugly and said, "What do you need us to do?!"

Somehow, in Guandong's staring eyes, Li Anlan actually saw some hope?This hope has nothing to do with the deeds Kanto said, but Li Anlan found that no matter what the situation is, Kanto in front of him can always remain calm and calm, especially on his confident face. Everyone is calm and calm for it!
If you can survive...

If the City of Heroes can be preserved...

Or... Li Anlan doesn't mind cooperating with Kanto to keep the 'food' of these masters!
"We don't have much time, so I would like to say a few points. First, the headquarters must be transferred. In addition, for this battle, everyone in the city must follow my command, including you!" Guan Dong took a deep look at Li Anlan, and opened his mouth , pointing to Li Anlan and the high-level officials of Hero City beside him who had already been stunned by the Kanto deeds.


Li Anlan took a deep breath and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"We... just listen to you!"

"If you can really bring us to survive, you can command it..."


For a while, although these high-level people who were very familiar with Hero City were still a little bit reluctant, they had to agree.

Even the third leader has this attitude, what else can they do?

"Okay." Guan Dong took a deep look at everyone, and the first order he gave made everyone panic!

"All guards withdraw from the city walls immediately, and gather all survivors to obey orders outside the headquarters!"

After Guan Dong's words fell, not to mention Li Anlan and others' scalps, even Gu Tao looked at the boss in astonishment, but Gu Tao knew that since Guan Dong said so, he naturally had his reasons, but Li Anlan and others Everyone around immediately panicked, and a high-ranking hero city who had said that he had taken orders from Kanto said with a livid face, "You...you think we don't die fast enough, do you?!"

"Why is there such an order?"

"Damn it, has this guy ever defended the city?"


At this moment, almost all the high-level officials of Hero City peeped at each other and muttered one after another.


Didn't the zombies drive straight in?

At the beginning, even Li Anlan thought that Kanto would redeploy the defense personnel, and even ordered all the survivors in the city to go to the city wall to help, but now it seems that he was wrong, and the confidantes and high-level people around him were also wrong. For a while, Li Anlan, who couldn't help but ooze cold sweat, hesitated to speak, because he was horrified to find that the gun in Guandong's hand was raised again!
"You...what are you doing?!"

A confidant next to Li Anlan had an itchy scalp and couldn't help shivering.


The only thing that responded to him was the scene where Guandong slammed the trigger, sprayed out from the muzzle of the black hole, and directly blasted the head of the high-level Hero City who had questioned him earlier. At this moment, that Li Anlan's confidant immediately frightened Silent, until Guan Dong coldly turned his gaze away, glared at Li Anlan's confidant and said, "You also have an opinion?"

This confidant of Li Anlan was scared to death!

"No...no!" This guy waved his hands wildly, for fear that he would be shot in the head by Kanto if he spoke too slowly!
But at this time, almost everyone had two words about Kanto in their minds!

So barbaric!

The Hero City system was originally democratic, but now that Kanto has changed everything!

(End of this chapter)

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